The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1005 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

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"Seal is complete!" I love Luo.

"Very good!" Five shadows are full of face.

And the night grow is a brow, "Is it bordered?"

922 chapter, hiding

! At this time, a blue Chakra's sword slammed from the ground, pulling the belly of the night, and the blood is blowing out between blood!

"Ni! Odor boy ... aren't you?" The five shadows are exposed an unbelievable expression.

"You seal is just the woods that have been used in the column, but it is very realistic, the past is the opponent, seeing it only me!" The body of Yuxibo sphere slowly raised from the bottom, still Chakra fire covered with blue.

"It is my dilute!" Yu Zhibo swept coldly swept the rest of the fifth, "next is you!"

The second brigade's coastal battlefield is blinded in the transparent junction.

"How is the situation in the first battlefield?" Suddenly asked.

"Five shadows and wooden leaves are especially honest, and the long wind is in the battle!" Try outside the nephew.

"No, don't look at the spots! Want to stop him, only the monotors who have the most enemy of the uniform are only!"

"Is it really so strong? I have to know that my opponent's strongest five shadows, but the kid, and the kid is also known as the master of the young generation, the master, the master. ! "Ding Ju.

"Ah ... I am afraid that the Ninja that can defeat the spot, in addition to the late first generation, the old people have no people!" The break is very anxious. "In addition to monitoring me and responsible for the ninja responsible for the nepons, it is best to send it. Looking for a martial artist who is born with embossed! "

"How is the situation of the headquarters?"

"Of course, you have all the best search ... But there is no news yet!" That is a reputation.

"I am evil ..." The broken head looked at the sky, "Don't die, the master ..."

A hidden forest.

Yuxi Hosi, which got rid of the pharmacist, is constantly moving forward, and at this time, Sasukes discovered the and not slowly followed the body.

Sasuke wants to figure out what Yishi Pub is going to do.

At this time, Yuxi Posch has a fast print, "Tongling!"

At a time, more than ten crows are now, and the sight of Sasuke is blocked, while preventing him from continuing to track.

"You gave me here!" Yuxi Pub looked back at a sure to help, and then figured it out of origin, and the speed faster than before.

Finally, Unexpectedly came to a very hidden cave, his eyes of his eyes were turning.

"Is it here? Bored to the necropsy!" Yuxi hub lifted the red Chakra fire, and finally gathered into a cockroach, it is to be able to be able to!

! Huge red Chakra

The gravel is flying, and there is a fairly broad cave in front of the tap, which is much more than the previous channel.

"I really can't find here, I can find here!" Sitting in the cave is a pharmacist who is worried by everyone who is worried.

That is to say, after the championship of Uki is broken, it is the place where the pharmacist is hidden.

"When you are manipulated by you, I can clearly understand where you come from, this is the risk of surgery, but you have no need to remember this!" Yuxi Hosi warmly .

"Being taught! Because there is no ninja to get rid of this surgery, I haven't worried this at all!" I still go back to Yisizu, ", yes! I hope you can remember!"

"What?" Yu Zhipu still faceless.

"This philosophy of reincarnation can not stop this, can stop this technique, only me, in other words, you can't kill me. Once you kill me, this is no longer stopped. ! "Suddenly laughed between the song," Haha, it seems that I am not only lucky ... "

"Sure enough, it is not as simple as it is, it's really!" Yuxi hubbrows were slightly frown.

At this time, Sasuke appeared behind Yuxi Pub, "Chasing you, what are you coming?"

Sasuke instantly, his eyes, he saw the pharmacist in front of Unecheo, there is a very familiar feeling of hovering.

bass! Sasuke instantly jumped to the side of the pharmacist, "Is it a big snake pill?"

"Oh ... a little bit a little bit!"

"This voice ... is a pocket!" Sasuke faces cold.

"I didn't expect to help the war's return ... I actually take the initiative to find the door to go to the door ... It's really good luck!" Tour.

"What does it mean? Why are you here!" Sasuke is getting wonderful.

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"The situation is slightly more complicated ... It's better to make a description for you!"

"You explain it, I will take the opportunity to stop the anti-rogue!" Yuxi Pubie hands and one mouth.

"This is no weakness, the only risk you also know, that is, you can find that the monographer's Chakra is moving., I advise you still don't act reluctively, and you will get rid of it!" Say.

"Hey ..." Yu Zhi Hou's eyes flashed, put down the hands of the printed.

"Pocket, answer my question!" Sasuke yelled.

"It seems that I am not guilty, but this is no wonder, Sasuke. During your brother's eyes, the world has a change in the earth!"

...... [.....

"It's a battle!" Sasuke replied.

"You seem to know a little bit, now is the fourth endurance battle, I am a war with the warning of the organization and other five major countries!"

"It's the enemy of the five major countries, only how you may deal with it!" Sasuke directly replied.

"Of course, you can! The number of freshends is more than 100,000, plus the forces I am awaken, the golden corner, the fog hidden village, the seven people, the predecessor of the past, the first of the past ... Although these troops now Most of them have been treated by night long wind, let me have some accidents ... "Take the road.

"It's a night grey!" Sasuke was shocked, he did not think that night long wind could deal with so many people.

"The words you have already played with the lunch of the little wind, but also completely let me lose contact with the long gates!" I looked at Yushuo.

"Ah ... I seem to have the power that doesn't belong to this world. Pocket, you are not his opponent!" Yuxi hubo warmly replied.

"Hey! Maybe!" The color is cold, and the mouth is touched. "But I still have a real throne - Yuxi Bao!"

"Yu Zhibo Pot?" Sasuke and Yisi House were all color.

"Ah! Now they are hitting, I believe that there will be good news soon. If you have a big killing, no one can stop! Hahahaha ..." The pharmacist began to laugh again.

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