Huiniang said lightly: "Thirty taels is nothing, bring people to me to see, if they are satisfied, they will stay."

The matchmaker promised, "Sure, then I'll bring someone to grandma tomorrow."

Chen shi has long known that the matchmaker has entered the door, but it is not easy to get there. When the matchmaker left, she called Huiniang over, "Is there any letter?"

Huiniang nodded bitterly, "The matchmaker said that she will bring someone over tomorrow."

Chen pondered for a moment, "Tomorrow people will come, I will also take a look. Although I want to find a smart one, I also have to see if the girl's heart is right, so don't come back with a spoiler."

The next day, the matchmaker really came with a girl.

The girl is not ugly, with big eyes and white flesh. At first glance, she looks like a girl from the city, who has never worked in the fields. Chen shi didn't look at this girl, and she lowered her head and looked honest.

It's just that the girl is not tall and looks a little thin, and Chen is not very satisfied because she is afraid that she will not be able to give birth.

Huiniang looked at her and thought it was very good. At first glance, this girl came from a small family. She was timid and didn't dare to lift her head when she stood here. Such a girl will be easy to handle in the future.

She smiled and said to Chen's family, "Mother, I look pretty good, with fair skin and good looks."

Chen Shi thought about buying her to be a concubine to give birth to a son, so she pulled the girl over and asked in a low voice, "Is Sunflower Water coming?"

The girl blushed, "Come on."

Chen shi repeated what Gu Yunjiao asked Huiniang that day, "How old is the sunflower water? How often and how many days?"

The girl's face turned even redder, "Thirteen, Sunflower Water from Thirteen."

"Once a month, three or four days at a time."

Chen Shi was relieved to hear that, the sunflower water is normal, so there should be no problem.

It's just that the girl is still a little thinner.

Chen Shi guessed that it was because of the poor life at home. When she got married, she would eat meat and fish every day, and she would naturally grow meat.

Seeing Huiniang's willingness, Chen shi didn't object, so she nodded towards Huiniang.

Huiniang went into the house and took 30 taels of silver to the matchmaker, and gave another 20 taels of money to the matchmaker.

Huiniang picked up a pen and wrote a deed of sale, and the girl pressed her handprint, and the person even bought it.

The girl then went home with the matchmaker. The matchmaker gave thirty taels of silver to the girl's family and said with a smile, "Good luck with your little bowl."

"This is to be a concubine for the official master." She covered her mouth and smiled. "It is the master, but he is still very young, just in his twenties, and the family is simple, only an old mother and a mistress."

"In the future, as long as the small bowl belly is good, I see that the good days are still to come."

Xiaowan's mother expressed her gratitude to the matchmaker.

Xiaowan entered the room silently, packed a small package and came out.

When I came out, I went to her father's house to kowtow to my father lying on the bed, and then to my mother.

Xiaowan's mother held back her tears, "You can be considered a fortune, go and live a good life, honor your elders, obey your husband, and respect your mistress."

Xiaowan responded and came out of the room crying.

The matchmaker sent the small bowl back to Jiang's house and said with a smile, "You can live in this house with peace of mind. Aunt Chen and Huiniang are both friendly."

Xiaowan nodded silently, and the matchmaker left with a smile on her face.

Huiniang beckoned to Xiaowan, pointed to the room on the south side of the east wing, and said, "You live in that room."

"There are bedding luggage in the box in the room, water and rags and brooms in the kitchen, so you can clean up and live here."

The small bowl saluted and went in to clean up.

Chen shi called Huiniang over, "This concubine, do you think our family should invite one or two tables of banquets or something?"

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