Gu Yunjiao came out of the room and told Chen Shi a few more words before leaving.

A few days later, Rokuro returned home.

Chen shi hadn't seen his son for almost three months, and he couldn't think of his son. This time, after dinner, he didn't dare to stop him when he watched Liu Lang go to the small bowl room.

She was afraid that she would annoy her son, and she would not come back for a few months, so she only hinted to her son a little bit to be careful.

Rokuro hadn't seen Xiaowan for several months, and found that she had suddenly changed from a petite girl to a plump woman.

If this is outside, he may not be able to recognize her.

Xiaowan's meal has always been eaten later than the master, and he is still eating at this time.

Seeing Rokuro, she quickly got up and stood with her head lowered.

Rokuro said softly: "What do you do when you get up, sit down and eat."

"It's been a good few months."

Xiaowan nodded softly, "Okay, sister Niang and Huiniang treat me well."

The small bowl sat down, and the front of the clothes was slightly opened, revealing a small piece of white.

Rokuro's Adam's apple moved and quickly looked away.

That night, Rokuro rested in Xiaowan's room again.

This time, the Chen family didn't say anything, and Liu Lang rested in the small bowl house for two consecutive days, and then returned to the barracks contentedly.

The days passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was February of the following year. Seeing that Xiaowan's stomach was already quite high, he was about to give birth.

Chen shi had already looked for a nearby woman, and agreed that she would come over as soon as she started.

She also specifically told Gu Yunjiao that when Xiaowan is giving birth, she must stay at home so that she can feel at ease.

After having breakfast this day, Xiaowan's stomach started to ache, and when he took off his pants, he saw that it was already red.

Mrs. Chen sent Cui'er's mother to find a nearby mother Wen, and asked Cui'er's father to rush to Renxintang to invite Gu Yunjiao over.

After thinking about it, he sent Sunja to the military camp to see if he could send a letter to Rokuro.

After everything was arranged, Mrs. Chen asked Chuan'er to support the small bowl in a circle around the yard.

Granny Wen arrived first, and it didn't seem to hurt much when she looked at the small bowl, so she said, "It's still early."

Not long after, Gu Yunjiao also rode in the carriage and came over with Yang Ying.

Gu Yunjiao produced with Yang Ying beside her, so she had some experience.

Xiaowan didn't have a severe attack in the morning, so he endured the pain and ate a bowl of rice.

In the afternoon, the labor pains began to attack intensively, and Po Wen let Xiao Wan into the house.

Huiniang was going to follow her in, but Chen shi held her back, "The room is small, and it can't hold so many people. With Madam Wen and Jiaojiao there, there will be no problem."

Just as he was talking, Rokuro strode in from the door.

After he got the letter, Xun Lin Shuo asked for leave, and then came over.

He came in and asked, "Have you given birth?"

Chen Shi said angrily: "It's not that easy, it's been in pain for a long time, and I've just entered the room, just wait."

Rokuro looked at the window, the window was closed and he couldn't see anything.

Although the small bowl is small, it can bear the pain.

Granny Wen let her work hard, let her gasp for breath, and entered the room. After about half an hour, the child was born.

Granny Wen dragged the child steadily and said with a smile, "Congratulations, congratulations, I have given birth to a son."

Xiaowan breathed a sigh of relief, she knew that Rokuro was the only child in the family, and both her mother-in-law and mistress were looking forward to her giving birth to a son.

Gu Yunjiao took Xiaowan's pulse, the pulse was still stable, and the afterbirth was quickly delivered.

Yang Ying opened the curtain and went out to announce the good news to Chen, "Aunt Chen, congratulations on adding a fat grandson."

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