Huiniang really didn't expect that Gu Yunjiao came to save Xiaowan, and also found out that she had given medicine.

Isn't it normal for maternal hemorrhage, and how did she find out?

And the soup slag, she watched it pour into the stagnant water tank with her own eyes, but unexpectedly, she was also picked out one by one.

Huiniang knew that she was finished, but she absolutely could not go to see the official.

Not to mention the shame of going to her mother's family. If she goes, she is afraid that she will be stripped of her pants and beaten with a board. So does she still have the face to live?

Thinking of herself lying naked in the lobby, and watching the lively people around her and pointing at her, Huiniang's defense line collapsed. After all, she was just a little girl who was not yet twenty years old.

She knelt down suddenly towards Liu Lang, "Husband, I was wrong, I shouldn't have given medicine to the small bowl, please forgive me, don't send me to the officials."

Rokuro just sneered, he didn't like Hui Niang at first, and now he hated her even more.

Soon Chuan'er called her parents to the backyard.

Huiniang watched several people come in through the hanging flower gate, her eyes filled with despair, and she kowtowed forcefully on the ground, "Husband, one day husband and wife a hundred days of grace, even if I made a big mistake, but since I married into the Jiang family, I have been filial to my parents. Be considerate of your husband, please let me go, don't send me to see an official."

As if he hadn't heard Hui Niang's words, Liu Lang waved his hand at Chu'er's parents with a cold face, "Go, tie her up."

Huiniang burst into tears, and kowtowed even more forcefully, "Husband, please, you can divorce me, you just don't send me to see the official."

Pei'er's parents hesitated for a while, looked at Liu Lang, and saw that he ignored Huiniang at all, so they had to continue to bite the bullet and head towards Huiniang.

Shunzi stood beside Huiniang and whispered, "Grandma should be more obedient, so as not to suffer." He was very kind, afraid that Huiniang would struggle and hurt somewhere.

Sunja's parents finally came over, and Hui Niang's panic expanded infinitely.

She quickly got up from the ground and hit the pillar under the east corridor with lightning speed.

This time, she tried her best.

By the time everyone reacted, it was too late.

The huge reverse thrust made Huiniang fall to the ground.

Fallen screamed in horror.

The mother-in-law also screamed and took a few steps back.

When Mrs. Chen heard the voice and came out of the room, she saw Huiniang lying not far away, blood dripping from the crevices of her hair.

Her legs softened, and she quickly supported the door frame, so she didn't fall to the ground.

Liu Lang didn't expect Huiniang to suddenly seek death, and he couldn't react for a while, so he just stared there blankly.

Gu Yunjiao was also stunned for a while, and hurriedly called Yang Ying, "I have Baiyao in my medicine box, take it out quickly." She came here today to stop the bleeding for a small bowl, so she brought a few bottles of Baiyao.

Yang Ying went to the small bowl house to get the white medicine.

Chen shi was still gasping for breath while clinging to the door frame.

When Yang Ying came out of the room, she saw Gu Yunjiao squatting on the ground and looking at Huiniang.

Huiniang's head was still bleeding, Gu Yunjiao carefully looked at Huiniang's situation, took the white medicine from Yang Ying's hand and sprinkled it, and then stuffed a white medicine insurance into Huiniang's mouth.

Huiniang's head must have been hurt.

However, this is not necessarily fatal.

Because Huiniang's skull was not broken, which means that the damage to the brain tissue inside was not too big, and the exact damage depends on her follow-up condition.

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