The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 90 - A Chaotic Visit (3)



It was a young woman, who seemed to be a bit older than Hadrian.

She has long blonde hair with curly tresses that was set into twin-tails by two blue ribbons, and amber eyes.

She has a slim and athletic built, but more gifted in the chest area (which was something that always seemed to irk a certain twin-tailed mage whenever subject of sizes comes up).

She was also a few centimeters taller than him, making her in the same boat as Rin Tohsaka.

Just like most female mages with noble lineages in the Clock Tower, the young woman was also beautiful. Her features alone were delicate and aristocratic, subtly hinting that she was from a long line of European nobility. If that was not enough, her proud bearing and posture would cause the observer to immediately assume that she was someone with a noble upbringing.

Typically, as someone of her station, she wore a blue dress with white frills. Upon her shoulders was a small, dark blue capelet with a blue ribbon on the front to prevent the cold weather of London in affecting her. She was also wearing a pair of sophisticated light brown ankle-length boots with (3 ¼) high heels. Her hands were both covered with white gloves.

Strangely though, her current behavior was not like a noble's as she happened to meet Hadrian's gaze by chance, looking just as surprised as he was.

"Ah, hello, Ms. Luvia." Hadrian broke out of his stupor and greeted the young woman with a small smile.

The newcomer, Luvia Edelfelt, was one of Lord El-Melloi II students. He was not personally close to her since he was already Lady Lorelei's apprentice by the time she registered into Lord El-Melloi II's class, but he does consider her a good acquaintance that he can count on. She also happened to be related to Rin Tohsaka, who had gone strangely quiet by her sudden appearance.

From the corner of his eyes, he can see that her body had gone rigid, as if rooted in place. Hadrian was a bit tempted to look up and see her reaction, but his instincts were warning him not to.

Recalling his friend's relationship with Luvia, whose family was a distant cousin of the Tohsaka's, Hadrian knew that Rin's reaction to the latter's presence was not a welcome one.

His attention, however, snapped back to Luvia as the contours of her countenance brightened at the sight of his smile as she returned it with her own.

"Hadrian, welcome back, how are yo–"



The smiling face of Luvia Edelfelt contorted into still grimace as a small black sphere (that looked suspiciously familiar) landed directly on her face, dead-center.

The force behind the Gandr (Hadrian later realized) caused the Edelfelt heiress to fly backwards, literally lifting her off her feet and away from the entrance.

With the exception of one, all eyes had turned wide-eyed as they watched Luvia hit her back on the wall just outside of the office before gravity pulled her down and caused her to end up on the floor, face-down.

Hadrian blinked, then slowly turned his head to the right where he saw a smug-looking Rin Tohsaka with her right hand set into a pistol gesture.

The tip of her right index finger letting out a bit of steam, indicating of her recent action that she seemed to take pride in doing.

From behind, some people couldn't help but make their comments.

"Ohhhohoho, bullseye!" Flat laughed, followed along by a few claps.

"That was awesome… but, that's gotta hurt too." Charles commented, unsure whether to be impressed or sympathetic.

"Ah, there they go again…" Caules muttered, sighing in resignation.

"By the way, Caul, why does Rin keeps calling Luvia tube-curls? I don't get it." Flat asked, turning to the spectacled mage with a confused expression.

"Seriously?" Caules gave him an exasperated look.

When the foolish blonde didn't budge and waited for him to explain, Caules sighed and relented.

He was about to speak, but it was Svin who did it for him.

"It's her hair, you fool." The docile-looking young man said in a low volume, eyes closing briefly.

"What he said." Caules added with a nod.

"Oh…" Flat paused, as if in thought, then he grinned goofily. "Ahaha, Rin's right. Her hair DOES look like curly tubes! That girl sure is creative with her nicknames!"

When he noticed movement nearby, Hadrian switched his attention to Rin and he saw her walk to the prone blonde.

"Sorry, tube-curls, I just saw your ugly face and felt the need to shoot something." She said in a not-so apologetic tone.

'You always do that whenever you happen to see her…' Hadrian deadpanned in his mind, recalling the times how the two interacted.

Silence reigned for a few moments before a soft grunt of pain broke it.

The source was none other Luvia Edelfelt, who slowly tilted her head up and pushed herself from the ground in a careful manner. She moved her head up, revealing a bleeding nose and a face that was a bit red (from anger), bruised and a bit dirty, starting from her forehead and down to her chin.

Regardless, she looked fine as she finally stood up, though the twitching of her eyebrow and the snarl on her lips indicated her anger.

"Grr… I can't believe that you would seriously fire a Gandr spell at a lady's face like this. This is why I can't stand unintelligent barbarians!" Luvia insulted, pointing an accusing finger at her assailant.

There was a hint of tears in the corner of her eyes, but Hadrian doesn't know whether that was from embarrassment for being caught off guard or from the pain of taking a Gandr shot to face.

The insult caused the twin-tailed mage to crack her knuckles in response, one at a time. Rin's eyes were overshadowed by her bangs as she glared at her distant cousin, baring her teeth in irritation.

"Don't get so haughty." Rin taunted through the ominous sounds of her cracking knuckles. "Just because you wear a dress and act ladylike, it doesn't change the fact that you're still a gorilla!"

"Quiet, you!" Luvia snapped back.

It wasn't long for the two to get into a fistfight and hair-pulling, and then all hell broke loose.



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