The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1007, Chapter 1007, Chapter 1007 of the Prince of Tennis

"Trap? Only there is something!" The talents did not fall. The huge python next to him opened the bloody and sakiered direction.

Bang! At a time, the snake head will hit the stone column in the cave, and the gravel fly!

At this time, it is the hands of the hands, the top of the head, the red Chakra [] Four hands will take the four python's heads!

boom! Sasukes next to the mesa is also open, and the purple Chakra Giant uses the giant sword in his hand. It is quite perfect for the snake of the pie.

"This is to be able to be able to do it!" Take the two people.

"It's too embarrassing! Sasuke! I said that I can't kill him!" .

"It seems that he is already the power of the big snake pill, it is impossible to die so simple!" Sasuke replied.

! At this time, Sasuke directly rushed up, "Open your hood again!"


bass! Sasuke with Chakra arm, the hood on the head, the result is the top of the hood.


bass! The giant python is saved by one, and the little snake will slip away in this dark cave!

"Pocket, your guy is so yin! Don't shake your face, is it planning to hide the whole person?" Sasuo helped the channel, "this time just molt ... You just transplanted the big snake pill The remains of the relic! "

"Sasuo Jun ... Are you looking at me?" The voice of the pocket is coming, "Well, I really don't know if the danger index on the wanted order is not as good as you, and it is more worthless than the big snake pill. One mentioned! "

"Do you think that you can hide? Pocket!" The blood circles in the eyes turned, and the rock wall showed the snake-shaped Chakra.

"Sasuke, be careful! Chakra is taken in all areas! Don't know which one is true!" Yu Zhipu reminded, at this time, the two people were a snake-shaped Chakra.

The snake just being taken off by Sasuke, turned into a flowing liquid [body], flowing into the ground.

"Is this?" .

"This is the ability to change meat [body], separation using body fluids, so it seems like an exemption, this is the technology I am in investigation of ghost light!" The voice sounded again, "Sasuke, you also know, that person is the water!"

"He can turn from someone into water, then hit it from the water! Plus my previous super recovery, this is also what you are familiar with the body of the whirlpool! "

"Well?" Sasuke, "Your guy!"

"Well! There is also a companion that you also care! Your eyes are really unique, Sasuke! The three people's ability is very good!" The pocket observed Sasuke and.

"In this ninja world, the inability even has a denial, but there is no need to grab it from some people, and then add it to himself!" That is the perfect inheritance of the big snake Will of the pill.

The assembly is basically blown, the ability is basically grab!

"So, your guy also has a strong ability, is it the spell of the big snake pill?" Sasuke Package.

"No! The curse is just a temporary !!" "The voice of the pocket just fell.

!! ~ ▉ There are many huge pythons who have drilled out from the bottom, just like the python just happened.

"This body is myself obtained by practicing!" The voice of the pocket rang again, "Just in the dragon!"

"You speak the dragon!" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"Yes, I found it with Miao Mountain, SHI bone, the land - Dragon Cave! Not only is the big snake pill, I have been there!" I also have to go! "

At this time, Sasuke in the continuous east look at the location of the real body to find the body.

"I found the white snake cactus and got the power through cultivation. I eventually surrendered the big snake pill!" It seems that I am interested in disturbing the heart.

At this time, the Chakra, which tested the head, revealed the armor, turned into a mature body, and suddenly showed a huge bow and arrow in his hand, then an arrow shot into the dark.

Sasukes discovered the trace of the molty in the blotting.

"Sasuke, cool!" Yu Zhipu reminded, he didn't want 487 Saslers to kill it directly.

call! The boulder finally shot above the rock column, and the pompoo is a deadly blow.

"It hangs?" Sasuke him.

"Oh ... my perceived ability is in the past, the power of nature is standing here!"

"Natural power?" The meberfighter on the side wrinkled, this feeling seems to have met, "The guy is really ..."

"Listen, the heavy family has a special ability to absorb natural energy into the body. This is the reason why he suddenly rushed away, so he sometimes be violent because of suddenness and violent! The big snake pill did not focus on the violent turnover The behavior itself is investigated by the origin of the emphasis on our family! "

"After the big snake pill, the big people finally found the source of this power, that is, the dragon hole! The big snake pills tried to get this power on the spot, but the body did not get on the body!" Directly drilled in Ba.

"So the big snake pill is not like this perfect cactus mode like me now!" The look is completely changed, and the whole person covers a layer of snake scale, many human body characteristics are also serpery.

Compared to the ... ...

925 chapter, shocked everyone

"It turns out that it is the power of the cactus model!" Yu Zhishi watched his pocket.

In the case of the cactus mode, there is also a glasses, and there are more wonderful things.

"You and the big snake pills, just a waste snake that has not made strength!" Sasuke cold liping.

"Since you are a snake expert, I hope you can understand!" The stood up, "I am not a snake, the complete cactus makes me [faded] go to the snake skin!"

The glasses on the nose are rang, "I have sublimated it to the dragon!"

The whisper of the plum is released, and the wind whistling, and blows Sasuke and Sui Zhiwa's Ticla Fire in Chakra Fire.

The lens turns back to the sand in the desert.

Night winds and five shadows were surrounded by dozens of borders of Unecheliota.

"Oh, want to use people's tactics?" Night wind looked at the shadow of Yu Zhibo spheres, the corner of his mouth.

"Are you a few people in the district want to fight with me?" Yu Zhibo spheres are all in one, "Too true!"

boom! At this time, all of Yuxi Bouvet ignited blue Chakra flames.

"Do you say it?" It was shocked by beauty.

"Damn, can you use all of them?" The agency is also nervous.

call! At this time, all the heads of all Yisiwang spots are showing blue Chakra giants.

These giants are approaching the five shadows steps step by step and the place where the night growers.

"MD ......

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