The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chapter 1009

"If you become an enemy with this kid, the consequences are unimaginable!" Two-day scale wild wood.

"Be evil ... After the war, the strength of Wumi Village will far exceed our Yun Yin Village!" Lei Ying's heart is uneasy.

"It's this kind of power, even the power of the taire can spike!" My love is concentrated on the Tianhuon.

"Damn! Since I dare to violate my strength!" Yuxi Bao pointed back to the eye, the killing of the eyes is self-defen, "the problem is on the small ghost called the night. Sure enough, you must solve him first!"

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ hands, the blue Chakra giant fell on the ground is turning over, the blue big knife among the four palms is even greater.

"Anyone who violates me is ... Damn!" Yu Zhihu is cold.

!! ~ ▉ Ten blue Chakra giants run a big step to the direction of the night length and five shadows.

"Looking for death! Let you look at the real gap! I tm most hate people who are still mad!" The night is long and long-awaited, and the spiritual power is urged to the limit.

To control the ten-headed fire dragon is too much effort to the night long, in fact, the night long wind calls two or three are enough to fight thirty blue Chakra Giants.

However, the night's wind just eaten hundreds of purple fruits, and too many Chakra injected into the fire of the undead, he summoned ten heads.

"In this case, I solve you in a one-time!" The night grew up.

Snapped! Suddenly, there is a one-in-one, "Tianhuo Dragon is listed! Dragon is moving! Give me a death!"

call! call! Call ~ ▉ .

! At the same time, the fire broke out while opening a giant mouth, the element of the fire is instantly condensed.

Bang! Ten ahead of the fire dragon simultaneously spits, bright as a white fire column to enclose the body of the thirty blue Chakra Giant Unicom Unexpected.

Just as the ten volcanoes are in the same time, the super high-temperature almost white flame is swallowing everything.

What must be a blue giant, what Yisi Boss is swallowed.

"Good Heat!" The water shadow instantly made the water in the water, and this water is still evaporating.

The temperature is too high, too hot!

The surrounding space is twisted by this high temperature roasting, but there is no trendy tree like a fire to swallow completely residual trees is also burned by this stock, and it is like it. Didn't appear.

The five shadows are all bracomated to varying degrees, and the night grows standing in the original place, and the silk is not moving.

This heat wave is just that the night grows is just the energy of the body, but the night is not daring to go to the center of this ten-headed fire dragon.

That calorie is already exceeding the night-long wind, it can bear the limits. If the night's opening of the Buddha is like a golden body, it is a good opportunity to quench the body.

Of course, the risk is also very big.

At this time, the Yuxi Bouc spline that was burned into a can't smoke was actually gathered in the air. His weekend was actually a blue dragon in swing.

"I have said it is not a physical attack to me!" Yu Zhibo sphere roared, obviously is very hot in the night!

927 chapter, complete body

"I didn't expect to reach this strength after the killer is dead, and it is also so young, it is also a threat to me!" The sound of Yuxibo spheres is more cold, and the whole person burns blue. Chakra is boiling.

Slowly rise from the fire sea, Yuxi Bao spheres are standing together.

"Since this is the case, I have to remove you! I want to fight all my best to fight, boy!" Yu Zhibo spheres and one hand, the top of the head is more than ten times longer than the blue Chakra giant just now Chakra giant comes.

"Whether it is five shadows, or new genius, no matter who, in my complete body, it is dead!" Yu Zhibo spheres.

"I kao ... this is not dead?" Night long wind frowned slightly and somewhat surprised, ten blue Chakra giants were burnt, and Yisi Boss also It is intact, and the momentum will open the completion of the body.

"Hey ... It is worthy of the true legendary level of the ninja!" Night long wind and god.

"It's alive!" Two-day scale wild wood old sweat is like a rain, "Is this 31 really necessary?"

"It's huge!" The master is also worried about the face.

Lei Ying and I love Luo said a word, I can't say it. I just control the turbulence of the ten-headed fire dragon, and Yu Zhihua is actually alive, but also opened a bigger. It is necessary to make two people shocked.

"Let's come back!" The night grew floors waved at the ten-heads of the sky in the sky.

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉ ▉ ▉ fly back, blocking the five shadows and night long winds.

When the night grows, it is carefully observed that the so-called Mustic completion body, the body is huge, and it is not necessary to say more. It is more than the full state of the beast, and still two hands, four hands. Two hands are both hands together.

The blue Chakra of the bears is bubble in its head. Unexpell is standing on the top of this blue Chakra Giant, and it is slowly raised his right hand.

"I haven't finished yet!" Yu Zhiwu spots, "fixed!"

Bang ~ ▉ Red light.

"This is the full body must be. It is not good to sell!" The night's wind is actually an interested commentary.

And the five shadows are straightforward, and it is a bit unknown.

"Huge Chakra has been stabilized!" Two-day scale wild wood returns to God, and Shen Sheng.

"The gap is too big!" The agency has been full of confidence in the night, but seeing such a huge mustvas, and the Yuxi spots have been intact under the kind of moment, this makes the card I also have a sense of sadness that is unable to defeat.

"The words are coming back, Yuxi Bao, you must have a smashing head shape! The nose is so long, it is really a big dog!" Night lived in this time actually loud Speech provocative

"This stinky boy ..." Lei Ying was shocked, and even the courage to admire the night.

Previously Lei Ying has always thought that the night grows only mad, but now he feels that the night's long wind has transcended the mad range.

It is simply despising everything, and people who have no fear are true.

He knows where the night grows is not true, and the night-long standing is at the perspective above the world to see the amazing strength of Yuxi Boss.

It must be able to completely in the nigned world, but it is impossible to make anything in the whole space of the vast space of the universe.

Moreover, if the night length is not winning, you can still run the road. It is not a problem with the speed of the night.

"The arrogant little ghost!" Yu Zhibo walked coldly at night long wind and ten heads of fire, "I have already said, I can fight with I have a column with me! However, the guy is not there. ! "

At this time, the body's must-have left hand pulls the huge samurai knife horns in the chest, and the right hand is placed on the knife.

"People who violate my will have to die!" The completion of the body must suddenly remove the samurai knife in the scabbard, and the lightning-like horizontal knife is shot.

"You can't change a word!" Night live wind is also a long-awaited, he also can't take so much, it is already a very tired spiritual power that is already very tired, it is already a very tired spirit. The urging to the limit.

"Dragon is destroyed!" The night cost is suddenly waving.

boom! boom! Ten ahead of the fire dragon roaring rushed to the completion of the body, and the flame of the fire was also boiling.

!!! The need to complete the knife of the body, and the five-day fire dragon that came up at the moment was two and a half, and the heavy place was on the ground, and it was shaken.

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