The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 113 - Reaction (1)



"Okay, I've called you all here to discuss something important." Hadrian began, his tone calm and even.

Blinking, the male retainers glanced at one another before returning their attention to their master.

"Alright…" Charles said slowly, a bit confused.

Standing beside the foolish knight, Astolfo titled his head in curiosity, an action that his two familiars, Ryu and Fou (who were both on their master's head and shoulder), mimicked.

"And that is?" Yan Qing lifted a curious brow, crossing his arms over his chest as he shifted his weight on one foot.

"Opa has a new task for me, that's what." Hadrian stated bluntly.

With the exception of Hadrian, all eyes in the room widened in surprise.

"So soon?!" Astolfo exclaimed.

"We just got back!" Charles protested.

"F.u.c.k… and just when I thought I can relax." Kieran groaned, putting a hand on his forehead as he felt a headache incoming.

King Hassan hummed, appearing to be one of the retainers who were not distressed by the news.

The other ones were Arash and Dia.

"When do we depart?" Dia inquired, maintaining his calm composure.

"Opa has given me two days to think over the new assignment." Hadrian paused, eyes glancing upwards before he sighed and continued. "Well, one now. The decision will have to be made on the day after tomorrow."

"Thinking of refusing, boss?" Arash asked.

"Maybe, but I don't think I can." Hadrian amended.

"Why not?" Astolfo asked, tapping a finger on his chin as he wondered the reason.

"Because the client who forwarded the request might be opa's benefactor."

"And that's a problem, why?" Kieran asked next.

"It's going to be a problem because, if I refuse to take this assignment, I might offend opa's benefactor, who will also become my client via inheritance once I take over as the Lord of the Schweinorg house in the future. Refusing an exclusive client is dangerous. Get it now, Kieran?" Hadrian explained, directing a smile that was not benevolent in nature at the tan skinned retainer.

Kieran grimaced, lifting his hands up in apology.

"Alright, alright! Geez, I get it. I'm an idiot. Now, can you stop that? That smile is too eerie for you to use, boss." The amber eyed retainer complained.

Hadrian huffed.

"So, you're going to accept it then?" Charles questioned.

"Is that why we're here? To get ready for the next trip?" Arash asked as he looked around the floor.

"I have to, and sort of." Hadrian answered, paying the two retainers a glance respectively.

"Then, why gather now? Shouldn't we have waited for the girls to come and hear about this?" Yan frowned.

Hadrian sighed.

"Thing is, there's a condition to this assignment."

"And what is that?" Astolfo tilted his head.

"I can only take two or three of you guys with me, and none of the girls are permitted to come." Hadrian stated.

At his answer, the eyes of the male retainers' widened in surprise.

"What…?" Charles muttered.

"What the actual f.u.c.k? Why the hell not?" Kieran blurted out, thrown off guard.

Hadrian shrugged, shaking his head slightly.

"Opa didn't specifically give me a legitimate reason other than what the client had told him. He also said something about the girls distracting me from my studies, but apart from that, none." The young mage said, looking a bit weary.

Silence reigned over as all individuals became absorbed in their thoughts for a few moments until one of them spoke again.

"No offense, but that's the stupidest reason I've heard in a while." Kieran deadpanned.

"Tell me about it." Hadrian huffed, somewhat gladdened to know that there was another who saw the condition as such.

"In hindsight though, it also makes sense." Kieran continued, looking thoughtful.

"What…" Hadrian paused, blinking at the sudden change in tune.

Kieran stopped, noticing the blank stares upon his person.

"Wut? Those witches may be violent cunts, but even I can't deny their beauty." Kieran defended, amber eyes narrowed.

His reason caused Hadrian and the others to react in various ways.

Some groaned at his crass choice of words, some face-palmed and others shook their heads in silence.

"Ugh, Kieran… One of these days, you're REALLY gonna get it, I swear." Charles groaned, face-palming.

"Been there, and survived all of them." Kieran harrumphed.

"If I 'member correctly, weren't you screaming like a girl when Scáthach and Rider were aiming at your crotch the other day in the sparring matches?" Yan quipped.

"F.u.c.k off, long hair." The tan skinned retainer made a crude gesture at his fellow retainer.

"What? Wanna throw-down, ya pubic frohead!" Yan shouted, annoyed.

"Bring it on, pipsqueak!" Kieran taunted with a shit-eating grin.

The comeback hit the long-haired assassin right where it was personal as the look of surprise on Yan's face slowly turned into anger.

"Pipsqueak?! You're hardly any taller than me, ya bitch!" Yan growled, indignant.

"I AM taller than YOU than a few inches, ya phantom bitch!" Kieran countered, equally irritated.


Before blows could exchange, a loud slam of metal hit against the ground, causing the two to flinch back in unison at the power behind the action. It felt as if they hit by a giant breeze that went away as soon as it came. Their clothes ruffled and hair were tussled by a sudden breeze caused by the movement, but they managed to keep standing.

All eyes turned to the ominously tall figure of King Hassan, who was staring at the smaller retainers with a disapproving gaze.

"Silence. I shan't hear you two squabble like children no more. The young master has more to say. Now, be quiet and listen. If thou speak again, I shall take your heads." King Hassan threatened with a glare.

After the two retainers were thoroughly cowed by his words, the old man of the mountain stepped behind Hadrian, who only looked amused by their spat.

"Thanks, King Hassan. There was no need for you to do that though." Hadrian muttered, glancing to the man beside him.

The tall, cloaked assassin merely hummed in response.

After shooting Yan a sneer, Kieran turned to Hadrian.

"Anyway, I'm just sayin'. I think your gramps is right in excluding those witches." Kieran shrugged in nonchalance.

"Whatever…" Hadrian shook his head with a dry chuckle. "As I was saying, I'll only be taking two or three of you with me for this assignment. I have another day to think about this, so it's better to give you guys a notice while we still have time. The assignment is set to operate in another world, so I suppose there is a legitimate reason for bringing only a few of you guys with me."

"What about those that aren't selected to come with you?" Charles asked.

"Yeah, what'll we be doing then?" Yan added, lifting one brow.

"Those who won't be coming will have to stay here and help opa and mama around." Hadrian announced.



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