The old lady sighed, "There is a movable brick on the wall where the pillow next to the bed is in my room. When I pull it out, there is a hole in it, and the silver is placed in it."

Everyone was happy when they heard it.

Only the youngest crouched in front of the old lady and cried.

At this time, someone suddenly said: "Let's carry mother back quickly, and prepare for what should be prepared."

Someone nodded, "Yeah, we still have to build a shed in the yard, and the longevity materials haven't been painted yet, that's all a matter."

Ah Tie was eating not far away with a bowl of rice, he came over and said, "Wait a minute, you haven't paid the doctor's fee yet, and Dr. Gu's gold needle is still stuck on the old lady!"

The boss asked, "How much is the consultation fee?"

Ah Tie stretched out two fingers, "Two taels of silver."

The eldest took out a small piece of silver and said to his younger brothers, "Let's talk about it first, I'll pay for the money, and I'll settle the balance later when I go back."

After several younger brothers nodded and agreed, the boss gave the money to Ah Tie.

At this time, the second child said: "I think the needle should be drawn. If we do it, we can carry my mother back."

A Tie said seriously: "This golden needle is pierced on the acupoint. If you don't use it, the old lady can still hold on for a while, and I will tell you a few words. Once the needle is drawn, the old lady will be completely useless. Think clearly. ."

At this time, a daughter-in-law said: "Forget it, let's go back in a hurry, anyway..." She realized that she had slipped, and quickly stopped.

At this time, the old lady's sons and daughters-in-law did not speak.

The old lady lying on the door panel said faintly, "Come on, I'll be better off if I smoke."

"It's useless to live an extra hour."

Yao Er lay on top of the old lady and cried, "Can't smoke, don't smoke!"

"Mother, say a few more words to me, I want to hear a few more words from you."

The old lady shook her head and glanced at the sons and daughters-in-law who were standing all over the floor. She didn't know if they really married their daughters-in-law and forgot their mothers, or if they were older and had a good view of life and death. Only Yaoer still has nostalgia for her mother.

At this time, several sons walked aside to discuss something in a low voice.

Several daughters-in-law also gathered together to talk about some arrangements for the old man's death.

The old lady glanced at those sons and daughters-in-law, her lips wriggled, and quickly said to the youngest who was lying on top of her, "Under the pickle jar."

Yao'er's cry was interrupted for a while, and she looked at the old lady stupidly.

After the old lady finished speaking, she slowly closed her eyes and lost her breath at all.


With this cry of Yao'er, several sons and daughters-in-law all gathered around again, screaming and screaming.

Ah Tie is still eating calmly. After all these years in the pharmacy, he has opened his eyes and gained insight. This is nothing, he has seen something more exciting than this.

Gu Yunjiao came out quickly and took the gold needle from the old lady's body. The old lady's sons and daughters-in-law cried and carried the door panel back.

The relatives of the Gu family stayed for a few days and strolled around Xiangcheng, and they all went home regardless of Gu Yuheng's retention.

In the blink of an eye, it was New Year's Eve, the military camp was on vacation, and the grandfather and Lin Shuo went home with their children.

Ren Xin Tang is also closed for the Chinese New Year.

On the first day of the new year, Jiang Youzhi and Gu Yunjiao will both enter the palace to receive a banquet.

The same is true for Grandpa Guo and Lin Shuo.

The men all put on court clothes, Gu Yunjiao put on a full set of official uniforms, with a rosary on her body and a phoenix crown on her head, and entered the palace in a sedan chair.

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