Since the two got married, every three days, they have to accompany the father-in-law and his wife to have dinner.

Then the next day, I have to accompany Chen and Liulang Sanya for dinner. Sometimes Jiang Youzhi also goes to Renxintang at noon to have dinner with his wife, father-in-law and brother-in-law.

The two of them didn't have much time to eat alone.

Most of the dishes on the table were the dishes from Xiangcheng that Jiang Youzhi and Gu Yunjiao liked to eat. The family was eating when Lin Qiao, Madam Wu's eldest girl, came in and said, "Madam, there is an urgent letter."

Gu Yunjiao saw that a circle was drawn on the corner of the envelope, with the word "urgent" written in it.

Mrs. Wu put down her chopsticks, took the letter and opened it.

She hurriedly read the letter again, and a layer of anger gradually appeared on her face.

Then he rubbed the letter fiercely, just as he was about to say something, he suddenly fell to the side with his forehead.

Jiang Zhongxing, who was sitting next to him, was startled and quickly supported her, "What's wrong, what happened?"

Mrs. Wu's situation made him have some bad guesses.

The letter to his wife is nothing more than her parents' home in Nanjiang, so it might be her father-in-law or something...

Before Jiang Zhongxing could think too much, Mrs. Wu threw the crumpled letter in her hand to him, "See for yourself!"

Jiang Zhongxing unfolded the crumpled letter paper, and his face was full of anger after reading it.

Mrs. Wu's head was still dizzy, leaning on Jiang Zhongxing's shoulder, motioning Lin Qiao to show the letter to Jiang Youzhi.

Then he pinched Jiang Zhongxing's arm hard. "Tell me, who is so cruel to kill your father and son."

Jiang Zhongxing's face was ferocious, "It won't be someone else, it must be Jiang Han's evil son!"

"Last time I told him that he should not care about the position of the heir, even if he didn't have him, I would also inherit a heir in the clan."

"Thinking about it, he just listened to this sentence and decided to kill me and Yuzhi's father and son together! Only in this way can he inherit the title."

"It's just stupid and poisonous."

"He doesn't have any literacy and martial arts himself, so what can he do if he gives him the seat of the grandfather of the country?"

"What if I don't have real power in my hands, what if I have a title? I just get some Lumi every year. At that time, who will look down on him in the capital?"

Jiang Zhongxing couldn't help but scolded: "It's really as stupid as a pig, and I don't even know it."

It turned out that this letter was sent by Mrs. Wu's senior brother. The letter said that now someone is talking on the rivers and lakes and paying 50,000 taels of silver to buy the lives of the grandfather of the country and the grandfather of the world.

It's just that last time, the top killer in the Jianghu area, Lingnan Shuangsha, was planted in the hands of the father-in-law and the husband and wife. Although 50,000 taels of silver are exciting, these Jianghu killers are also afraid that they will have their lives to take the money and spend their lives.

Besides, Grandpa Guo is a member of the court after all. If it is not a last resort, people on the rivers and lakes dare not attack the officials of the court, and they will be endlessly wanted.

So for the time being, I haven't heard of anyone taking this vote.

Or maybe someone took this bonus, but the rivers and lakes don't know it yet.

Mrs. Wu's senior brother was still teasing in the letter. If he hadn't been able to beat his junior sister, he would have been tempted.

Jiang Zhongxing became angrier the more he thought about it, and scolded: "Mother, last time Youzhi's life was worth 50,000 taels. Now our father and son are still 50,000 taels. Is my father's life worthless?"

Gu Yunjiao lowered her head and smiled.

Jiang Youzhi simply laughed.

Madam Wu gasped slightly, "No, I'm dizzy with anger."

Jiang Zhongxing patted her on the shoulder lightly, "I'm not angry anymore, I will naturally go and clean up that bad boy after I have eaten."

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