The corners of Jiang Youzhi's lips curled up, "There is news from Huining that the emperor passed away some time ago."

He paused for a while and then said, "Not long after the emperor passed away, the Emperor Taishang also passed away."

Gu Yunjiao sighed after a long while, "They can really endure it, it's been six or seven years."

"Hehe, I heard that the Emperor Taishang and the Emperor have long been taken out of the dry well."

"The emperor of Jin State gave the Emperor Taishang and the emperor the title of Duke Hunde and Hou Chonghun, and the Emperor Taishang gave birth to several children in Jin State." Jiang Youzhi said, his face full of contempt.

Gu Yunjiao didn't know what to say, "Emperor Hunde, I'm waiting for you again, hehe, this is obviously an insult."

Jiang Youzhi smiled, "It's not an insult, it's a fact."

"The sage is now having a headache with the posthumous title of the Emperor Taishang. I pushed it to the Hanlin Academy and came back quickly."

He continued: "The emperor of Jin has also passed away."

"Now the eldest prince has succeeded to the throne."

Gu Yunjiao's thoughts drifted away, but it was only for a moment, she smiled and said, "I heard that the eldest prince is arrogant and lascivious, and he is also courageous and reckless, is that true?"

Jiang Youzhi nodded, "Almost."

"Up and down the Jin State, there is now an endless supply of money, especially those nobles who only know how to enjoy themselves, not to make progress."

"By the way, the playing cards and mahjong you made are very popular in Jin, from commoners to nobles. I heard that some nobles can lose tens of thousands of taels of gold in one night when they play gold flowers and bullfights. .

Gu Yunjiao laughed, "That's great."

Jiang Youzhi leaned over and wrapped his arms around her waist, "In the beginning, you did this on purpose, right?"

Gu Yunjiao nodded embarrassedly, "It's a random layout. I don't have much confidence in whether it will work or not."

Teach them to play some interesting games and let them indulge in entertainment, and those Jin people will not think about being angry.

Jiang Youzhi kissed Gu Yunjiao, "My lady is so smart."

Gu Yunjiao drew circles on Jiang Youzhi's chest, "When can we start war with Jin?"

Jiang Youzhi pondered for a while, "It should take about ten years."

"Once this war begins, there is no turning back."

"And the war can't be over in a short period of time, at least a year or two."

"Forage, horses, armor, and weapons must be fully prepared, and the army must be continuously expanded."

"Raising the army requires a lot of material and silver to support, and now Da Chu does not have this ability."

"Furthermore, the Jin Kingdom is a bit stronger than us just as a warhorse. Against them, our speed and combat power have no advantage, and we still need time."

Gu Yunjiao nodded, "Ten years is not too long."

Jiang Youzhi hugged her tightly, "Come on, we will wait for that day soon."

He suddenly said: "By the way, Dad sent a message from the military camp to me, saying that the children are all grown up, and then let them follow in the military camp."

Gu Yunjiao grabbed Jiang Youzhi's clothes and said, "How old is it, that is, Qi'er is seven years old, and You'er is a few months away from turning five years old!"

"Besides, they still have to read, so they can't be in the barracks all day."

Jiang Youzhi was in a good mood, "Don't worry, Dad is measured and won't train them too hard."

"If they need to read, let the Master follow him to the barracks."

Gu Yunjiao was speechless for a while.

She does not agree with pampering children, especially boys, they should be beaten and beaten, suffer setbacks, learn to take responsibility, and then develop a kind of masculinity.

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