The place where the wives received the banquet was in the Zichen Hall, and all wives above the sixth rank would enter the palace.

The banquet was presided over by the empress. Only women of the third rank and above were eligible to participate in the banquet in the palace. The rest of the women had to retire after receiving a plate of dishes given by the empress.

At this time, before the banquet started, Gu Yunjiao slowly entered the hall. Just as she was about to take her seat, a middle-aged woman walked towards Gu Yunjiao and gave a slight blessing, "I have seen Madam Huguo."

Gu Yunjiao glanced at her and recognized that it was the wife of Han Shangshu of the Ministry of Personnel, and hurriedly returned the salute, "Mrs. Yuan."

Mrs. Yuan said with a smile: "Thanks to Mrs. Huguo's elixir, the little girl is now much better."

Gu Yunjiao smiled and said, "That's good."

Mrs. Yuan didn't know the inside story of her daughter's illness. She knew that Miss Han had sex with a man in her dream, and she didn't even tell the maid.

She smiled and said: "The little girl's marriage has also been set, and she will get married in the second half of the year. At that time, she will invite Madam Huguo to go there to be lively and lively."

Gu Yunjiao nodded, "Congratulations, I will definitely go."

At this time, a palace maid came over, saluted, and took Gu Yunjiao to her seat.

Apart from the Empress, Gu Yunjiao was the highest-ranking concubine in this hall.

Today, there is no prince in the Great Chu Dynasty, and the princes are still reforming through labor in Jin. The sons of the sage are still young, and they have no princes, let alone a princess.

Gu Yunjiao's position was on the left of the queen, and even the mother of the queen, Mrs. Chengenhou, was a rank lower than Gu Yunjiao, sitting on the right of the queen.

As for the imperial concubine and the concubines and concubines of the saint, they are not qualified to attend this banquet.

A concubine is a concubine, no matter how high the status is, it is also a concubine.

The women below the third rank ordered the women to receive the dishes given by the queen, and then they all retire, and the banquet in the Zichen Palace began.

To put it bluntly, this kind of banquet is not interesting. It was originally a form of condolences to the courtiers by the royal family.

The ladies with phoenix crowns on their heads dignifiedly took a few bites of food, and it was just a matter of pretense.

Gu Yunjiao rarely wears a phoenix crown, which is estimated to weigh five or six pounds. With such a heavy phoenix crown, she dare not lower her head, for fear that the phoenix crown is not fixed properly and accidentally falls off her head.

After finally waiting until the banquet was over, Gu Yunjiao and the wives all got up and resigned to the Queen. The Queen smiled and said, "Mrs. Huguo, please stay for a while, our sisters have not seen each other for a long time, let's talk for a while."

Gu Yunjiao had to stay.

When the people were almost gone, the queen got down from the phoenix seat, took Gu Yunjiao's hand, and said with a smile: "Sister, go to my palace to sit for a while, and it is rare for you to enter the palace."

After entering the queen's bedroom, the queen screened her left and right, leaving only a close-fitting mama, and then said to Gu Yunjiao, "I have something to discuss with my sister."

She pondered for a while, "Li'er is eleven now, I plan to settle his marriage early."

As soon as Gu Yunjiao heard this, she began to beat the drums in her heart.

Wei Li is the eldest prince born to the queen. She has seen it several times. The child is born well, and she looks modest and courteous. But, what did you tell her about the marriage of the eldest prince?

Is it?

Sure enough, the queen then said: "The little girls in Manxiang City, I thought and thought, looked and looked, and counted your family's Ru Ru and my heart."

"I thought, it's better to decide the marriage for the two children early, so that they can cultivate their feelings."

"I grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and my relationship will naturally be deeper than others in the future."

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