The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1011 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

! A lightning column shot from Sasuke's left hand shotful hit, a smart vacation escaped Sasuke's fast attack, reversed down in the top of the cave.

"Hey! I actually ran to the top!" Sasuke snorted and looked up and looked at the pocket on the wall.

"Even if you have two people, this kind of mustlework, with my perception, you can't hurt me!"

"Sasuke ..." Yushuo didn't pay attention to the provocation of the pocket, slowly went to the next next to the help, "You still remember the past to do the wild boar mission before!"

"Ah ... that, that is, it is the time that I have a mess! I remember!" Sasu help rarely laugh.

"It's going to be up!" Yuxi Pub will slowly.

"Well!" The two brothers have launched a mature body-663-state-663-state-663-state, and the two use the boy of the wild boar, which is to avoid its hit and save their lives.

! Chakra giant in the top of the head raised the giant bow, bending the bow.

The Chakra Giant, the top of Udissha, throws the darts of Chakra on the rock wall with the movement of Uzhi Hou.

bass! The fast moving room escaped the attack, and the rock walls around him were exploded, and the crushed stone flew, and the attention of the pocket was completely attracted.

At this time, the Chakra Giant, the top of the head, shot the long arrow in his hand, and instantly stab the tail of the snake behind him, nail the pocket on the rock wall, showing a pouring posture.

! At this time, Yuxio was moved, and the lightning rushed to the pocket.

The brutch is a hands on Chakra, which is the best in the year, and now it seems to be more powerful.

bass! The picture of Chakra is directly inserted into the abdomen of Chakra directly, and the body is in direct caves.

"I have said, don't be so anxious!" Take a cold smile, and the snake tail was taken by the boulder.

At this time, the demon red blink of the left eye flashed, and the kaleidoscope was rotated.

Suddenly, there is countless crow to swim, and you have to use your arms in front of you.

bass! At this time, I took the long sword that Sasuke throwing, a head of a pocket.

In the eyes, the cold light flashed, escaped the sudden attack of Yuxi, but the corner of the head was instantly cut off.

bass! Continuously turning over and retreat, and the two of the Yisi Bo brothers will stand up.

"It's really a very unexpected cooperation!" Touching the horned horns on the head. "There is no such angle, I haven't noticed it!"

"However, as long as I am a cast, you can't kill me, even if you are injured, you will have any resumption of this body, the harm is meaningless! In addition, I cut off your eyesight, you are proud of you. The is all invalid! "Said that he didn't take it.

"The two of your brothers have no fortune, because the monoth operator is me, this reflow has become invincible!" The mouth is angry, very proud.

"Although his explanation is tired of extreme, it is very accurate, and the situation is suddenly opened.

"So what should I do now?" Sasuo asked.

"He still doesn't know the true strength of the Yishabo family!" Yu Zhi Pubo slowly replied, "Yu Zhibo has a pupil that can be applied to the opponent even if it is not visually visual."

" ?"

"You also know that Yi Evil is a bit surprised.

"Ah ... When I am taught, I will show me the" DBAJ) screen that he recorded him and the Night Downtown (DBAJ), the group is ! "Sasuke replied.

"It turns out that night long-term winds did a mysterious power, his blood junction seems to be able to restrain our Yu Zhiyu family's !" The meter of the smash in the eyes of the Night's eyes.

"Don't say this first! How can I make Evil?" Zuo helps asked.

"It's not Yi Yifu, but another ban with it!"


"Preparing for it has been completed, master the essential taste of the fate of the guy is Yi Evil!" And a few strokes in the dark, each retreat.

"If I evil is to change the destiny, the evil, the United States can determine the fate!" , "Sasuke, don't leave me!"

"Although I don't understand what you want to do, but now I'm useless to me!" Take a quick print again. "What kind of role I am, it seems that you still don't quite understand!"

"Immortal, inorganic reincarnation!"

A large amount of sharp stone pillar on the rock wall suddenly stretched Uzhi Piping pierced the instant, and then bound in a large number of rock columns.

"!" Sasuke turned.

"This technique gives it a life-free object to life, and manipulate them. This is the essence of the essence of Chakra crafts." Take a smile, "in order to protect Sasuke, he didn't have time to avoid! "

"Don't worry, I will not hurt the help, he is an important experimen!" Pad showed a stylus, "Next, what I want, you should clear it!"

Suddenly started, rushing to the direction of the.

At this time, the left eye of Sasuke is angry, and the blood flows out of the blood, "Tianzhao!"

Sasuke released a black flame in the weeks of his own and

bass! I suddenly stopped the footsteps, cold and cold, "the strongest attack, can it become the strongest defense?"

At this time, the rock column is also contracted because the temperature of the black flame is too high, and the is also released.

"Sorry ... Sasuke ..." Half squat on the ground.

"Sorry, this time I won! I have completed everything, all of which are getting closer and closer, I can't imagine what I have failed!" The little laugh.

"In the past, the laws and principles of the nature of the big snake pills were all gathered in my body, from the people to the snake, then from the snake to the dragon ... Then I became the most close six kinds of immortals in the world, with me Compared to what Chiczhi has, what is Yichbo? "The pocket has been swelled to the limit.

930 chapter, Yivine

! At this time, the belly of the pocket suddenly stretched out [out] a snake head, turned out to be the snake head of the big snake!

"What?" Sasuke, this feeling is too familiar.

"Sasuke, is it very familiar!" Said smile, suddenly moved, "This is the big snake pill." "

boom! The snake head in the abdomen suddenly elongated, and the body of the smoked, the body bite it in half.

! At this time, the figure of the body also came to the end of the upper body, and the pain in the hand had to pierce the brain.

"Sasuke, do it!" Drank.

Sasuke lightning pulls out the long sword of the waist to shoot the head.

Snapped! The long sword bites a snake head on the snake tail.

At this time, the purple Chakra, which tested the top of the head suddenly stretched out [out] Chakra's claws and covered it.

! Then Chakra's claws instantly hit into a punch, and the pocket immediately opened the idle, and it turned over the rock wall.

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