When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law entered the house, Chen Shi sighed, "I don't know what Liu Lang thinks about this matter, he may not agree to take a concubine."

Huiniang shook her head, "Mother, it's related to the offspring, Rokuro will agree."

Chen shi looked at Huiniang, and only thought that she was so pitiful, but she was suffering from this incurable disease.

She knows very well that no woman in this world is truly willing to take a concubine to her husband, and she has no choice but to do so.

Chen Shi sighed, "Okay, then what are you going to do?"

Huiniang thought for a while, "Rokuro won't go home in about half a month."

"Daughter-in-law thought, during this time, hurry up to find a good girl, bring people in first, and when Rooku comes back, she will directly consummate the house."

Chen felt that he was in a hurry. In such a hurry, he might not be able to pick the right one.

She grabbed Huiniang's hand, "Don't worry, look for it slowly, find someone who is handsome and smart, and the children born in the future will be smart and beautiful."

Although Huiniang said it generously, she felt extremely uncomfortable. She smiled at Chen Shiqiang, "Don't worry, mother, I will definitely find a good one for Liu Lang."

Chen clapped her hand, "This is impossible, you want to open up."

"Go to rest early, I'll be fine here."

Huiniang got up and went back to the house, where she covered her mouth and cried.

She didn't dare to cry loudly, for fear of being heard by the Chen family.

With her other hand, she beat her stomach hard, hating why she was so unsatisfactory.

After crying in the middle of the night, Huiniang fell asleep.

Early in the morning, she took the car back to her parents' house.

When I told my mother, the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried.

Hui Niang's mother wiped away tears, "Are you planning to get a concubine for Rokuro?"

Huiniang nodded silently.

"Otherwise, Xiaoxue from your uncle's house is fifteen years old this year, and is looking for someone else, I think—"

Huiniang raised her head suddenly, "No way!"

"If Xiaoxue gets married, what will I do to her in the future? Do I take her as my cousin or as Rokuro's concubine?"

"If I treat her a little bit badly, and there are uncles and the others in the middle, they will definitely blame me for being cruel and ruthless. If I treat her better, I'm afraid she will climb on my head after a long time."

Huiniang's mother was silent for a long while before she said, "Forget it, what you said makes sense, so treat me as not."

"It's just that you can't have children, and your mother-in-law asked you to find someone handsome. I'm worried that in the future, the son-in-law will not see you in the eyes."

Huiniang said with tears: "I don't want to either, but is there any way not to give Liu Lang a concubine, I'm afraid the Jiang family will divorce me."

Huiniang's mother said tentatively: "Actually, you can also go to the clan to adopt a child."

Huiniang's eyes lit up, and she quickly shook her head again, "If Rokuro can't give birth, he must be adopted."

"But now I can't give birth!"

"How could they be willing to raise other people's sons?"

Huiniang's mother shook her head and stroked her daughter's back, "Then find a good one, and your life will be better."

Huiniang nodded slowly.

Back home, Huiniang called the official media, and the official media promised to find a good one.

In a few days, the official media came to the door, "Now there is a suitable one, but I don't know if the lady will like it."

Huiniang said, "You say it."

"This girl has just turned fifteen, her father is ill, and she is anxiously waiting for Yinzi to save her life."

"The girl is quite handsome, but their family needs thirty taels of silver, and they can sell it or use it as a betrothal gift, even if the silver is not less."

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