The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1010 of the Chapter 1010 of Wangzhao System of Tennis Prince

The other five-day fire dragons are a smooth body that is going to complete the body.

The completion of the body's must-stop swaying wants to get rid of the Tianhuo dragon, between the air, the earth's constant vibration, the wavy layer will push the surrounding everything.

Five shadows are still standing unstable, and they are directly overturned, and they will roll back as gravel! 527

The scene of the true end of the day, everyone is like a horse!

No matter how the body of the warrior of the warrior, the Tianhuo dragon is to die in it. At this time, the fire in the tone of the Tianhuo Dragon is already exploded, and the whole body is also more The more bright.

"Well? This little ghost!" Yu Zhibo's murderous.

bass! And the night's long wind is a blank road to the five shadows, "I'm going to my back!"

"Changfeng, what do you want to do?" The master urgently asked.

"There is no time to explain, you can't come, the consequences are at your own risk! Close to the point, the closer, the closer to the injury, the smaller the injury!"

"Good!" Like Meime, no matter how much, just on the back of the night, the Ou Pai in her chest is not inadvertent [pressure], on the back of the night, you must know the night length The wind is now, but the red luo is half-body, this touch can only be described as subtle.

"You!" The aperator was upheed down from the Ou Pai of the United States, biting his teeth, and the face was also on the side of the night, and the face was posted on the side of the night.

"I ..." Night Changshi thought, no need to stick this, but think about it, it seems that it seems that it seems that it seems that it seems that it seems that it seems that it seems that it seems that it seems that it is not good.

928 chapter, self-explosion

bass! ~ ▉ ▉, and my love Luo is also the body of the night, after this time, they only have unconditional trust night costs.

Because Yuxi Boupeters in front of you make their heart desperate, the energy that night long winds can explode is the line of life.

"Please, you don't have to stick this tight!" Night long-lived laughed, watching the beauty and actions, two people like the game who can post the night, the long wind is more close, hate the whole person [ Wrapped around the night.

Of course, there is nothing bad, but the night's wind does not think about this sweet trouble. He now solves the Unexpell spots in front of you, and the two printed hands are firmly firm. Grab one.

"Well ..." Illuminated is a pretty red, which is a beautiful face, and it is aware that his disappearance is, hurriedly released his hand.

"Very good!" Night long wind face, hands and one show.

bass! In the whisper of the night, there is a purple mask, which is the mask of the most powerful repulsion field that night long-lived can be applying, almost all of the remaining Chakra of the night long wind. Consumption has a dry two.

On the other side of the Sui Zhiwei, the body warrior is still in the Tianhuo dragon, and the Tianhuo dragon is already chemical into a red energy liquid that is super high brightness [body] attached to Can completed the body warrior.

"Changfeng kid, what should you do? Your spiritual beast seems to be enemy, you can't help Yu Zhibo hot!" Two-day scale wild wood.

"Oh!" Night's mouth is slightly tight, "I have to thank you for your discourse! This time, let Sui Zhibo pepper taste the art of real explosion!"

The night cost is suddenly ahead, and I am drinking, "Drink!"

Boom Lung Long ~ This moment, attacked in the completion of the body of the warrior, the essence of the Samurai, which is a horrible, and the scorpion of the Tianhuo dragon is to spit.

And it is the five-year-old fire dragon while exploding!

An unprecedented explosion swallowed everything around, comparable to the super-tail beast jade to swallow the hensisolence to complete the body warrior, but also swallowed the night and five shadows.

The sky is shaken, like the comet hits the earth, and now everyone is in front of everyone.

"Ah, ah. Silicone" Five Shadows, even if the loud shroud is still greatly impacted, it is a master and photo of the avenm of the night. The damage is much smaller, because the night grows with dragon icon, the smaller the damage, the closer, the closer it is.

This makes the agency and the beauty can't help but be more close!

The unprecedented explosion did not know how long it continued, when the huge mushroom cloud rose, everything around it is unclear.

This is that the energy of the five-year-old fire dragon is simply like destroying the earth, and the wasteland where everyone is in the wilderness. It has become a round super large valley, which is spectacular. louse

When the night grows again, it changed its land.

"Is it successful? Is Yuxi Bao spotted?" Two-day scale wild wood was smashed, but it was the first time to struggle to open his eyes to explode the heart of the explosion, that is, Yu Zhibo spheres and must Complete the place where the body warrior is standing.

The lens is transferred to the cave of the pocket. Stop K

After opening the immortal mode, the attack was launched in the first time. Excitation O

I saw the rapid printing of his hands, the entire body and mouth ba were drums, and the eyes suddenly covered a transparent gray film.

"The fairy, white boom!" Drunk, spit a white liquid in the mouth [body] gathered in the long dragon, this long dragon! Purple blender.

Sasuke stands in place, the Purple Chakra giant is waiting to be defended, preparing to defend.

On the other hand, Yuxi Pub is started rapidly in this cave.

The white long dragon wrapped around the purple brunette kept freely, faster!

Suddenly, the purple bomb exploded, released super bright white light and unbearable ultrasound attack.

Yuxi Pub and Sasuke also brought the ear with both hands, and his eyes were unable to open.

"Ah, ah ..." Sasuke suddenly screamed, "the ear is so painful ... and it seems that even the bones are being squeezed!"

Even the embroidered Unecheoa also exposed a painful expression. "This is the use of light and sound in hindering the vision of visual hearing, the vibration of the excitation of the air to paralyzing our senses, blocking our actions.

At this time, Su Zhi Bud's reluctant to open a little bit of the left eye and saw a figure in this strong white light, which is the pharmacist who opened the cactus mode.

Just now the pharmacist is covered with a snake's cornea, while the cornea of ​​the snake can obscure the influence of strong light, and other liquefied body can also respond to sound and vibration.

"Oh ... people who can act in this extreme harsh situation, only I am opening the cactus mode!" The body is like electricity, and it is coming to Uki.

"No, I can't keep it, I can't hold it!" Sasuke's pain is getting more and more prosperous.

"The goal is still, I will change the tips in his brain and turn him again." Turning to the direction of Sasuke, "Not! Compared to this, it is more important to get Sasuke!"

! Just when the huge snake mouth rushed to Sasuke to swallow the belly, the Sui Zhishe headed the top of the Sui Zhiku suddenly stretched out [out] Huge palm will help .

"Hey ... It's not a meal, in this state, I can sniff my (Wang Hao) position, I don't know if I can feel my Chakra?" The glasses of the pocket flashed a shine.

The rays of purple bleed beads just exploded were gradually darker at this time.

"No! I remember that you just said that I was being being used by me. When I was controlled, I could I induce my Chakra!" Papo, "That is, you can't feel it now!"

"No! I really can induce your chakra. In fact, I only have the same strength to act with me, I didn't have such strength!" Yu Zhipu directly replied, "But I now know where you want to attack, So just protect it in advance! "

"Take careful personality, you should first grasp the help. Before your surgery is broken, you can take the highest success rate. After that, you can also make him a humanity to threaten me! I said right. , Pocket? "Yisi Hostel is cold.

929 chapter, self-expansion

"Oh ... it is not to be, you have the difference in nature with other Yisha Wapo, you have the true meaning, you can see the people, read people's hearts and use it on the battle."

"So you are very good at lie, you are in the lie, so you are just a liar ninja!"

It is no response, but it is a sure to help, the left hand.

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