The Prime Minister Seduced Me to Give Birth

Chapter 964 send her to see the official

Gu Yunjiao saw Liu Lang put a dustpan in the yard, walked over and looked at it, and couldn't help shaking her head, "This medicine is too much."

Perhaps it was because he patiently picked the safflower for so long, Liu Lang's mood calmed down a little, and he asked Gu Yunjiao, "Sister Jiaojiao, what do you say about this matter?"

Gu Yunjiao waved her hand, "I can't advise you on this matter, you make your own decision."

Only the decisions you make will not be blamed on others if you regret them in the future.

Rokuro clenched his fists, "I want to send her to the official!"

"She is murdering!"

Gu Yunjiao said indifferently: "Whatever you want to do is fine, but no matter how you deal with it, you have to think about the possible consequences before you take action, and try to deal with it as neatly as possible."

Liu Lang said: "There is nothing to think about, this kind of poisonous woman should be handed over to the government!"

Gu Yunjiao didn't say anything else, Rokuro first ordered the servant Shunzi, "Go and fetch the rope."

Sunja ran to the front yard to get the rope.

Rokuro then beckoned to call Chuan'er who was standing by the door, "Go and call grandma out and say I have something to ask her."

Chuan'er entered Xiaowan's house, "Grandma, the young master asked you to go out and talk."

Huiniang agreed and came out of the house.

When I came out, I saw Liulang, Gu Yunjiao, and Yang Ying standing in the courtyard.

Gu Yunjiao's face was calm and could not see anything, Yang Ying had a strange smile on her mouth, and Rokuro stared at her with anger in her eyes.

Huiniang panicked, came over and said with a smile, "What is your husband calling me?"

Rokuro pointed to the dustpan on the ground, "Poison woman, you did a good job!"

A big lump of wet red came into Huiniang's eyes, and she carefully distinguished it before she recognized what it was.

Huiniang swayed slightly, and quickly stabilized. When she raised her eyes again, her expression was indescribably calm, "What is this? I don't know."

Rokuro sneered, "Poison woman, how dare you make excuses."

"I picked them out one by one from the water tank. You put this thing into the small bowl of soup, and the small bowl almost lost your life."

Huiniang's face changed, "Husband, you are wronged!"

"I only got some milk-making soup for Xiaowan, and I didn't know there was something wrong with that soup!"

At this time, Sunja came over from the front yard with a rope, and Rokuro said coldly, "I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense, you can go to the yamen and talk to Master Guan!"

Turning his head and instructing Sunja, "Tie her up!"

Sunja hesitated and walked forward.

Huiniang took a step back in horror, "Husband, it's really not me, I've been wronged!"

Sunja went over with the rope, but did not dare to do anything to the mistress, and looked at Rokuro in embarrassment.

Liu Lang didn't want to go up and bind Huiniang by himself. Seeing that Shunzi couldn't do things alone, he looked at Zui'er's thin arms and legs, and instructed: "Go and call your parents and tie this poisonous woman to the officials together. "

Chuan'er responded and ran to the front yard with her skirt in hand.

When Huiniang saw that Liu Lang did not listen to her explanation at all, she was determined to send herself to the official, and she panicked for a while.

In her mind, a small bowl is a tool used to give birth to a son.

She originally thought that Xiaowan gave birth to a son, and the Jiang family also had a daughter. As long as Xiaowan was killed, in the future, Liu Lang would not be able to divorce her because of her childlessness, nor would it be better to take a concubine because of her childlessness. .

She brought up the child well, and the child will only treat her as a biological mother. Without a woman who shouldn't exist, Rokuro's heart will slowly turn around. At that time, the family will be so happy.

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