The prince is very fierce

Chapter 21: The knife fell and the man was lifted up

It was past three o'clock, near the Black Tiger Temple in the north of Nanzhao County, six strong men were walking with weapons in their hands, chatting casually about Jianghu affairs.

Nanzhao County is within the control of the King of Chu. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and connected to the Chu plains on the back. It is considered a remote area. The Chu army responsible for the raid on Luanshan County set up camp in the open area outside the county seat. After daybreak, they entered the mountains and marched quickly to strive for the early morning of the day after tomorrow. Launch a raid on Luanshan County.

Lin Yusong and other martial arts masters who were specially designed to deal with Xu Buling, because of their strong single-person combat capabilities, took advantage of the night to come over to explore the terrain to see if there were any sentries in the mountains.

They were not out of King Chu's control yet, and the surrounding areas were all barren mountains. After walking for a long time, there was not even a trace of a ghost. Naturally, the six Jianghu people were a little slack, but King Chu paid them a lot of money to kill Xu Bu Ling. I still have to do it well, and I still walk and explore seriously.

Lin Yusong, the young master of Hutou Mountain, walked in the front with a tiger head gun. On the surface, he was very heroic, but in his heart, Lin Yusong knew Xu Buling's combat power clearly. They were the only ones who left. There was a high probability that this trip would end in death in the wilderness; but Niu Biao went out, and he belonged to the forces under King Chu. King Chu arranged the job for Lin Yusong, how could he refuse? At this time, I have been secretly thinking about how to save my life without being embarrassed.

Next to Lin Yusong was a man holding a pair of swords. He was one of the leaders of the Chu Di Boat Gang. He had heard about Xu Buling's skills for a long time and had never believed it in his heart. At this time, he left with Lin Yusong, who had fought against Xu Buling. Together, naturally there are the most problems:

"...Then what path did Xu Bu Ling take? I heard that if you can beat Xue Chengzhi, you must be practicing martial arts, right?"

Lin Yusong felt guilty in his heart, but he still had to keep up his appearance. He chuckled: "That's right, when you fought with me, you used the Lin family gun. You acted in a decent way, but it's a pity that there is no action. The idea is that I took advantage of my natural strength..."

The man with two swords listened for a long time and felt something was wrong: "Brother Lin, what you said means that you can take advantage of the weapons, the condescending position, and the strength. After taking so many advantages, I am able to draw a tie with you?"

"Well... the fight was not over at that time. Master Qingxu was afraid that each other would be harmed, so he came out to start a fight. It was really hard to say whether the outcome would be the end..."

The man with two swords showed some admiration in his eyes: "Brother Lin really deserves his reputation."

"Yeah yeah……"

The five people following behind also nodded in agreement.

The man with the two swords wanted to ask a few more questions, but before he opened his mouth, he realized something was wrong. Six people had arrived? He and Lin Yusong were two people, plus the five others who nodded yes...? ?

Why is there one more?

The man with the double sword was puzzled. He turned around and saw that among the five people following him, there was a tall young man in white robe. He was very handsome and handsome. He also held a sword in his hand. It didn't matter. He walked slowly, not knowing how far he had followed.

The man with two swords thought he had forgotten his mission? But he had never met this young man in the military camp? He asked in confusion:

"You... Your Excellency were just sent here by the King of Chu?"

Lin Yusong turned around when he heard the sound. As soon as he saw the white shadow in his peripheral vision, his whole body froze.

When Xu Buling heard the words 'The king of Chu just sent me', he understood the origin of these Jianghu people? He said with a bit of a smile:

"Brother Lin? Don't you know me? You guys came to this deep mountain and old forest at night, can't you hunt?"

Lin Yusong's face was ashen, and he held the tiger head gun motionless, only turning his eyes twice.

Although the six of them were not masters, they were by no means mediocre. One of them secretly sensed that something was wrong, secretly stretched his waist behind his back, and tried to activate the communication fireworks on his belt.


It was this moment.

The night wind swept across the mountain forest, and the cold light suddenly burst out silently.

The white robe swept up the fallen leaves in the forest, and the four-foot blade drew a silver line in the night.

With just one spin, the four people around him were all cut in half before they could even move.

Before the screams could be heard, Xu Buling struck out with another knife from his backhand, swiping it across the necks of the four of them.

The sound stopped suddenly, and the four people who were still joking just now turned into twelve pieces.

Pieces of meat fell to the ground and blood flowed everywhere!

The man with the double sword's eyes changed from a daze to a heartbroken one in an instant. He quickly raised his double sword to block and retreat. But he never thought that before he could see the movement clearly, the blade would strike from below.


A little spark burst out in the night. The man with the double sword still had a look of fear in his eyes. His body was divided into two pieces and fell to both sides.


The woods fell silent.

Xu Buling waved the blade lightly, sprinkling some blood drops on the blade, and turned his head to look at Lin Yusong, who was standing a few steps away.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yusong reacted, but did not dare to move. He still maintained a stiff posture and raised his fingers slightly:

"Perhaps...His Royal Highness the Crown Prince does not have to be like this. He is just a stranger in the world. For the sake of our acquaintance in the past..."

Xu Buling put the sword back into its scabbard with a calm look in his eyes: "What did the King of Chu send Brother Lin to do? To assassinate me?"

Lin Yusong knew that he was already a fish on the chopping block. After thinking about it, he threw the tiger head gun on the ground:

"My Lin family is under the jurisdiction of the King of Chu, so I have no choice but to help the King of Chu. The day before yesterday, the King of Chu ordered Nanyang Guard Qin Jing to send 10,000 troops to attack Luanshan County in an attempt to kill His Highness. In order to prevent the Crown Prince from breaking out, A certain number and General Chen Shou, who was leading the troops, came to intercept..."

When Xu Buling heard this, he was really confused: "If the King of Chu doesn't fight Wuguandao, why did he come to fight me?"

"The prince is not staying in Luanshan County. Why did he go south to summon him?"


Well, the army is cunning, and the cunning goes together.

Xu Buling nodded, and he was not afraid. After all, 10,000 people staying outside are much easier to fight than 10,000 people guarding the city. He turned his head and looked at the dozen pieces of rotten meat on the ground:

"You are here to stop me?"

Lin Yusong's expression was stiff: "The contemporary masters have basically been killed by the prince. There is no one in Chu who dares to take this job. The King of Chu also forced me to come here... I really don't want to come. You see, I don't even have the intention to take action..."

"Where is the Chu army stationed?"

"North of Nanzhao County, only more than five miles away from here, I came here to explore the way first..."

Xu Buling nodded, turned and walked towards the woods: "Pick up the gun and follow me in the future. Your Hutoushan is quite famous in Chu, and you know all kinds of people. There are many. Please help me recruit soldiers and horses in the future. Your Lin family will definitely benefit from it. "

Lin Yusong felt relieved. It was a great honor for him to have saved his life. He didn't dare to say a word. He quickly picked up the iron gun from the ground and trotted behind him: "Don't worry, Master Xu. As long as you enter Chu, my Lin family will follow you to the death..."

"You came from Nanyang, so you probably know the deployment of the Chu army, right?"

"What deployment?"

"It means where there are more soldiers and where there are fewer soldiers. Are there any trenches, bunkers and other fortifications..."

"I see. Well, I came all the way from Nanyang..."


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