The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 128 - Strange Couple



Once he did, the young mage didn't waste any time to inspect the new room.

Said new room was a lounge, spacious and lavished just like the ones in every room of the mansion.

There were high ceiling and glass to easily let the light of the sun brighten the room naturally.

But, since it was night time, the small contemporary lamps decorating the walls of the room had more than made up to do their job.

Hadrian had also taken notice of the doors and other ways to escape throughout the mansion in the case something goes wrong in the meeting.

However, after considering their friendship with his grandfather, the young mage had felt no need to pursue such thoughts.

It was an instinctual habit that Hadrian had been trained with by his grandfather, one of which was a bit difficult for him to restrain sometimes.

Hadrian snapped back to the present when he took notice of the individuals in the room.

The room itself was spacious enough to fit groups of people, but, instead, there were only two people occupying it.

The two individuals in question were a man and a woman in their mid-twenties.

The first was a man with a healthy complexion, short black hair that was already graying on the sides, and deep blue eyes.

He was of an above average height, about 5'8, with comely features and a neatly trimmed beard and hairstyle.

He was dressed in a neat maroon sweater with the long-sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a white dress shirt, black trousers and a pair of dark brown dress shoes. He also wore a few notable items upon his person, such as a silver watch with a golden flat face, gold cufflinks on his shirt, and reading glasses with black frames.

On the other hand, the woman was a bit smaller than him in height, about 5'7.

She has long light brown hair that seemed to be quite well cared for, given the curls and glossiness of her hair. Her hair was long and bore small wavy curls, which she gathered mostly over her right shoulder while small bangs frame the sides of her countenance. She was also comely in facial features, bearing a slightly pale but healthy skin tone, and a pair of amber eyes.

The brunette was dressed in a dark blue dress, fitting her slim figure perfectly with her matching high-heels.

She wore a few simple jewelries on some of her fingers, wrist and neck.

For a moment, Hadrian was reminded of his mother, Lucia, who also seemed to be in favor of wearing her dresses and high-heel shoes, no matter the weather, time or the location.

He doesn't get it nor does he know why. He can only assume it was the type of thing that women were fond of doing.

Furthermore, he noticed the identical rings on their wedding fingers, signifying that they were married and the one couple the two homunculi sisters had mentioned.

The man was on a lavished Victorian chair, cross-legged and leaning back as he read a newspaper in his hands.

The woman was sipping delicately on her tea, but seemed to be taken aback when she quickly took notice of his entrance.

"Oh my! Are you –" The brunette paused, standing up as she took in his appearance.

The man seated opposite of her looked over his shoulder and blinked in surprise before he too dropped the newspaper on the small glass table as he stood up.

The doors behind him closed, causing Hadrian glance behind him as the twin homunculi walked closer to where he stood.

With a proud smile, Yuuri nodded to the brunette's incomplete question.

"Yes, this is young master Hadrian Mathias von Schweinorg." The homunculi maid announced in a calm yet firm tone.

"The sole heir to the Schweinorg dynasty." Yuuki added with equal pride.

Used to their reverence, Hadrian merely chuckled at their actions, something that also amused the couple in front of him.

"Thank you for the intro, but really, you can all just call me by my first name." Hadrian said with a small graceful bow and a genuine smile.

And just as before, the two homunculi sisters frowned, obviously disagreeing with his words.

"Ah, no, no. That would be impolite for us to do." Yuuri insisted, making her younger sister nod in agreement.

Hadrian sighed, then turned his gaze to the couple.

"Well, these two are a lost cause, but I hope you two would call me by my name." The young mage said with a wry smile.

The female brunette giggled, covering her mirth behind a dainty hand.

"Haha, why of course. It would be our pleasure, right dear?" She turned to the man beside her.

Her husband nodded, smiling as well.

"Sure, I don't mind it as well. Still…" The man tilted his head, staring at Hadrian with a curious glint in his eyes. "I didn't expect to see you this soon."

Hadrian breathed out a quiet sigh, shifting his weight onto his other foot.

"Things had probably escalated to the point that opa needed to get me over here." The young mage explained.

The tall man chuckled weakly, scratching his bearded cheek with an index finger.

"That is true, but that's not really what I was implying. Anyways, why don't you take a seat? I'm sure you have questions." The man said, gesturing to the sofa to his left.

"Yes, please do so. I'm sure you are still disoriented from your awakening." The female brunette added.

Nodding to the couple's concern in thanks, Hadrian took the offer with quiet grace.

Once they were seated, a small moment of comfortable silence took over as Yuuri and Yuuki brought in the refreshments for the evening.

It wasn't long before the conversation began once more.

"So, I heard from Yuuri that you two are friends of my opa?" Hadrian asked.

The couple laughed, as if something in his words had amused them.

"An acquaintance to me, more like. But, to my husband…" The female brunette turned to the man beside her.

"Yes, I'm more of a friend to Zel than he is to my wife." The man agreed with a smile.

Hadrian was about to speak again, but was cut off when the man's wife gasped suddenly.

"Oh! Where are our manners, we hadn't even introduced ourselves yet!" She said with a laugh.

"Ah, that's right! I am Nicolas, Nicolas Flamel." The man introduced himself.

"And I'm his wife, Penerelle Flamel. It is nice to finally meet you, child."

The couple wore bright smiles as they introduced themselves in turns to him.

But, their words caught Hadrian by surprise as he merely stared at them with a blank expression.

Then, reality sunk in and the young mage blinked, unknowingly dropping the small pastry he was about to bite on back to its plate.

"… Pardon?"



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