The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1006 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

923 chapter, bone

The battlefield of the wilderness sand.

Yuxibo spheres with Chakra's hand will lift the night long wind, "Ok ... Who will come to death?"

"Oh ... You wear a hole, you can't help! Yushibo spheres!" The sound of the night's wind suddenly sounded behind Yuxi Boss.

At this time, the night long-term-long weather wearing a white bone is a white bone, which is the latest tolerance - bone of the neighborhood.

This bone is more than a truth between the woods and the beginning of the thousand-handles, and even if the reincarnation of Ukuang is not seen.

"Ni!" The five shadows were surprised, they did not see that the night's long wind was hit, but it was a bone.

"Well? It is actually bordered!" Yu Zhibo sphere was blocked in the cold, and the angry "four four zero" angry in the chest.

"Don't pretend, you will die!" The night is right and right, and it is a back to the back of Yu Zhibo!

Dragon is like a whistle, the night's fist is more and more stronger, and the night-catching wind is also self-realizing the skills of the near-body fight.

More than night long wind, his battle has to be enchanting, almost a few seconds, the long wind will have new comprehension, this is the strength of powerful soul and the benefits of understanding.

boom! Yuxi Bao is turned over, and the claws of the Chakra, which must be affected by the white bones of the night, and the claws will be punched, and they burn towards the night.

Two punches, air instantly exploded, the wavy layer pushed open, the survival trees and the rock wall were pressed into crushing in an instant.

~ ▉ At this time, Sui Zhiwu's polar must be Finally, it is done between heaven and earth.

The body of Yuxibo sphere is also pushed up with a row of fists in the night, and it will stop.

"What strength is this?" Yu Zhibo spheres frown crumpled.

"Haha, Yu Zhibo spots, you have to use a junior actually to use it, that is, you have already been forced to go without the way! I am right?" After the night's body, the old man deliberately stimulated Yisibo spots.

"Hey ... I admit that this little ghost has the power of him in his age! But ..." Yuxi Bo is still cold, and the hands began to quickly printed. "The column is not there, the victory is only me! "

bass! bass! ~ ▉ At this time, Yu Zhibo spheres have drilled dozens of wooden fractions, which are directly embodied in the five shadows and the nightgains.

"Next, what do you do?" Yuxi Bouvelle Spices.

The lens turns back to the hiding place in the pocket.

Sasuke did not pay back, but turned to look at Uxuo, "You are also embossed, why you will appear in this place, you should be controlled to the battlefield!"

"The reason is very simple! I didn't be controlled by this guy!" Yuxi Hosi warmly replied.

"He said it is true, it is true! It is really Yishuo, but you can use your own illusion to cover the blister, the average person can't think of it!"

"Sorry, I hate it is ordered!" Yuxi Hosi replied.

"Then you are here ..."

"I am coming to kill you!" Yuxi Hostel is cold.


"The bored boredom of the embarrassment is actually caused by you."

"Ai ... Thanks to this boring, you can realize your brothers touching people. You should also thank you!" Pap smiled.

"The dirt is not allowed to do and manipulate, you blame the soul that has been purified, and the unnecessary sorrow and disgust are spread!" Yu Zhi Subo loudly, "the death of the deceased, you Can you understand? "

"The living people don't need to say, people are not easy to cross the sigh and sorrow, you are using it to let them get angry!"

"Hey ... I am a little surprised! You still have such a gentle kindness, or say that you regret it for the matter?" If you are like that, I There is no interest in interest. "

"Just say what you said, you will be alive!".

"Sasuke ..." Turned to see Sasuke, "Do you want to knock down again as the ? Now I have the existence of me and the existence of it, it is true!"

"How ... Do you want to temporarily join hands to get rid of you?" Deliberately picked the way, "With the same snake, we ..."

"I don't intend to treat this guy this guy as a teacher!" Sasuke interrupted the words, "" Moreover, I don't know anything, I am looking for it, I will come here! "

"So, where is it? Sasuke!" Flash a white light on the glasses ...

bass! At this time, Sasuke Light-like unbounded pockets.

Table tennis! And Yisizaoi also shot bitterness, no bust, no bust, bustful.

"Why? This guy and the big snake pill are a guy. If this is the case, he is my enemy!" Sasuke is very surprised to turn the top quality, "And what is your enemy now?"

"Know! There are words we will say later, first defeat this guy, but don't kill him. Once you kill the treasury, surgery will never be unspeakable. I will use my first. Monthly, asked the method of stopping that surgery! "Yisi Hosi explained.

"Then keep the state of the monthly read, by me to control him to solve the !"

"Oh ..." Sweeping a brother, ", your plan you have made, I hope 3.6 You can also sound as so smooth when you implement it!"

"But I just said this there is no weakness and defect!"

"Any stemming has a weakness and defect, and the weakness of this operation is my existence!" Yu Zhi's eyes of the eyes of the eyes turned, and finally became a kaleidoscope.

"", You always use 'next', 'I will say' the excuse of this class to deceive me, I still die! So this time I want you to obey the agreement! "Sasuke open.

"The ancient words said that people's character will not change, but I am dying once, I will be willing to pay this time!"

"Oh! Do you join hands with the brothers?" s,, .........................

924 chapter, immortal mode

"The conspiracy like me, I don't want to be stared with people!" The cloak behind him covered her own half face.

"Well ... Is it a strategy against illusion?" Sasuo looked at the pocket.

"Look at those snakes, they are very clear, you can do our actions!" Unexpectedly looked at the venopian python.

"The snake can perceive the body temperature, and can also send the smell into the mouth with the snake head, and use the smell to explore the thrill!" Sasuke explained.

"It seems that you have made a lot of homework ... It's just like an expert in a snake." .

"It is to knock down the big snake pill, I have known a lot of investigations ..."

"It's just a snake expert, but there is no way to defeat me! This is my homeland, nature is also my comrades!"

At this time, the python who is outside is sharp.

"The snake is getting bigger!" Sasuke faces a cold.

"Do you want to use terrain? When you have a trap, Sasuke!" Reminded.

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