The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1004, Chapter 1004, Chapter 1004 of the Prince of Tennis

"It turns out that this is not a low-level cultural practice, but the high-level refining method of the Buddha's Buddha's Buddha's Buddha's Buddha's Buddha!" ​​The night is outstanding.

This practice is actually called Buddha statues. It is a high-level refining method in the world. Its cultivation is very high, and it is necessary to constantly cultivate Buddha's gold.

Once the statue of the Buddha is full of gold, the subject will not die, even if the soul is destroyed, his body still has ancient times!

This powerful exercise has long been lost in the face of the world. It has long been long, and the super-god system store is just its residual article, and it is a copy of the Capital Venue.

Therefore, the hyperincidence system determined that the low-level refining method was redeemed by the night long style.

Now in the dual role of the loyal and powerful understanding and the body of the beast jade, the night-long wind is already a door to the Buddha's Buddha.

Of course, the body of the night-catching body is only condensed, the Buddha is gold, and it is necessary to reach ancient times, the unclaimed realm, and a long way.

And there is no experience and guidance of predecessors, this road is also destined to rugged.

However, the body of the atmosphere of the night, the body is in that step, there is an incomplete senior refining method, which is much better than the low-level refining method of a garbage.

921 chapter, never stop

The slow standing, the night long style feels that the body of the body outside the body is already greatly enhanced, even if it does not open the gold, it is high to be higher than the body's flesh.

"Kao! Now my face is strong than my own! Although the power is only the power of two dragon icons, but if only the flesh power is fighting, and the body should be almost the same!" The night is dark, then it is Withdraw the status of the golden body.

For the body of the nignamer, the golden body of the real refining method is not consuming energy, which means how long is the golden body that doesn't work for a long time.

It's just non-combat status, and the night grows still don't want to be a 'light bulb' that has been shining.

"Well ... this Buddha is a lot of gold refining, and if you exchange, you must be an astronomical figure. Such a good practice, the light is not realistic, only when you look at the lucky draw , Can you smoke! "I thought in the night.

"Well?" Night Changzhijun is suddenly stunned when he returned to the Nangotian World from the Xiaotian University to continue with the tail 31 beast dry frame.

Because the space of the small world is different from before, the space in the small world is more than 20 miles, while the space in Xiaocheng is at least four times.

Night long-standing estimates that the space at this time is at least in the square, and the forests and lakes become quite huge.

In addition, the god tree is much bigger than before, and the night cost is still thought to be an illusion.

"What's going on?" The night's heart touched his own mind.

"Yes! Is it a god tree to absorb the nine-tailed chic Chakra's beads in the previous silver-angled?" Night wind finally remembered the red beads of the nine Takla in Xiaotian, who was arbitrarily thrown.

"I kao! There are so many energy in the beads?" Night lived did not think of so much energy among the beads.

"It seems that Chakra for the tail is helpful to the small world!" The night is far from the bottom of Braz, "If the god tree can absorb Chakra, the whole of the tail beast, the change of the small world is not Want to fight against the sky? "

"My ri! It seems that you must knock down the mask male. This might is divided into the beast! It is best to give the outer road to the small world!"

"If you can absorb seven tail beasts, what will the small sky becoming? Will it really become a world?" Night wind couldn't help YY.

"Well ... go back now!" The night's body is turned into the body and mind, and returned to the world.

The lens turned to the subtracks that came out from the secret base of the organization.

At this time, dozens of vine-out are in the sight of Sasuke.

"It's coming so soon ..." Sasuke turned cold and looked at the fellowship.

"Why are you here?" One of them fell into the sound of Sasuke.

"So saying ... You are not for me!" Sasuo helped the channel, "I walked from a village before, but there was no one, I always felt weird ... Do you know what happened? "

"It is what we are asking you is good!" White is in a hurry, "Why will you run to the outside? Our body?"

"Hey ... If you don't want me to come outside? Since that, let me go back, anyway, you will have more people!" Sasuke cold voice.

"Do you say ... You give our body ..."

"I hope that so many people can give me a challenge ..." "Sasuke's eyes slowly launched.

bass! At this time, dozens of white branches rushed to Sasuke!

"Benevo!" Sasuke lively, ignited the purple Chakra flame, and finally the top of the full state of the purple Chakra giant came.

At this time, the purple Chakra giant opened the right palm, the right palm appeared to a flame token, spit out countless black flames, all the white fits are swallowed, constantly burning.

Soon, it was burned out of boutique, and Zuo help deliberately left a white branch, grabbed by Chakra's claws, and then controlled this vane.

"Say! What happened?" Sasuke cold channel.

"War ... put the enemy ... knock down!" The fellowship is slow.

"Is it a spotted guy?" Sasuke continued to ask.

"Capture Chiraby and Sirdr Sonu ..."

bass! Sasuke pulled out the long sword of the waist, and cut down the head of the white!

"Naruto ... night long ... You are the ninja of the wood!" Sasuke sound is cold and cold, "I will arrive at the battlefield, kill you one by one!"

"Haha ... is really good, I am more and more adapt to this pair ... brother!" Sasuke suddenly started to laugh.

"The brother's eyes also have everything he saw, brutal ... sad ... He is too hot ... but this is right!" Sasuke is already the late stage of China.

He now has only one goal is to destroy him and his brother unfortunate wooden village!

The lens returned to the sand of the first brigade.

Accurately, there is no brigade. The Ninja, the first brigade of the Ninja, is already exiting this desert, only the night grows and five shadows are also asissile.

Yuxi Bouvet's slightly must be able to directly thresh the body of the night, and the body of Yuxiobang is a heavy embedding in the rock wall behind.

"Hey ... Is it said that your 520 is the heir left by the hut?" Yushibo spheres slowly, coldly looked at the night-hearted wind that turned over before the eyes.

bass! bass! ~ When the five shadings are also flashed to Yishibo spots, they certainly do not think that the night long wind can be so easy to defeat Unexpell.

"How much do you tmd nonsense?" The night grew away, "" first put you in the first! "

! When the night is long, the right foot is in the back, and it is instantly jumped, rushed to Yishibo spots, a boxing!

The three-headed dragon icon is all open, the night is not retained, and the vain of the dragon icon is also aggravated. This proves that night long wind is still progressing in battle.

Bang! Yuxi Bao sphere was directly bombarded by the heavy box of the night-length wind, and the lower body was drafted in the air.

"Take now! Wind shadow kid!" Two-day scale wild wood.

I love the hands of my hands and one fell swoop!

~ ▉ ▉ ,,

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