The Prince Of Magic

Chapter 91 - One Bad Day (1)



Lord El-Melloi II, formerly known as Waver Velvet, sighed.

He had just finished relaying the reports to the High Council and all he wanted to after was to relax for a few minutes in the safe confines of his office.

It had always been that way, ever since the cases of strange murders around the world had begun a few months back.

But, nothing can be done but for him to grit his teeth and endure the pressure.

However, it does annoy him that his time to play games had been cut off ever since the High Council had given him command to take a more firm position in solving the murder cases.

Granted, he might be weak when it comes down to magical combat, but his skills in deductions and theories in modern magecraft were enough for the members of the High Council to choose him as one of the mages to lead the investigations. He gave them results, which was received positively by the High Council most of the time, but it was still irritating that his workload also increase.

Under his right arm, he was carrying a small stack of papers that details of the reports discovered by other teams, which he would have to read through later on. Preferably after some rest.

Thinking of the couch in his office calling out to him, Lord El-Melloi II let out another sigh.

Following him through the corridors, a young woman of small stature looked at the back of her mentor with a worried look on her face.

"Are you alright, teacher?" Gray asked, carrying a couple of books that belong to the man walking in front of her.

The former master glance back at her over his shoulder before turning his gaze to the front.

"I'm fine, Gray. I just need to get some rest." He assured her calmly. "Speaking to those old farts had never been easy nor simple. Every time I meet them, it's always stressful."

"Ah, then, would you like me to make you a cup of tea, teacher?" Gray offered.

"Yes, thank you. That would be appreciated."

While his words were stated calmly and almost in a nonchalant manner, it was enough to make Gray feel happy and smile.

The two walked to his office in comfortable silence, until they caught sight of two familiar figures in the distance.

They were about to ascend to the upper level of the building, but the two figures stood in their way.

The first was a young girl, who seemed no older than fifteen years old.

She has a long brilliant blonde hair that cascaded down her back, a pale white skin reminiscent of a bisque doll, and clothes and grace that were similarly picturesque. She wore a dark blue attire with a sweater around her shoulders that was a darker shade of blue, a pair of long black stockings, and brown gloves and boots.

She was also wearing a small black beret on the side of her head, somewhat tilted and on the verge falling off, but it was supported by a silver metallic ornament that was on her right ear. The shape of the ornament appears to be similar to a head of a rose upon close inspection.

But, out of all that, her most defining feature were her eyes.

Her eyes were a deep shade of blue, but clear and vibrant in color. They were blazing like fire, overflowing with strength and determination.

In contrast to her eyes, the manner in which she held herself and calm and cold expression was similar to how an experienced mage of stature would appear.

Behind the young girl, there was a tall figure standing behind the former.

Said figure was a head and few centimeters taller than the young girl. She was dressed in a black maid uniform with a white apron, cap, and a large red ribbon on her neck. She was also wearing a pair of white stockings and black shoes with low heels. The figure seemed to be a female in appearance, but her skin was a color wholly unsuited to human beings; a shining silver.

Lord El-Melloi II stopped, frowning at the sight of the two figures.

His forehead creased especially when his gaze landed on the smaller figure of the two, considering as there was always something headache inducing that would come whenever he sees her.

With a resigned sigh, he forced himself to walk towards the pair, despite his great reluctance to ignore them entirely.

"Reines. Trimmau." He said by way of greeting.

In response, the young girl with long blonde hair smirked, putting one hand on her hip.

"Why hello there, older brother." Reines El-Melloi Archisorte returned.

The being standing vigilantly behind her, Trimmau, acknowledged his presence with a slight bow of her head.

Used to the maid golem's behavior, Lord El-Melloi II shifted his gaze to his 'little sister' instead.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have class?" The long-haired professor asked, wondering why she was on her way to his office.

Reines scoffed, tilting her head as she gazed to the side with a mild look of displeasure.

"Hmph, that tutor is just as incompetent as the last one. So, no, I don't have a class to attend to." She said in a nonchalant tone.

In other words, the tutor was either dismissed or 'at the bottom of hell'.

Whichever was the answer, the reason behind such a thing was because they had done something to offend her, or perhaps she found them simply inadequate to teach her.

Now, she was just wondering around the Clock Tower with Trimmau in tow to search some form of entertainment.

Sighing, Lord El-Melloi II closed his eyes briefly and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Assigning tutors with great credentials to educate the princess of El-Melloi house had often been a difficult task for him, and now, she had turned away a tutor that had only lasted for a week.

The long-haired professor hoped that the tutor was alive and mostly unharmed.

Last time, the previous one was left traumatized, to the point that even the slightest noise was enough to make him jump in fright.

Lord El-Melloi II had not seen a shade of hair nor hide of that tutor ever since then.



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