Chen Shi recited the Buddha and smiled happily.

A smile appeared on Rokuro's face.

Huiniang looked a little complicated, but she soon laughed.

Gu Yunjiao saw that Xiaowan was in good condition, so she didn't stay here for a long time, and went back with Yang Ying soon.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon of the second day, Rokuro rode his horse to the door of Renxintang, rushed in and shouted, "Sister Jiaojiao, come and see me at home, the little bowl is bleeding!"

Gu Yunjiao was seeing a doctor, so she had to say apologetically to the patient: "Uncle, I'm sorry, or if you come back in the afternoon, I'll rush to save someone's life."

Saying that, while shouting for Ah Er set car, he carried the medicine box and walked out.

Yang Ying followed her, "I'll go too, and I'll fight you or something."

When I arrived at Liu Lang's house, I saw the Chen family walking around in the yard, and seeing Gu Yunjiao was like seeing a savior, "Jiaojiao, hurry up, hurry up and save Xiaowan."

Without saying a word, Gu Yunjiao lifted the curtain to enter, and the smell of blood rushed to her face.

In the room, only Chuan'er was taking care of Xiaowan. Without saying a word, Gu Yunjiao first fed Xiaowan a baiyao guarantor, then sterilized the silver needles and started to pierce the needles to stop the bleeding.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the blood that seemed to flow endlessly before stopped.

Gu Yunjiao took Xiaowan's pulse and frowned.

Yesterday, Xiaowan's pulse was still very stable, and when she gave birth, it was smooth and there was no danger. Logically, she should not bleed heavily.

Gu Yunjiao asked Xiaowan to stick out her tongue coating to show her.

Xiaowan managed to save his life, but he had no strength, and slowly stretched out his tongue coating to show Gu Yunjiao a look.

Gu Yunjiao's face changed at a glance, "What did you eat?" The yellow tongue coating on the small bowl was not a normal color.

Xiaowan shook his head slightly, "I didn't eat anything, I just ate the soup with milk."

Gu Yunjiao frowned, the milk soup would not make the tongue coating turn yellow.

Looking at the appearance of the small bowl, it is likely that he ate safflower, and it seems that he has eaten a lot.

Safflower promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. Originally, after giving birth to a child, the mother will continue to bleed for a period of time. At this time, eating safflower will cause ghosts if the amount of bleeding does not increase.

Gu Yunjiao instructed Zuo'er, "Go to the kitchen and see if there is any leftover soup from the small bowl?"

Zui'er went for a while and came back soon, "No, that soup, my aunt had one meal in the morning and one meal at noon, and when it was almost done, my grandmother asked my mother to clean up and said to cook another soup at night. ."

Gu Yunjiao frowned and said nothing.

She got up and went out, stood in the yard and glanced at the room on the north side of the east wing.

Just at this moment, the cry of a baby came from the room, followed by Huiniang's gentle voice, "The baby doesn't cry, let's eat it later."

Gu Yunjiao then turned her gaze to Rokuro who was waiting in the courtyard.

Rokuro looked anxious, "Sister Jiaojiao, Xiaowan she—"

Gu Yunjiao called him aside and said lightly, "My life is saved for the time being."

"However, her bleeding is very strange."

Rokuro didn't understand for a while, "What's wrong?"

Chen Shi's face turned pale at the side, and she involuntarily glanced at Huiniang's house.

Gu Yunjiao said: "It stands to reason that the production of Xiaowan went well, and there should be no bleeding."

"I just looked at the tongue coating on the small bowl, and the tongue coating turned yellow."

She paused, "There is a medicine called safflower, which is very effective in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Because safflower has a heavy pigment, people also use it as a dye."

"I look at the tongue coating on the small bowl, and it looks like it's dyed by eating safflower."

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