Everyone came out to stick to the shadows on the street, avoiding the Jin army roaming the street, and went around to the back door of the silk and satin shop.

Not long after, Mrs. Wu and the others also arrived. After waiting for a while, Mrs. Chen also came with her two children.

When all the staff arrived, Gu Yunjiao let out a long sigh of relief.

The door to the satin shop was left open, but the door to the backyard was closed.

Everyone quickly cleaned up a little bit, and then put on bed rolls to sleep.

Several guards take turns to keep vigil at night.

The next day, Ayun went out to inquire and came back, "Fortunately, we left in time. As expected, Jin troops went in and searched the house over there, and everything inside was turned over."

Chen Shi silently recited the Buddha.

Everyone hid in the satin shop for more than half a month.

Only a few guards and Da Ya took turns to go out to inquire about the news. Sometimes Gu Yunjiao sent Mrs. Tian to the street to see if she could get some green vegetables to eat.

Mrs. Tian went out a few times, but all came back empty-handed, "There are no more groceries on the street."

Fortunately, there are some pickles that I brought from Gu's family before, save some, and everyone can eat a little salt in their mouths every day.

Gu Yunjiao would occasionally take out some beef jerky from her carry-on baggage and distribute it to several guards and Da Ya. They had the hardest work every day. Not only did they have to inquire about news, but they also had to keep watch at night, so they had to eat some meat.

Sometimes I will give some to the wet nurse. Ruru also needs to eat milk, and the wet nurse also needs to eat some nutrition.

The rest, no one eats.

Even Rokuro, who has always been the most greedy, is sensible. When Gu Yunjiao gave beef jerky to the guards, he turned his head away and didn't look at it.

Gu Yunjiao was also ruthless and didn't give Liulang Xiaochuan and Sanya a piece of meat, mainly because she didn't know when this kind of life was going to pass, and she had to keep something to save her life.

That night, Daya came back from inquiring about the news: "I heard today that officials of the third rank and above in the capital, together with their families, were all taken away by the Jin army, and they were taken to Huining together with the royal family members."

Mrs. Wu frowned, "What about the Emperor Taishang and the Emperor?"

Daya said: "Let's go before them."

Mrs. Wu said bitterly, "Two idiots, they deserve it!" After saying this, she suddenly felt sad. At this point, what's the use of scolding them?

She thought for a while, "So, the Jin army is about to withdraw?"

He shook his head, "I overheard, I heard that the Jin army will keep some people stationed in the capital, and the rest will be withdrawn."

"By the way, they also plan to change Dingjing to Dingzhou."

Madam Wu couldn't help but said: "I can go to him! What the hell! Dingjing belongs to us, what did they change!"

Ruru in her arms was startled and looked up at Madam Wu in a puzzled way. She was babbling and saying something. Madam Wu patted her, "It's okay, you are playing with you, my mother is not scolding you."

Daya continued: "Now the Jin army has taken the fish scale book, searched for craftsmen around the city, and intends to bring them all to Jin."

"I heard that some people will be relocated, because Jin has a small population, and many fertile fields are uncultivated."

Gu Yunjiao said: "When the army leaves, the guards in the city should relax a little bit. Then we will find a way to get out of the city. Just as Youzhi is in Xiangcheng, we will go to Xiangcheng."

Mrs. Wu nodded, "Your father hasn't heard anything yet. Sigh, it's all my fault. At that time, I shouldn't have said anything about killing the Emperor Taishang. Zhongxing was worried about my recklessness, so he went by himself."

Gu Yunjiao said, "Father should be fine, and mother need not worry."

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