Jiang Han shuddered, "Father, what are you doing?"

Jiang Zhongxing looked at him coldly with his emotionless eyes, and said slowly, "Break your leg."

A chill climbed up Jiang Han's tailbone.

He was shaking all over, roaring as he shook, "What did I do wrong? Why did you—"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Zhongxing slapped him on the ground.

Jiang Zhongxing looked at Jiang Han, who was lying on the ground like a dog, and said coldly, "It's not as good as a pig and a dog, but he even tried to kill his father and brother!"

Jiang Han, who was lying on the ground, was scared to pee when he heard this.

It was really scary to pee, the carpet on the ground was wet, and the room was instantly filled with the smell of urine.

Jiang Zhongxing smelled the smell of urine, and suddenly felt that breaking his leg was not a good idea.

Such a stupid, poisonous and unseemly thing turned out to be his son, Jiang Zhongxing, what a shame!

Do you want to kill it?

At this moment, Jiang Zhongxing thought of the child in Mrs. Wu's belly. Now it is not appropriate to commit murder, and he must accumulate blessings for the child.

Especially the murder is ominous.

Several guards dragged Jiang Han aside, and seriously flattened him on the ground.

Jiang Zhongxing walked over slowly and stepped on Jiang Han's kneecap.

There was only a crisp sound, and at the same time, Jiang Han's screaming like killing a pig rang out in the room.

Jiang Zhongxing did not hesitate, and then stepped on.

Jiang Han's cry became even more terrifying.

Ling Wei in the yard next door heard it. She sounded like Jiang Han's voice and instructed the maid, "Come and see what happened?"

After Jiang Zhongxing cleaned up Jiang Han, he instructed the guards, "Go and ask Butler Lin to come over, and also, ask a doctor for him."

He felt that Jiang Han was not worthy of being diagnosed and treated by Gu Yunjiao himself.

Besides, Gu Yunjiao's medical skills are very good. Although he smashed Jiang Han's kneecap, what if he was cured by Gu Yunjiao? Isn't that a waste of time?

The guards took orders.

Jiang Zhongxing then instructed A Yun, "Go and interrogate all the servants of the Second Young Master, kill all those who participated in this matter, and sell the rest to me as coolies!"

Ayun responded and went to arrest people.

Inside and outside the house, the girls knelt on the ground.

Ling Wei's maid came over and saw the people kneeling in the yard, leaned over and whispered, "What happened in the room? It sounds like the second son's voice."

The girl whispered: "The grandfather of the country just came over."

As for what happened in the house, she really didn't know.

The maid didn't dare to make trouble, and slipped back to report to Ling Wei.

Ling Wei heard that the grandfather of the country was there, and quickly guessed that the grandfather of the country was teaching her son, she sneered, "Deserving it!"

Since that day, she caught Jiang Han and the maid making trouble on her dowry's big bed, she never let Jiang Han touch her again, and the two of them split up the yard and don't live together. They may not be able to look at each other.

Butler Lin quickly trotted into Jiang Han's yard.

Jiang Zhongxing indifferently instructed: "Sell all the maids in the second son's house and serve them in another batch."

"Also, anyone in the manor who is implicated in the Su family will also sell it."

"Furthermore, according to my words, the Second Young Master will not be allowed to leave the mansion one step from now on. Even the servants in his yard are not allowed to leave the mansion!"

Butler Lin responded with a loud headache. The servants in the house are all radishes and pits. Where do I go to find someone to serve Jiang Han?

After thinking about it, I decided to transfer the servants from the guest house.

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