After the eldest princess was buried, Gu Yunjiao and Mrs. Wu got into the carriage to look back home.

Halfway through the road, the carriage was stopped by several Jin soldiers on horseback. One of the Jin soldiers said condescendingly, "The carriage has been requisitioned, and the people inside get off!"

There are too many possessions in Dingjing, and these things have to be taken to Chenghuining in Jin State, and now there are not enough carriages and horses.

Madam Wu glared angrily in the car, but after thinking about it, she still held her breath and pulled Gu Yunjiao out of the car.

Both of them were wearing common clothes, Gu Yunjiao lowered her head and wrapped her hair with a cloth.

Immediately Jin Jun glanced at it and waved his hand, "The woman stays."

Wanyanzhang did not issue an order to burn, kill and loot, but he did not prohibit burning, killing and looting either.

Most of the 200,000 Jin troops are young and middle-aged men. They have been holding back for a few months. These few days, it is difficult for any beautiful woman on the street to escape their poisonous hands.

Mrs. Wu held Gu Yunjiao's hand tightly, Gu Yunjiao knew that Mrs. Wu was going to have a seizure.

There are still quite a few Jin troops coming and going on the street. If they start, the Jin troops around will definitely come to support.

Then they can't run away.

She squeezed Mrs. Wu's hand and whispered, "Mother, lead them to the alley."

lest your hands be seen.

Mrs. Wu was just impulsive, not stupid. She quickly gave A Yun a wink, then took Gu Yunjiao's hand and ran towards a nearby alley.

The alley was very thin and long, and the two of them kept running inside.

The three Jin soldiers chased to the alley and found that it was not convenient for the horse to go in and walk, so they dismounted and chased after them.

Madam Wu ran slower and slower.

At the end, it was very deep into the alley, and he stopped as if he was exhausted.

Gu Yunjiao stood in front of Mrs. Wu, and also stood panting. She was really panting, and she looked back while panting.

A Jin army soldier who ran at the front, seeing Madam Wu standing there without moving, reached out and put his hand on Madam Wu's shoulder.

Madam Wu was waiting for him.

She grabbed his arm and dragged it forward, wrapping the arm around his neck, and with force, the soldier's neck was twisted.

Although the second one who followed didn't react when he saw it, he didn't stop and was still rushing forward.

Mrs. Wu hooked her toes, and the second person rushed forward and fell under Gu Yunjiao's feet.

Gu Yunjiao was already holding a dagger in her hand, and she stabbed the neck of the man on the ground without stopping.

The first time to kill someone, she had no experience. Gu Yunjiao didn't dodge, and warm blood splattered her face.

The third soldier found that the situation in front of him was wrong, so he turned around and ran away.

Seeing that Gu Yunjiao was holding the dagger, Mrs. Wu seemed to be still shaking. She quickly walked over, dragged her and continued to walk forward.

Gu Yunjiao came back to her senses, put away the dagger, and walked all the way, wiping the blood off her face along the way.

A few people walked around in a circle before returning to Gu's house.

When she got home, she said, "Report—"

Before she finished speaking, Gu Yunjiao waved her hand, "Don't talk like that in the future, just be casual."

Daya nodded, "I went back to the Guogong's mansion, and Lao Zhang, who was driving the car, told me that the Jin army sent a team of people into the mansion, gathered everyone together, and asked the master of the mansion where to go."

"They also mentioned Dr. Gu a few times."

Gu Yunjiao frowned, guessing that Wanyanzhang was still thinking about her Baiyao.

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