Gu Yunjiao didn't dare to move.

Ruru didn't know if it was because she witnessed Mrs. Wu's death when she was about a year old, which left a shadow in her heart.

She usually looks fine during the day, even more naughty than Qi'er and You'er, but she occasionally has nightmares at night.

When I was a child, the frequency of waking up from nightmares or crying was higher. Now that I am older, I haven't had nightmares for a long time.

After a long time, Gu Yunjiao put Ruru on the bed and climbed into the bed to sleep.

Gu Yunjiao woke up first in the morning.

Several children woke up, did not get up, and played on the bed.

You'er suddenly said to Gu Yunjiao, "Mother, did Daddy climb onto our bed last night?"

Gu Yunjiao's ears were slightly red, "No, that's your dream."

"Oh" You'er nodded, and rolled with Qi'er again.

Gu Yunjiao sat by the mirror brushing her hair, and slowly said to the children, "Qi'er is seven years old, Ruru is six years old, and You'er is five years old."

"You are all big children, you can't sleep with your mother anymore."

"Yesterday was the last time."

Qi'er nodded sensible, Ruru pouted, and You'er was thoughtful.

After combing her hair, Gu Yunjiao had breakfast with a few children, and then sent them to the front yard to study.

The family invited a master to enlighten them, and several children learned to read, write, and memorize the Three Character Classic.

As soon as the child was sent away, the maid came in and reported: "Young madam, Eunuch Yu is here in the palace, and let the madam take the order."

The maid found Gu Yunjiao's dress and put it on for her, and the phoenix crown was also put on, and Gu Yunjiao went to the front yard.

The incense case has been set up, and Gu Yunjiao lit a stick of incense and lit it respectfully.

Only then did Father-in-law open the imperial decree in his hand with a smile.

Gu Yunjiao knelt on the ground and listened to the eunuch read: "I hereby confer the title of Mrs. Gu as Huguo Madam..."

After the eunuch finished reading, Gu Yunjiao kowtowed and thanked her before slowly getting up from the ground.

Eunuch Yu smiled and handed the imperial edict to Gu Yunjiao, "Mrs. Huguo is overjoyed."

Gu Yunjiao laughed and chatted with her father-in-law for a few casual chats. Butler Wang quietly handed over a silver note, and father-in-law Yu said goodbye with a smile on his face.

Gu Yunjiao was still very happy with the imperial decree, and Madam Huguo was appointed as the first grade.

This is not the same as her original destiny.

It was with Jiang Youzhi, and this lady protecting the country earned it herself.

Although for the sage, giving Gu Yunjiao the title of Madam Protector is nothing, and it doesn't even need an extra salary, this is the sage's affirmation of her going to Yangzhou to treat patients this time.

The people around were smiling and each said, "Congratulations to Madam Huguo."

Gu Yunjiao smiled and returned to the courtyard with the imperial edict.

When Jiang Youzhi came home in the evening, he first bowed to Gu Yunjiao, then smiled, "Congratulations to Madam Huguo."

Gu Yunjiao beat him, "Are you laughing at me in your heart?"

Jiang Youzhi smiled and shook his head, "No."

"Women in this world get their orders either from their sons or from their husbands. Who can get the royal seal on the basis of their own merits?"

"There are not many in the past."

"I'm really happy for you."

He suddenly picked up Gu Yunjiao and turned around, so scared that Gu Yunjiao hugged his neck tightly, and then laughed.

Jiang Youzhi turned around for a while and put Gu Yunjiao down, "By the way, we can't laugh too loudly today."

Gu Yunjiao asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

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