Gu Yunjiao just smiled and hurriedly went to work with the toilet water.

After returning to the house in the evening, after dinner, the servant of the grandfather came over and said, "The grandfather said that he has something important to discuss with the eldest grandma."

Jiang Youzhi got up, "I'll accompany you there."

The two sat down when they arrived in Jiang Zhongxing's study. Jiang Zhongxing said straight to the point, "The Ministry of War intends to purchase Yunjiao's Baiyao and Dieda Oil in bulk. Let me give you a word first."

When Gu Yunjiao heard this, she said with some embarrassment: "I'm afraid it will be troublesome. I can't do it by myself by purchasing in bulk."

"If I build a workshop, I'm worried about leaking secrets. Baiyao's recipe must be kept secret no matter what."

Jiang Zhongxing pondered for a moment, and said to Gu Yunjiao seriously: "Our Great Chu can be said to be living under the blade of Jin State, in fact, the one million taels per year in this treaty is not only to redeem the sixteen states of Youyun, but It also contains the clause that the Great Jin shall not use force against the Great Chu."

"This medicine of yours has a miraculous effect in stopping bleeding and can greatly reduce the casualties of soldiers. It is really needed in the military."

"Before, I couldn't talk about this matter, otherwise people thought I was trying to make money for my daughter-in-law. Now, I can only ask you to seriously consider this matter for the sake of our great Chu."

Gu Yunjiao nodded slowly, "Father, let me think about this matter, I have to think of a safer way."

Jiang Zhongxing nodded, "Okay, you don't have to worry too much, there will be no war with General Wu in the southern border, and the Jin Kingdom has just received one million taels of silver in the northern border. of."

Gu Yunjiao and Jiang Youzhi went back to the house. While thinking hard, Gu Yunjiao took a piece of paper to write and draw.

Seeing her worried look, Jiang Youzhi reminded: "Pharmaceuticals have many processes, you try to subdivide the processes as much as possible, and the one who is responsible for one process does not let him touch the second process. Besides, don't use ordinary workers in the workshop. , buy some adult men, and hold their deeds in their hands, so that you can rest assured."

Gu Yunjiao sighed, "That's the only way to do it. However, the most crucial seasonings have to be added by yourself before you can rest assured."

Jiang Youzhi sat her on his lap, "If you trust me, give me the last few seasonings to add, your Yunzhifang and Renxintang are already busy enough."

Gu Yunjiao smiled and kissed him, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

"I'll draw a picture first. To get a workshop, I need to make some tools first."

"By the way, the master who made me a lotus ring last time was very good. He can understand what I told him, and he can make it, so just find him!"

Jiang Youzhi nodded, "You just draw pictures, and leave the rest to me."

"If I can't draw a picture, I can find that Master Xiang, and we can discuss it together."

Gu Yunjiao put her arms around his neck and obeyed obediently, "Okay."

Jiang Youzhi liked her cute appearance the most, and also liked her soft voice. Looking at Gu Yunjiao, his heart was about to melt, and he couldn't help but kiss her fiercely.

He often feels that he now seems to be living in a beautiful dream, that kind of unbelievable happiness.

He was even a little worried, afraid that being too happy would cause God's jealousy and take away their happiness.

In the evening of the second day, Gu Yunjiao and Jiang Youzhi accompanied the father-in-law and Mrs. Wu for dinner.

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