The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1008, Chapter 1008, Chapter 1008 of the Prince of Tennis

That's right! In this key moment, the blood of the life of the life of the night, and the blood of the blood, the fire of the spirit, came to a new level.

"It's evil! Too much, is a person who is ?" ▉ ▉ ▉? "

"Five goals!" I love Luo is also a look.

"No! It is thirty to six!" Spring old head two-day scales Danomiki, "We cooperate with each other, cover each other, we are five shadows, how can you lose to him!"

"Yes!" The five shadow is agreed.

And the night is swaying, "It's not 30 to six! It is 30 or one, I will be enough alone, you don't shoot!"

"Changfeng, now it is not a wind!" The program was in a hurry.

"Yeah, Changfeng Jun! Now the enemy's strength is leading!" I love Luo is also attached.

"Although you are such a man, my sister, I appreciate it, but now I am not a handsome!" Illuminate the night's wind.

"Kid! Let's act together, the other party can be a bit of the scorpion!" Although the two-day scales know the strength of the night, the strong strength is superior, but such a number of we must, two-day scale wild wood does not think the night Changfeng can get it.

"Oh ..." Night long-faced horns slightly, hands and one show, "more than people? I haven't lost!"

Suddenly, there is a fruit of 100 purple before the night length. The fruit on the gods in Xiaocheng is almost summoned by the night long wind.

There is always, the purple rays orthive for hundreds of purple fruits all the faces of the five shadows and the night, and the face of the night is a purple.

"What do this little child do?" Two-day scale wild wood rose big mouth, a surprised expression.

"Come!" Night-length wind and right, the invisible force farm will bring up hundreds of purple fruits to compress a purple long flow. It is swallowed into the belly by the night, just like Lu Xiaofeng's drink. action.

Bang! At this time, the purple flame of the night long body is boiling, and the night-catching wind swallows the fruit of hundreds of purple, which is quite amazing.

Inside these energy into the fire of the undead, the night-long-faced eyes black undead flame is in an instant boiling, the boiling is burned.

"Go out!" The night's hands were handsome, and the voids around the five shadows and the night-catching wind showed ten black holes.

And these black holes expanded quickly, covering everything around the sky, and there is also a heart that is chilling.

"Is this?" I stayed at the side of my love, this horror feels that I love to become acquaintance, it is after the Treatment of the exam, the feeling of the thoroughness and the night's feelings. Optimism.

It is only that time is a black hole in this size, but at this time, the people whose people are around ten-like black holes.

"Go out! Tianhuo dragon! Let the frog in this well to taste the strength of the undead!" The night grew up.

boom! In the ten black caves, suddenly slamming the huge fire dragons, these fire dragons burned the blazing flames, and the fire in the rocky died was shining.

Sharing the day, the whole desert is covered by these ten Tianhuon dragons, one of the heavens and the earth, the whole desert is a flaming.

This time, the night-long's heart is crazy, and although these Tianhuo dragons are the bone dragon in the young age, it is not as good as the night's waves and my Ai Luo. Adults. Dragon.

However, this time, the night grows can be a blood called 10.

The temperature of the night, can summon ten Tianhuon dragons at one time, and the energy of hundreds of purple fruits has played a huge role.

In fact, in Chakra and mental strength of the body of the night, it can only summon a day of fire.

However, under the huge energy of hundreds of purple fruits, the night-long wind and hardcore summoned ten heads of fire dragons (Novo Zhao).

call! call! Call ~ ▉ ▉ ,,

"This ..." The five shadows were stupid, "this kid is too enchanting!"

With the strength of the five shadows, it can be informed of this day of fire dragon, and the percentage of the percentage of the pressure is more than the blue Chakra giant.

"Is this?" The extreme contraction of the Yuxi Bao pointed, he looked up at the air of the sky, and the storm of the bones just, the rating of the Tianhuo Dragon of the night, and the level of the scorpion dragon is completely another level. Undead creatures.

Although not the top undead creature, it is also the threshold of high-level undead creatures, and one is ten.

Since the first generation of thousands of hand batches, Yuxi Bou is still the first time to feel such a large pressure.

926 chapter, fire dragon

Ninja coalition forces behind.

"Five shadows and leaves especially rushed to the night, the long wind is fighting with Yuxi Bao!" Perceive the Ninja.

"Good powerful Chakra!" The sensor class captain blue is also cold sweat on the forehead.

After all, it was the ninja in the legend, plus the bodies of the mystery, did not die, Chakra is also unlimited! "Luoji, the Luoji," "Even if there is a five shadow, there is a long wind, I am afraid it is also a meeting Falling into hard battles! "

"No! I still feel a more powerful force, not the feeling of Chakra, too strange! Just on the top of Yuxi Bao Pleble Chakra!" Green Taoism.

"Ni? What would it be? New enemies?" Luo was shocked, and then he immediately rushed to the ninja of the wooden leaf. "You go to find a look, remember, don't shoot! Bring your information back. ! "

"Yes!" The two ninja in the face of the mask in the face disappeared in the same place.

On the wasteland, the Yuxi Bao's eyes flashed a shining shining, and the right hand is looked.

Thirty blue Chakra giants, the body is a dark blue Chakra huge knife, which is to attack the same target night!

Obviously, Yuxibo spheres also felt the oppression, he thought that only -237- To solve this ventilator, this day fire dragon will disappear.

In fact, even if he kills the night, these Tianhuo dragons will not disappear, will only act in accordance with the last order of the owner.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ Ten Blue Chakra Giants Working in the hands of the big knife in your hands, you don't have to say more.

"It's too strong, this is not a human fight!" It has revealed the color of fear, but the color of the fear is replaced by the eyes of the wings.

The powerful five shadows actually come to the eyes of the wings to the night long.

"Reassured! Little means!" Night long-lasting angle slightly forsake, put on the gods on the forehead, fast printing in both hands.

To control these ten natural bones, it is impossible to do with night-hard wind, but the night grows can give these simple orders under the day of fire, let them play freely.

"Go!" The night's right hand finger, the first order to the Tianhuo Dragon is to extract the top thirty blue Chakra Giants.

call! call! The sound of the big wind came, and ten Tianhuo dragons were bored from the high-altitude. These young days of the Tianhuo (DBFG) bone dragon and the blue Chakra giants were quite, half of the tail beast, but it The combat power is not as common.

Thirty blue Chuck's long knife did not fall in the top of the night, and the dragon roofed dragon claws whistled and bounced.

call! call! Tianhuo dragon fan is moving wings, which is equivalent to tens of thousands of ninja at the same time, the wind of the wind, thirty blue Chakra giants all over the ground.

Bang! Bang ~ ▉ ▉ , after the blue Chakra giant fell to the ground, the big hole of the potholes in the ground.

At a time, the whole earth is trembling!

For five shadows, this is not the battle between the Ninja level, but the battle between God.

It is difficult to use their respective sickness to stabilize their figure, the thunder shadow style looks at the back of the night-long wind, showing the color of fear.

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