Gu Yunjiao stared at Madam Wu, always feeling that Madam Wu was a little dizzy, "I'll take my mother's pulse to see."

She got up and sat over, carefully taking the pulse of Mrs. Wu.

Her brows were raised quickly, and the corners of her mouth were slowly raised.

After a while, Gu Yunjiao let go of her hand, and Jiang Zhongxing asked nervously, "Is your mother's body in the way?"

Gu Yunjiao laughed, "Congratulations to my father and mother, my mother is happy. The dizziness is because of the excitement just now, and it is also the reaction after the happy."

"What!" Jiang Zhongxing blushed with excitement. He didn't care that his son and daughter-in-law were still there, and hugged Mrs. Wu tightly, "Yaoyao, we have a child, we really have a child!"

"It's a girl, it must be a girl, I've been waiting for a girl for a long time!"


Jiang Youzhi coughed lightly, signaling his parents to pay attention.

Mrs. Wu was also overjoyed. Hearing her son's hint, she pushed Jiang Zhongxing away and said angrily, "My son and daughter-in-law are still here."

Jiang Zhongxing laughed, and just said "you—", Mrs. Wu glared at him again, "Don't interrupt, what are you going to do with Jiang Han?"

The smile on Jiang Zhongxing's face disappeared, and after thinking for a long time, he said with difficulty, "I will break his legs, and I will not let him out of the house in the future, and all the servants around him will be replaced."

Mrs. Wu knew that Jiang Zhongxing could not kill her own son, so it was a good deal.

Just as she was about to speak, she felt her head dizzy again, and quickly put a hand on her forehead.

Jiang Zhongxing was worried and asked Gu Yunjiao, "Your mother's health has always been very good. I remember when she was pregnant with her, she was like nothing. How can there be such a big reaction now."

Gu Yunjiao was a little amused, "Father and mother are in their 40s, and all aspects of the body can't compare to before."

"Pregnant women of advanced age will definitely have to struggle."

Jiang Zhongxing felt distressed when he heard it, "Then what should I do, let her faint like this?"

Gu Yunjiao thought for a while, "It's best not to take medicine, many medicines will affect the fetus, and more rest will relieve it."

Jiang Zhongxing glanced down at Mrs. Wu, "How about you lie down on the imperial concubine's couch and I feed you?"

Jiang Youzhi pulled Gu Yunjiao up and said, "I went back to the room with Yunjiao for dinner."

Madam Wu hurriedly said: "No, I've eaten half of it!"

She thumped Jiang Zhongxing, "You are so famous, my son finally came to accompany us to have a meal, you calm down."

Jiang Zhongxing was a little aggrieved but didn't dare to feel wronged, so he smiled and said, "Yes, what Madam said is right."

Jiang Youzhi was helpless, and he and Gu Yunjiao hurriedly ate and left.

Jiang Zhongxing helped Mrs. Wu back to the room and told the girls to take good care of her, and then said: "You rest first, I will come when I go."

Mrs. Wu knew she was going to Jiang Han's yard, so she nodded and said nothing.

Jiang Zhongxing strode out.

After a while, he was outside Jiang Han's yard. The door of the yard was closed. The little girl who was watching the door saw that the grandfather of the country was coming, and hurried in to report.

Jiang Han was flirting with the maid on the bed, when she heard the little girl saying that the grandfather of the country was coming, she quickly got up from the bed, and the maid also got up in a hurry to fix Jiang Han's hair.

Jiang Zhongxing came in quickly, Jiang Han's clothes were still loose, and his hair was a little messy.

Jiang Zhongxing glanced at him and instructed the guards who followed him, "Put him on the ground and lay him flat!"

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