Daya continued: "They took everything that the manor could take away. Originally, they didn't care about the second young master, but the second young master said that he knew people from the Guogong's mansion and could help them find someone."

"Those soldiers asked the servant to carry the second young master away on his back."

Mrs. Wu sneered, "It seems that only breaking his two legs is really cheap for him."

Daya continued: "I heard from Lao Zhang that the rest of the servants in the house were taken away by the people of Jin, and the young master who was only eight months old was left alone. Fortunately, some rice was sprinkled in the grain depot. , Lao Zhang boiled some rice soup for the young master to drink yesterday, and I don't know if he can survive."

If no one picks up the big girl, no one has ever cared about the young master that Jiang Han's maid gave birth to.

Gu Yunjiao's expression suddenly changed, "No, we can't live here anymore."

"This house is my name. Wanyanzhang can find it right away as long as he flips through the official fish scale book."

Madam Wu got up, "Go, go now."

Gu Yunjiao frowned, "Wait, it's too eye-catching for so many of us to go out together, and we don't have a destination yet, are we running around like headless flies on the street?"

She thought for a while, "You guys go out to find a place, preferably an empty house not too far from here."

"Quick, the sooner the better."

Ayun Daya and the two guards nodded and went out separately.

Gu Yunjiao quickly asked everyone to put away all the clothes, luggage and food.

Huixiang and Caiping quickly sorted out their burdens, and Gu Yuheng and Gu Chuan also carried a burden alone.

A quarter of an hour later, Ayun came back first.

"I found a shop, and there are two houses in the back. The shop is a silk and satin shop, and everything inside has been emptied. I think the place is big enough, and there is a well, which can live in people."

Gu Yunjiao hesitated, "The shop faces the street, will it be too conspicuous."

Ayun said: "Not necessarily, the shop is open, but no one enters. I see that the Imperial Army on the street has already begun to search the residences of officials above the third rank."

"If you search the roster, you won't be able to escape."

"After the official's mansion is searched, it is estimated that it is the house of the common people. The shop has already been looted, but it is safe."

Gu Yunjiao felt that the words of the Olympics were very reasonable, and nodded, "When they come back, if there is no better place, let's go to this silk and satin shop."

After a while, Daya and the two guards also came back. The two guards could not find a suitable place, and Daya was looking for a shop.

Perhaps because the Jin army entered the inner city for a short period of time, the people had not yet massacred the people. Therefore, except for the royal family members who suffered, the people were still alive at the moment, and there were not many empty houses.

Gu Yunjiao asked about the place, and found that the satin shop was a little closer, she nodded, "It just happened that it was already dark, let's go to the satin shop and leave in batches."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Chuan hugged Gu Yunjiao's waist, "Sister, I won't divide into batches, I don't want to separate from you."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Okay, then Jiaojiao, you and your father Xiaochuan go to the front door, Daya and Lei Yingleixia will follow you."

"Me and Ruru, the nanny, the housekeeper Lin, and Lin Qiao and Ayun go to the back door."

"You two guards, Madam Tian and Uncle A Qiao Ya followed Sister Chen. After I leave, they will also leave through the back door."

Everyone nodded, Gu Yunjiao and her father, Gu Chuan, went to the front door first.

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