The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1012 of the Chapter 1012 of the Super Short of Tennis Prince

"Fire · !" Sasuke lifted his mouth Ba, suddenly spit out a huge fireball, shot to the top of the head.

"Shui Wai Waterfall!" And a big mouth is also a big mouth. It spits out the water that is huge like a waterfall.

The opposite strength of the two nature is hit in the air!

The water of the waterfall is swallowed by Sasuke's fireball, and then he has gone to Sasuke.

At this time, Yuxi Hosi suddenly appeared behind the body because the body of the reincarnation recovered.

bass! When you feel the existence of Uzhi Houki, the snake head of the tail of the tail will take the long sword into the abdomen of the Yisi Board.

When Yuxi Bo pointed at this time, the beautiful red red in the right eye turned into a passion, and the body became rich in countless crows around him.

"Well?" There is a bit of happiness in the moment, and the body shape suddenly appeared behind the pocket, and the long sword in the hand is drawn.

bass! The attack of the flash of the sudden flashed, and the corner of the head was cut off, and he fell on the ground.

"This is the same as the trick! I didn't say it, my body has extraordinary recovery skills, how harm is all meaningless!" The pocket fell on the ground, confident and full of confidence, "I cut off Visual, your illusion is also useless! I won! "

"Your fate is already in my hand, let me succeed that the other of the Yishabo family, that is ..." Yuxi Subcius did not fall.

The Blackra's Blade in the hand lit up, and then quickly rushed over, "Let me see what you said!"

! The two jumped at the same time and again in the air!

"It is an evil!" Yu Zhi Hosi Shen Zun.

! After the two are relatively contrary, it is scattered.

"Sasuke, don't leave me, you will be alternative:!" ≯ " .

"Well? How is this scene a little familiar?"

"Master your fate is me, but you can decide your fate is yourself!" Yu Zhishu's voice did not fall, and his pocket was rushing directly. This time is the white scale head attack with the abdomen.

! The scorpion appears to be able to slap the , the arms clamped the white scale snake snake.

bass! At this time, the mouth of the snake head is actually the figure of the pocket, and the snake mouth will directly bite the neck of the wisdom.

Call ~ ▉ ~ ▉ At this time, the body of Yuxi Houchi has become a countless crow, and the scene just now is exactly the same.

"This ... What is going on?" The pocket was suddenly appeared on the side of the mekay.

"What's going on?" After the end of the floor, he didn't stop there. "My corner has just been cut! Don't I happen to illusion? What to do? I have already cut it. Vision! "

As long as you move, the battle scene just has continuously repeated.

"What did you do to me?" I asked in the cold voice.

"You have already in my illusion ..." In the consciousness, the battle scene is still repeating.

real world.

"He can't get back from this round, from this cycle!" .

"This is another tolerance with the evil." Sasuke is also a bit surprised.

······ Flowers ······

"Ah, I decided to deal with the endurance, this is the evil beauty!" Take the hand to take the hand in the head, this is in the eyes of the eyes, and his conscious is still in the illusion.

"Okay, then I want to stop the blood of the emperor!" Yuxi Posted the glasses of the pocket. "So, the dead of the reincarnation will disappear!"

"Ah!" Sasuo.

"In this way, it will not be far from the end of the war!" "" ""

"So ... brother ... you are also ..." Sasuke obviously didn't want to leave.

"I can use Yisizhisu, I can protect the village once again, I have no nostalgia to this world!" Yuxi Hoso slowed down.


"Why, clear wood leaves so bad, why you are also loyal to it!" Sasuke is very deep for destroying all the wooden resentment of all of them, "Even if you can forgive the wooden village, I am also Can't let it! "

"You said that there is no nostalgia for the world, but I turn me like this, my brother, you!" Sasuke roaring.

"You can change your people, it is not me!" , ! "

Put the right hand to open the eyelids, the pattern of the kaleidoscope is not turned, "Month!"

In an instant, I entered the world's monthly reading the world, and finally I was in the middle.

"Tell me to explain the way of printing the printer of embarrassment!" Tap ordered.

The lens returns to the desert.

At this time, the desert is no longer a desert, but a huge round deep valley, surrounded by a flat-fire dragon, the landform of the Tianhuo Dragon.

The power of this explosion is far from the self-explosion of Didala, and the five shadings that are in the eyes of the night are also almost exploded to swallow.

Night live wind is also exhausted all in the body, and it is barely blocking the baux of the explosion.

And when the old shadow old head two-day scales Duomu will turn to the center of the explosion, that is, Yu Zhibo spheres and his complete body must be a place to stand in the warrior, he is completely stunned.

Because the Sui Zhihu is actually ...

Chapter 931, Qi Gate

Not dead yet!

The completion of Yuxi Bouvelle, must have been fry into a slag, but at this time, Yu Zhibo sputum is not in the ground, and it is covered with a blue Chakra in his hand. The shape is like a gossip.

At this time, the face of Yuxi spots is quite, and he is obviously not impressed by the Tianhuo dragon explosion, it can cause such a great power, even his completion body must have no way to resist.

Finally, it is the attack of the explosion of the explosion of the roots of the dragon, which is still much longer thanks that he is a deadly, which is a deadly, and there is a fat-looking Chakra. one strike.

Otherwise, even if the Sui Zhihu is strong, it will be disabled!

"The worsen little ghost!" The slow position of Unexpectedly, it was obviously angry.

Boom "Two-six" Long! It is difficult to get the burden of the Tianhuo dragon to blow up the burden of the burner, the top of Yuxi Boss, it is more important than it, and the texture of the whisper is also more detailed. .

"My kao is coming again. The chakra is unlimited, it is not dead, how do you play?" When the wind, the forehead is also a fine sweat, and Chakra in the body is already consumed.

The purple fruit on the Xiaodian Diwood is also summoned by the night.

That is to say, the night-catching wind is now only fighting the strength of the flesh.

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