It was almost evening when Xie Heng said goodbye.

On the way home, he sat in the carriage for a long time and couldn't calm down.

The bookmarks I made today and the cake I ate were all so fresh.

He thought Madam Huguo was a very interesting person.

When he went back, Mrs. Xie called Xie Heng to the study, "Is it fun to be in the Duke's Mansion today?"

Xie Heng nodded vigorously.

Mrs. Xie raised his eyebrows, "It seems very interesting, tell me, what did you do?"

Xie Heng told the whole day's experience, and then emphasized, "In the palace, they all eat together, lively and lively, unlike our family, where they all eat in their own yard."

Master Xie heard Xie Heng's envy and said with a smile, "Mrs. Huguo came from a farming family, and that's how the whole family eats together."

"Because food is very precious to them, eating together saves food."

"Mrs. Huguo is used to farm life."

Xie Heng shook his head, "No, I don't think that's the reason. If you get along with Madam Huguo, Grandpa, you will understand."

"I don't think she looks like a peasant woman at all. She is very knowledgeable, but she is not the kind of talented girl who can only recite poetry and draw pictures. She doesn't pay attention to etiquette, but she is very polite to people. I don't know how I am. Is it right or not, in short, I don't think Madam Huguo is an ordinary woman."

Mrs. Xie laughed, "Of course it's not an ordinary woman. Can an ordinary woman be named Madam Protector by the Sage?"

Xie Heng knew that Grandpa didn't fully understand what he meant, but he didn't plan to say it anymore, he just said, "Grandpa, I want to go to the Duke's Mansion often in the future, okay?"

Mrs. Xie was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, you can go if you want, and you don't need to report to me in the future, just tell your mother."

In the queen's bedroom, there was also a conversation related to the Duke's mansion.

The queen knew about it on the day Ruru and the fourth prince clashed.

The fourth prince and Concubine Rong Gui were reprimanded by the sage, and she also knew the next day that the fourth prince went to the palace to make amends.

When she got here, she didn't even pay attention.

The queen didn't feel the crisis until the third princess' maid told her last night that the fourth prince and Ruru went out to play hand in hand.

She brought Ruru into the palace because she hoped that she would have a good relationship with the third princess and the second prince, especially the second prince.

It would be even better if the two of them could develop a relationship slowly, it would be a matter of course.

She asked the maid of the third princess, and the relationship between Ruru and the third princess could not be said to be very close, and she did not say a few words with the second prince.

The queen was busy with the council during the day, and at night she had the second prince and third princess be called over.

The queen screened the maids and asked the second prince, "When Ruru and the fourth prince were in conflict, why didn't you stand up? If you protect her, she won't give up on you in the future?"

The second prince said lightly: "I don't want her to give up on me."

The queen frowned, "Didn't I tell you before? Ruru is the future daughter-in-law chosen by your mother for you."

The second prince's eyebrows gathered slightly, "I don't like little girls, and I don't want her to be a daughter-in-law."

The queen grimaced, "You are also eleven years old. How many times have I told you these truths, don't you understand?"

"Ruru's father holds military power, and her brother is the first assistant. As long as you marry her, your crown prince will be secure."

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