The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 884: No matter who your wife is

However, the children are too young to roll around in the military camp, afraid of hurting their bones.

Gu Yunjiao expressed her concerns, "Also, Ruru is a girl, and she hangs out with those guys all day, so in the future—" I don't know what kind of character Ruru will develop!

Jiang Youzhi smiled and said, "I think it's pretty good, so let them go."

"You don't have to worry about Ruru getting married in the future. Dad and I, as long as there is one person in the court, Ruru will not worry about getting married in the future."

Gu Yunjiao didn't say anything. She didn't object, but she was a little worried.

The next day, Gu Yunjiao packed up the things for the children, and together with the master, packed them up and sent them to the military camp.

Gu Yunjiao suddenly found that the house was empty.

The children were gone, and she seemed to be an empty nester.

Thinking that I am only in my twenties, I can't just be trapped in this deep house compound for a lifetime.

After sending the children away, Jiang Youzhi hugged his daughter-in-law at night, and finally didn't have to worry about poking out a small head from where.

He was extremely comfortable, hugged Gu Yunjiao, and said softly, "I sent away all the maids who were on duty at night, and there were only the two of us in the yard."

"You can just shout louder for a while."

Gu Yunjiao slapped him fiercely, "Don't think about that, I want to tell you the business."

Jiang Youzhi put his arms around her, fumbling up and down with one hand dishonestly, "Tell me."

"I want to go to Renxintang to see a doctor from tomorrow."

In recent years, for the sake of these three children, she seldom went to Renxintang, unless there were incurable diseases that the doctor and her father could not see.

She is a doctor, and her family has been a doctor for generations. Treating diseases and saving people has been engraved in the Gu family's blood.

Her goal for the rest of her life, in addition to writing down what she wrote down, the medical books of that world, was to cure the disease.

Now that three medical books have been written silently, she plans to find a place to engrave them.

Jiang Youzhi was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, just do what you want to do."

Gu Yunjiao put her arms around his neck, "I'm showing my face, you're not afraid of someone gossiping behind my back?"

Jiang Youzhi snorted, "I see who dares."

"Whoever dares to say it, I will bring someone to the door to tear his mouth."

Gu Yun smiled hilariously, and Jiang Youzhi rolled over and pressed him, "Then I'll pick you up when I'm done every day."

Gu Yunjiao pressed the tip of her nose against his, and nodded lightly.

Jiang Youzhi stretched his hand into the clothes, and an ambiguous voice soon sounded in the room.


Gu Yunjiao only went to Renxintang for two days, and the word spread all over Xiangcheng.

Doctor Gu started to sit in the clinic again.

There are two bar tables in Renxintang, and there are two sitting doctors.

Gu Yunjiao's side is equivalent to an expert outpatient clinic, and the consultation fee is expensive.

The sitting doctor invited in the shop is two coins per time.

Ten times the price difference, there are still people lining up every day.

On this day, Gu Yunjiao was checking the pulse of an old lady. A girl wearing a maid's costume came in from outside. Regardless of whether Gu Yunjiao was seeing a doctor or not, she opened her mouth and said, "Doctor Gu, my wife invites you to visit the doctor."

Gu Yunjiao didn't lift her head, "If you don't want to see a doctor, make an appointment first."

The maid was stunned, "Do you know who my wife is?"

Gu Yunjiao was too lazy to pay attention to her, and Yang Ying, who was next to Gu Yunjiao's pulse record, said: "It doesn't matter who your wife is, just line up to make an appointment to see a doctor and come here to see a doctor."

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