People kept coming to Gu Yunjiao's side, some of them were close, some took the opportunity to ask some questions, and Gu Yunjiao answered them seriously.

After having a banquet at noon and paying a membership fee of 2 taels a year, Gu Yunjiao and Yang Ying returned to Renxin Hall.

Going back, Gu Yuheng told her, "Sanlang's mother came over in the morning. She seemed to be looking for you for something. I said you were going to a meeting. She sat for a long time before she left."

Gu Yunjiao suddenly remembered that she hadn't visited the Chen family for almost half a month.

Now that Sanya is married, Liu Lang spends most of the time in the military camp, and Chen is at home every day to live with his daughter-in-law, so it is probably quite lonely.

In the evening, when Jiang Youzhi came, the two went over to Chen's side after dinner.

Chen Shi was naturally delighted to see the two of them.

After chatting for a while, Gu Yunjiao asked, "Mother went to see me today, is there something wrong?"

Mrs. Chen glanced at her daughter-in-law standing next to her, "Huiniang, go to the front yard to see if the kitchen is ready."

Huiniang understood that her mother-in-law had something to say to them, so she agreed to go out.

Seeing her figure walking away, Chen shi said in a low voice, "I went to look for you today, I want to find you to show Huiniang, she has been married to Liulang for two or three years, and her stomach has not moved. I'm a little worried."

"But I'm worried that she'll be unhappy if she sees the doctor."

Gu Yunjiao didn't want to express her opinion, she just said, "It's not easy to force it. If she wants to see it, I can show her at any time."

Chen shi hesitated, and then got up after a while, "Sit down for a while, I'll go talk to her in front."

After a while, Jiang Youzhi saw Chen and Huiniang coming here, so he got up and avoided the yard.

When she entered the room, Mrs. Chen said to Gu Yunjiao, "I told her all that. Huiniang is also anxious. Jiaojiao, you will be tired and show her."

Gu Yunjiao didn't rush to get her pulse, and asked first, "How old is the sunflower water? How often and how long does it last?"

Huiniang lowered her head, "Kwai Shui when I was fourteen."

"After that, come every few months."

Chen's complexion changed a bit when he heard it, and it was obviously not normal for him to once a few months.

Is there really something wrong with my daughter-in-law?

Gu Yunjiao continued to ask, "How many months does it take?"

Huiniang whispered: "Not necessarily, sometimes three or four months, the longest one comes after half a year, it lasts two or three days."

Gu Yunjiao looked at Huiniang's tongue coating again, with a solemn expression on her face, she stretched out her hand to take the pulse, but there were not too many problems in the pulse.

She thought about it for a while, and asked Huiniang in a very low voice, "Are you down there?"

When Huiniang understood Gu Yunjiao's words, her face flushed, she hesitated for a while, but nodded.

Gu Yunjiao let go of her hands and had a basic judgment on Huiniang's condition. Huiniang's condition was most likely polycystic ovary syndrome.

There is basically no cure for this disease with modern medicine.

Chinese medicine can only focus on recuperation.

Gu Yunjiao saw Huiniang looking at her nervously, and Chen shi was also very anxious. After thinking about it, she decided to tell the truth.

"Huiniang's disease is incurable, and the lack of children is also the reason for this."

"You can take some medicine, but it's not very effective."

Huiniang's face turned pale.

Chen's face was also extremely ugly, and her heart fell to the bottom. She rarely saw Gu Yunjiao suffering from an incurable disease. It seemed that her daughter-in-law's disease was really incurable.

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