The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 112 - Jitters (2)



"So, what's up with you? Was the result of your scans not all too pleasing?" Kieran asked bluntly.

"Something like that, but not entirely." Hadrian answered vaguely, causing the retainer to lift a brow.

Figuring that he might as well discuss the next assignment with them, Hadrian made a decision.

"Gather the others. There's something I need to discuss with you lot." Hadrian announced.

Kieran blinked in surprise, then tilted his head.

"Should we wait for the witches to come and join us as well?" The tan skinned retainer asked, referring to the female trio in the group.

The young mage shook his head.

"No, it'll be fine if it's just us for now." Hadrian stated.

For a few moments, Kieran observed his master quietly, wondering the cause for his strange behavior.

The retainer's stare didn't last long as he shrugged to himself and went to get his fellow companions as he was ordered to.

The look didn't escape Hadrian's notice, but he paid it no mind as he was more occupied in how to breach the subject to his male retainers.

His retainers, especially the female trio that were currently absent, would no doubt protest to the condition of the next assignment.

Some might be cool with it, and some would be against it.

But, whether they like it or not, they would have to accept the condition since Hadrian doesn't really have any choice in the matter.

Unlike most magi in the Mage's Association, the Schweinorg family's main business centers on investigating supernatural events.

They were not mercenaries nor were they mages for hire like most freelance magi in the Mage's Association.

Rather, it would be more appropriate to say that his family's secret business was similar to that of a private detective firm with the manpower of an elite military force under their employment and deep connections in many governments.

His family had many business ventures all across the world, many of which had been under the family's influence for several centuries.

But, like most magi families, the business were simply the Schweinorg family's cover, a way to help them blend in with the normal folk and remain unsuspected while in the public eye.

Caeles, Rin and Luvia had once compared his family's business to the inner system of a mafia, but that was simply his friends making an exemplary analogy.

In hindsight, Hadrian felt that their assumption might be due to the one of the titles his grandfather was being called.

The 'Godfather', the magi would call him.

And given how his grandfather liked to dressed and present himself, Hadrian supposed the title couldn't have been more appropriate.

In the past, the Schweinorg family lived like hermits, but with status and great wealth. They prefer to keep to themselves and mind their own business. There were times when the previous lords of the house would butt heads with other mages, but they were minor disputes that always ended in his family's favor, much to the ire of the opposite parties.

But, when his grandfather took over, things had changed greatly for the Schweinorg family.

With the help of the wealth and some materials the previous heads had kept hidden over the years, the old magician made a lot of connections, both in the magical and non-magical circles.

He had even gone as far as to dip his hands in the illegal kind of circles, just in case there was ever a need for him to have to use such a connection. It was somewhat of a gamble, but with his grandfather's achievement and ascension as a sorcerer, the risk paid off and the Schweinorg family couldn't have been more powerful.

Many high-ranked mages in the Mage's Association would go to his grandfather for help in the form 'assignments'. For every successful completion, the rewards would range from riches, materials, and various things worth of great value.

The steady increase of wealth and status in the moonlit world was always a welcome sight in his grandfather's opinion.

Of course, not all assignments were accepted.

There were people that would try to make contact with his grandfather with questionable intentions, and the old magician would dub them as 'potential clients'.

These 'potential clients' must be screened and cleared by the people working under his grandfather before they could speak to the man himself and present their request in person.

If his grandfather approved of their request, then the person making the request has the potential to be useful for the family's business in the future.

If it was the opposite, then his grandfather deemed them no use and would either ban or dispose of them outright.

People, who his grandfather label as 'potential clients', were usually the kind with unsavory personalities, criminals so to speak.

Thus, Hadrian doesn't really begrudge his grandfather for his actions against people of that nature.

The client who forwarded the next assignment seemed to be different however.

Hadrian's doesn't know why, but he sensed that the client in question might be the 'exclusive client' that his grandfather cannot easily refuse.

And, if his instincts were correct, the 'client' might also be the old magician's benefactor.

His grandfather had never been forthcoming on his benefactor's identity, only insisting that he would know in time. And even though Hadrian can just use the automaton to find more about the old magician's 'exclusive client', he didn't do so since he would rather not want to violate their privacy unless there was a need for him to.

What's more, going behind his grandfather's would leave a bitter taste in his mouth.

There was also a possibility that the older man would somehow know that he did such a thing and become disappointed in his actions. Annoying as he was, his grandfather is one of the people that Hadrian respects and would not want to disappoint.

Thus, he was content to wait till the old magician deemed it fit for him to know.

While Hadrian has the right to refuse it, the assignment might be a test for the client to gauge what he was capable of. Also, refusing the assignment might put his grandfather in a delicate situation, seeing as the old magician seemed to be wary and careful with his words regarding his 'exclusive client'.

Whenever a powerful magician like his grandfather does such a thing, it would probably best for him to also follow suit.

Not for his own sake, but more for his family's safety and those he was close to.

Hadrian blinked, snapping out of his musing when he heard footsteps closing in.

Turning around, Hadrian found himself facing his male retainers, who slowed into a stop as they all gathered around him in a half-circle.

"So, we're all here, boss. What'cha got for us?" Kieran started, putting his hands in his pockets.

In unison, all the male retainers in the area turned their attention to their master, including King Hassan, who was in his greyish dull cloak instead of his post-summoning attire as he firmly stabbed his great sword in front of him and rested his hands over the pommel.

Hadrian inhaled deeply, and then exhaled his hesitation and doubts in one breath.

'Here goes nothing…'



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