The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 127 - Strange Signals



Once the two sisters had calmed down, Hadrian didn't waste any time to make his inquiries.

But, he did took thirty minutes to wash up and change into a new set of clothes since he did just recently woke up in a pair of black pajamas. The two homunculi sisters were more than happy to show him his new closet (which seemed to be just as spacious and well-equipped as the one from back home), taking the time of his momentary absence to regain their composure.

The attire he chose was the one that seemed to be prepared for him, of which consisted of a white dress shirt that he left untucked and the top three buttons open, a gray vest and a velvet blue tie that was left loosed in the knot, a blue plaid trousers and black leather shoes.

The dress shirt, tie and vest bore intricate details permanently painted in molten gold, causing his attire to appear valuable by design.

The entire set of clothes seemed to be a bit more stylish than what he would usually wear, but Hadrian ignored it as it was not that important for him.

What he did took note of was the actual size of his body. He hadn't paid it any mind before, but after changing his clothes, he noticed that the body he was in was younger than he had initially thought.

Judging by his estimate (and the automaton's), the vessel was at the age of twelve nearing thirteen years old, which was a bit younger from his own body.

Hadrian had expected to wake up in a body that was of the same age to his own, not one that was younger and weaker than he was used to.

Shaking his head with a sigh, the young mage turned to the two homunculi maids, who were both sitting on a couch while their young charge stood before them.

"While I'm glad to see you two again, I have a few questions I need you two to tell me." Hadrian began, pausing to make sure that they understood what he meant.

Fortunately, it seemed that they do as Yuuki and Yuuri nodded their heads in agreement.

"Of course, young master." They answered in unison.

"Okay, first, why are you two here?" Hadrian asked, standing still as he waited for either of them to answer.

The two sisters glanced at each other, communicating silently with their eyes before looking away.

When Yuuri cleared her throat, it was clear that she would be the one to answer him.

"We are here under the orders of Lord Schweinorg, young master." Yuuri said in a dutiful manner.

Her answer was precise and simple, but Hadrian needed more context than that.

"Why?" Hadrian asked, hinting for her to elaborate.

Catching on to his meaning, Yuuri didn't waste time to explain.

"He had sent us here to attend to the vessel that you are now using, young master." Yuuri explained promptly.

Hadrian blinked.

"Attend? Is there something wrong with this body?" Hadrian asked, glancing down at the body in question.

Once more, the two sisters glanced at each other before breaking their gazes away.

It was quick and subtle, but Hadrian caught a hint of concern in their expressions.

He didn't say anything about it as he merely watched them turned back to him, but it was Yuuki who answered this time.

"Not precisely." Her eyes narrowed in thoughtful as she chose her words carefully. "The body is fine, healthy even, despite the lack of muscles and exercise. However, the previous occupant of that vessel was already gone before we were even sent here, young master."

Hadrian scratched the back of his head.

"I'm beginning to get confused here." He commented with a slightly complicated expression.

"Ah, please let me explain." Yuuri answered, catching Hadrian's attention. "What my sister meant to say is the previous owner of the body you are now inhibiting has already passed away. This is not my, or our conclusion, but the Lord Schweinorg's. He had merely sent us here to care for it in order to prevent it from decomposing."

"So, other than what he told you, you two don't really know what happened to this body then?" Hadrian asked slowly.

Recognizing the subtle hint of skepticism in his voice, the two homunculi sisters closed their eyes and lowered their gazes to the floor.

Sharing a sheepish expression, Yuuki and Yuuri nodded their heads in defeat.

Hadrian sighed.

"I thought as much…" He muttered under his breath.

Just as he was about to pull out the PT and contact his grandfather, a gasp caught his attention and he turned to see Yuuri, who perked up for some reason.

With a raised brow, Hadrian asked.

"What is it, Yuuri?"

"I just remembered, young master." Yuuri began with a small smile. "We might not answer your questions fully, but the couple can."

Hadrian blinked.

"The couple? Are they the owners of this building?" He questioned.

The two homunculi maids nodded their heads.

"Hm, yes. They seemed to be good friends of master Schweinorg." Yuuri added determinedly.

Hadrian hummed, tilting his head in thought.

With his interest pique, Hadrian shrugged to himself as he came into a split-second decision.

"Alright then…" The young mage nodded. "Lead me to them."



It didn't take long for them to arrive to where the couple was located.

He was right though, the building seemed to be a large mansion.

They had passed by many doors and rooms, each were well-furnished and decorated lavishly. But Hadrian only took note of them once and not so much as a blink, given his own experience in living with such wealth. Instead, he was far more interested with the strange signs of magical energy that he had sensed in some parts of the mansion and outside of it.

Given the amount of concentrated magical energy, he would assume that the ones outside was most likely what would be similar to a bounded field.

There were a few others that he also took note of, probably artifacts imbued with magical energy, but there was one in particular that caught his interest.

However, given the restrictions upon him, Hadrian can only get a vague sense of what it was.

He would need to be near to it in order for the automaton to observe the item closely.

His musings came to a halt when Yuuri and Yuuki stopped before a pair of twin doors.

In unison, the two homunculi maids stepped aside, turning to look at him before laying one of their hands on each door knobs.

With a twist of their respective wrists, the doors opened and they gestured for him to enter.

Hadrian gave them both a nod of gratitude before he stepped inside.



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