The prince is very fierce

Chapter 22: Aggression like fire

Outside Nanzhao County, military tents are in a row.

The King of Chu has all the soldiers under his command. They are civilians in their spare time and soldiers in wartime. Without long-term training, their military quality cannot be too high. Although there is no problem in general, if you look closely, the distance between the military tents is uneven, and the roadblocks and trenches to prevent attacks on the camp are also relatively simple, which is obviously different from the Xiliang Army and Guanzhong Army.

It was almost dawn, and there was no sound in the military tents. Only the patrolling Chu soldiers were left, holding spears and patrolling back and forth outside the camp. There was a bonfire in the distance of the camp to prevent night attacks, but most of them had been extinguished.

In the woods on the north side, Xu Buling led his horse forward silently, followed by two thousand cavalrymen. Following Lin Yusong's instructions, they cleared out the scouts along the way and had already reached a mile outside the military camp.

Nightingale took a telescope, aimed at the tree for a moment, and waved slightly at the bottom:

"There is a trench two hundred steps away, the horse can jump over; there are three barricades in front, and the left wing is a rice field, the weakest defense..."

Xu Buling raised his hand to knock Lin Yusong unconscious, and whispered to the back: "I will lead 500 people to attack the camp from the front, Xu Ying, you lead the rest of the troops to attack from the side and directly take the general's tent. After burning the food and supplies, don't fight, and rush to Nanyang immediately..."

Xu Ying had already put on the black armor. After receiving the order, he raised his hand and led 1,500 light cavalry to move to the left wing.

Ning Yuhe and Ning Qingye also wanted to follow Xu Buling, but attacking the camp at night was completely different from the robbery of the Jianghu people. It was not easy to kill 10,000 pigs running around. Xu Buling didn't let them join in the fun, but just protected the artillery that was brought over with great difficulty in the rear.

After Xu Ying arrived at the designated location silently, Xu Buling led 500 Xiliang cavalry out of the woods, mounted their horses, formed a battle formation in the night, and gently raised their long spears... ——

In the Chu army camp, Chen Shou, the commander who led the troops to raid Luanshan County, had already fallen asleep. There was a map of the surrounding area of ​​Luanshan County on the table, but it was too old and basically meaningless. He had to temporarily find an old man in the county to dictate and modify the drawn route.

Dong Dong Dong

The earth was shaking.

The strange sound came suddenly, as if someone was beating a drum in the distance, or thousands of beasts were galloping.

Chen Shou suddenly woke up. As a general under the King of Chu, he had rotated to assist in defense in the northern border, so he knew that it was the sound of horse hooves, war horses!

Dayue lacks war horses, especially good-bred war horses. Chu is located in the hinterland, and the court will not give war horses at all. All soldiers and horses are infantry. The King of Chu spent a lot of effort to gather a group of elite cavalry, and the horses used are also inferior horses commonly seen in the rivers and lakes.

It was urgent but not chaotic like thunder. There was no other sound except the horse's hooves. Just this dull sound can make people feel the majesty of the elite army.

Chen Shou had heard this kind of horse hoof sound before. It was when he was helping to defend the northern border. When the Liaoxi Army heavy cavalry passed through the border, he saw it from a distance. Not to mention the armor and equipment, just the bloody smell of the battlefield can make people feel scared from a distance.

Nanzhao County, how could there be a border cavalry...

Chen Shou's first thought when he woke up was this, and the second thought that followed was the trembling from the bottom of his heart. He suddenly turned over, grabbed the sword from the side, and roared:

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Dong, Dong, Dong

The real war drums had already sounded chaotically outside the camp.

The huge camp was in chaos in an instant. The patrolling infantry, looking at the giant beast that suddenly rushed in the dark night, ran behind the bunker in panic; the sleeping Chu soldiers suddenly woke up, turned over, and looked for helmets and weapons, crossbows, but it was obviously too late.

A mile away, the Xiliang light cavalry sprinted at full speed, almost giving the Chu army no time to draw their bows and arrows.

After a wave of arrows on horseback, the defenseless front camp of the Chu army wailed everywhere, and the rear camp was unclear about the situation and instantly became a headless fly.

Xu Buling, holding a 10-foot-long horse lance, rushed to the front on his own horse, and blocked the chevaux de frise with one lance, shouting angrily:

"Xu Ying, lead 8,000 light cavalry to attack the flank..."

The voice was like thunder, and he overwhelmed the noise of the army and reached everyone's ears.

Then, the left wing was filled with overwhelming shouts:



The momentum was like a tide!

In the camp, Chen Shou knew that the other party was bluffing. If they dared to attack the camp, they must have arranged the attack route in advance, so why did they shout in front of the battle? But he knew that the soldiers under his command obviously didn't know this.

Five hundred cavalry rushed into the 10,000-man army camp. In the night, it was impossible to see how many people there were. A fire was lit, and only screams and shouts of killing were left in the huge camp.

The soldiers, who were already unprepared, had not experienced war for many years. They collapsed almost instantly. They didn't even know what to do. How could they talk about fighting the enemy?

The Xiliang Army's long-term opponent is the border army of Northern Qi, which is much stronger than the palace soldiers. The two thousand people led by Xu Buling are the elite of the Xiliang Army, and they are all cavalry.

Even if they set up a frontal battle formation, the two thousand Xiliang Iron Cavalry are sure to disperse the ten thousand infantry, not to mention the current mess. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as slaughtering pigs.

The two thousand Xiliang Iron Cavalry entered the camp, and they had already estimated the combat power of the Chu Army's palace soldiers, but when they really fought, they found that they were still overestimated.

The entire camp only had the personal soldiers near Chen Shou, who organized some resistance, and the rest of the Chu army was running all over the ground with their armor and helmets thrown away.

Xu Buling held a horse spear like a purgatory killing god, and wherever he passed, there were limbs all over the ground without leaving a complete body, and almost rushed out a blood line in the camp.

After the few generals were dismembered in a face-to-face encounter, no one could organize resistance anymore.

After just one charge from left to right, the entire camp began to completely flee.

General Chen Shou recognized the armor of the Xiliang Army. When he saw the white-robed general riding the wind-chasing horse and looking down on everyone in the firelight, he knew who was coming.

General Xu Lie had accumulated power for sixty years. In the hearts of the military officers of Dayue, he was the god of war. Xu Buling's inhuman combat power had long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Seeing that it was Xu Buling who led the Xiliang Army to charge into the military camp, even Chen Shou lost his will to fight in an instant. He turned around and broke through with some of his personal soldiers, rushing towards Nanzhao County, trying to defend the city.

The sky was dark and full of smoke and fire. The remaining Chu army fled to the mountains and fields to avoid the cavalry.

In a war of annihilation with the strong bullying the weak, the Xiliang Army did not need to command at all. After breaking through the Chu Army's formation, they began to divide the battlefield and gradually strangle it.

However, Xu Buling's goal was not these 10,000 miscellaneous soldiers who appeared inexplicably. He wanted to fight Nanyang. After about half an hour, the Chu army was completely defeated and scattered into the surrounding mountains and fields. Xu Buling burned the food and supplies, rushed out of the camp from the south, and rushed towards Nanyang, a hundred miles away, along the flat Chu plain.

At the edge of the woods on the north side, dozens of soldiers and armored soldiers who stayed behind quickly moved forward after a team of light cavalry pulled a few carriages back, lifted four small cannons on them, and then rushed to Nanyang with the cavalry.

Ning Qingye and Zhongli Chuchu rode on war horses, looking at the sea of ​​fire in the distance like purgatory on earth. Even though they were women of the martial arts world, they were a little scared.

The people of Jianghu traveled the world with swords. The strong ones among them had amazing fighting power. They could easily kill dozens or hundreds of soldiers. They usually did not take the soldiers seriously. But when Ning Qingye saw the scene of thousands of people rushing into the camp of tens of thousands of people, he finally understood why the government had the final say in the world. With such a big battle, no matter how strong the warrior was, he could only stir up a small splash.

Dong Dong Dong

The sound of horse hooves was like thunder, and disappeared at the end of the sky of the Chu Plain in the blink of an eye...

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