Early in the morning, Gu Yunjiao went to the front kitchen, and after passing through the yard, she saw Ruru and Qier practicing against each other again.

These days, Ruru is practicing alone. The master Daoxiong found for her has not arrived yet, so she can only practice alone when she wakes up early.

You'er held a small sword and danced the sword beside her. Gu Yunjiao stopped and looked at it for a while.

She entered the kitchen in a happy mood, and the breakfast cooks were all ready.

Gu Yunjiao began to instruct them to prepare the ingredients for the cake.

She planned to use milk to make cream, and she didn't know if it would work.

However, she didn't need to do anything anyway, just her mouth was enough, and it didn't take much trouble.

When he arrived, Xie Heng came over.

This was the first time Gu Yunjiao saw Xie Heng, but a ten-year-old child had a temperament like green bamboo, tall, tough, and handsome, which made people like it at first sight.

Qi Er and Xie Heng were only a little over a year apart, and the two had similar personalities, so they quickly became acquainted.

Gu Yunjiao let them play for a while, and made preparations for making bookmarks before calling them over.

A few children came over and looked curiously at the leaves soaked in the water.

Xie Heng asked, "Mrs. Huguo, is there any medicinal material added to this water?" He knew that Madam Huguo was a genius doctor.

Gu Yunjiao smiled and said, "It's not medicinal herbs, it's water from plant ashes."

Xie Heng tilted his head to look at Gu Yunjiao, obviously not quite understanding what grass ash is.

Gu Yunjiao said: "People in the countryside don't have the money to buy pancreas to take a bath and wash their hair, so they use straw and straw to burn them into ashes. The filtered water is alkaline, and it can be washed clean when used for bathing and laundry."

She pointed to the pot, "This is the water filtered by the ash of the plants and trees. If the leaves are soaked in this for one night, they will be almost corroded."

"If you are in a hurry, put it on the fire and cook for a quarter of an hour, and the effect is similar."

Xie Heng listened very carefully, some words Gu Yunjiao said he didn't quite know what they meant, but he didn't feel embarrassed to ask again, just silently memorized them.

Gu Yunjiao took out the leaves with tweezers, washed them in clean water, then took a small brush and gently brushed off the mesophyll on the leaves.

Ruru's hands were itchy, "sister-in-law, get it for me."

Gu Yunjiao handed her the brush, "Be careful, if your hands are heavy, the veins of the leaves will be broken."

Then she pointed to a few small brushes on the table, "You can also do it yourself, wait and see who does the best."

The children all have a competitive mentality, and they are all excited. Everyone imitated Gu Yunjiao and took tweezers and picked out the leaves.

Ruru brushed the fastest, but she was sloppy, and there was still a lot of leaf flesh that didn't fall off, and some places were broken again.

Xie Heng was the most careful and attentive. When he finished brushing, the leaves were almost complete veins.

Gu Yunjiao taught them to dye again, and then blotted the excess color with paper and put it there to dry.

Several children were huddled together, and Gu Yunjiao asked them to judge for themselves who did the best.

Naturally, Xie Heng came first, You'er and Qi'er were about the same, and the two were tied for second place. Only Ruru did it. It was rough and not delicate at first glance.

In the afternoon, the cream that Gu Yunjiao asked the cooks to whip finally took shape. She put a layer of paste on the cake and simply made a circle of small flowers.

A simple cake, but let the children are amazed.

Especially when the cream is eaten in the mouth, the light, fragrant and sweet feeling in the mouth makes a few children fall in love with it.

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