The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 114 - Reaction (2)



"Ah, c'mon!"

"Oh, really?!"

"Damn it…"

The young mage's brow twitched in annoyance when a round of disappointed groans and cussing echoed in the floor.

The source of negative reaction to the news mainly came from the younger-looking retainers.

The calm and mature ones, such as Dia and King Hassan, merely took in the announcement without much reaction.

Ignoring their disapproval, Hadrian continued.

"Remember, there are still suspects in hiding somewhere around the world. Opa will need as much people as he can gather to find all of them. Obviously, he would turn to you guys once he needs help. The castle also needed to be guarded, considering mama and opa might be targeted by the suspects related to the murder cases. You never really know what happens when it comes to zealots."

With his reasoning, their disappointment turned into reluctant acceptance.

As much as they wanted to go and have fun in a different world, the safety of their master's family was more important, which was only second to their master's own safety.

Seeing their protests rendered into silence, the young mage nodded in satisfaction and spoke again.

"Anyways, it's nearing the afternoon. I'm resetting the arena to respawn the AI's again, so let's go train some more while we still have time." Hadrian looked at his portable terminal, fiddling with some of its function.

"By the way, how're you goin' to tell this to the girls?" Charles asked.

"I'll fill them in later when they get back. Hopefully, they'll be in a good mood." Hadrian sighed.

"Dunno. Got a bad feeling 'bout this, boss." Kieran chuckled, shaking his head wryly.

For a brief moment, Hadrian narrowed his eyes at the amber-eyed retainer before adopting his usual calm façade.

The split second look wasn't noticed as Kieran looked away before he could catch the subtle glance of mischief from his master.

"You let me worry about that. You though, will need to be in sharp form before the briefing. Now, stop dawdling and go train." Hadrian remarked, waving a hand to shoo them away.

Before the group could scatter, a certain amber-eyed servant stopped in his tracks as he looked around the arena.

"Boss… why does it feel like the AI's are stronger than before? And why does it look like there're more of them too?" Kieran asked, suspicious.

"Oh, well, you were complaining to me before how I didn't left some enemy programs for you to kill. So, I made more than before." Hadrian explained with a beatific smile.

"There are Shadow Servants here!" Kieran protested, narrowly avoiding being beheaded by a saber class shadow servant that looked suspiciously like a certain blonde swordswoman.

"Normal enemy programs don't seem to be much of a challenge to you anymore, so I included them. Enjoy!" The blonde haired mage waved as he stood idly on the side, unbothered.

"THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEAAAAAAAANT!" Kieran wailed as he did his best to run away from a horde of enemy programs and Shadow Servants.

Instead of feeling a bit guilty, seeing Charles and Kieran get mobbed by a hundred of Shadow Servants while he relaxed to the sidelines with a cool fruit drink did nothing but bring a smile to his face.

Pranks with no cause were something that Hadrian disapproves of, but the ones that do were always an exception in his opinion.



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