The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1013 of the Chapter 1013 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

! At this time, the complete body of the Sui Zhibo splash must be able to explore the warrior, unplug the two samuar knives in the waist, and the moment of the five shadows and the direction of the night-standing wind.

The old man, Lei Ying, and I Ai Luo have been to resist the explosion of the original, it is already in the body. The aperator and the beauty of the beauty are close to the night, so there is a little in Chakra, but in the whole body It is necessary to have a warrior attack, and there is no role.

"MD! This is about to play!" The night is on the cold, his momentum is constantly rising.

"What happened? Changfeng, what do you want to do?" The master urgently asked.

"You are unfast, this is no longer the battle you can participate!" The night length wind was released.

The whole person's whole body is boiling, and the whole body burns the purple flame.

"Changfeng, you!" The nearest champion of the night, and the gas released by the beauty of the beauty is pushed out in an instant.

The whole body must be able to cut the warrior double knife, the knife of the will cover the place where the night growers stand.

The noise of the night is completely swallowed by the knife!


"Stinky boy!" The aperator and Zimei are called, and the knife that is watching the night-catching knife is swallowed by this blue giant knife!

"Walk!" I armed the sand will want to rush to the front of the night. The charter of the long-standing situation is forcibly pulled back.

Among the gravel, a purple light column will start with the sky, and the entire sky is all a purple.

Yes, it is a night grow!

The night long wind system is red, the hands are gripped, the body muscles, the hair is also standing, and the whole body is enveloped by a river.

Both eyes are also ejected from violet!

"Open the door, take the door, the greece, the hurt door, Du Gate! Open!" The night's wind is mad, and a five-door in the eight-door armor, the whole person's momentum explosion is rising.

!! Night-long wind double boxing is above the warrior of the warrior of the warrior.

! Between the dragon, two samurai knives broke into blue Chakra films in an instant, scattered in the air.

"I haven't finished yet!" The night is like a long style.

At this time, the night's wind has unopened the binding of the body's strength, and the body that has been dry in the body is also full, but the night is not enough.

This time he wants to solve the Sui Zhibo spotted!

"Scenes! Only open to Laozi!" The night is long and long, opening the sixth door of eight-door armor!

Under the six-door, the martyrdom whose night long-standing weighing was all burned by the night-long wind, and the waves rushed to the air, the instant is chemically formed into a powder, and finally disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

At this time, the fire in Chakra, the fire of Chakra, is already a deep purple, close in the black Chakra flame.

"Well?" Yu Zhibo spheres are dead and dead, "What is this forbearance?"

In the era of Yishibo, it is clear that there is no eight-door armor, he doesn't know it is normal ...

"Eight-door armor?" Two days of scales, the old man saw a wide view, he knew that night cost is desirable.

"Changfeng ..." The plan is worried about watching the night of the night, and the two people have noise on the mouth, and the agency is often half-dead.

However, the agency has a deep feelings on the night growth, and the agency is unwilling to see any accidents in the night.

At this point, Chakra, who is around the night, is still boiling, and the momentum is still rising.

"Stunning! Open!" The night-long's festival is holding down. The whole person has risen red, and the white Chakra has changed from the deep purple, and the darkness is black!

Seven Gate! Night wind opens the seven doors in eight armors!

Just open a door, you will be fart after the night's wind break!

"Don't!" The master shouted.

"It should be enough!" Night wind, at this time, Chakra in Chakra never had never been huge.

His eyes also become bright red, is a kaleidoscope writes the wheel eye!

The night-long wind opened the kaleidoscope writes the wheel eye, and the Taiji pattern was rotated in the madness.

"Is it better to be?" Night long-lasting horns slightly, "I will!"

Bang! Suddenly, the head of the night, the head of the night, the head of the Chakra giant, and the size of the mustvas with the Sui Zhibo spheres, it is a complete body!

In the seven-door, Chakra, which is 1.8 in the air, will be able to move to the limits, and also open the completion of the body!

"This is the need for the completion of the body. Can this kid can also open?" Two-day scale waters on his eyes, the shocked color in the eyes blunt words.

"Come!" The five shadows of five people are solemn black Chakra Samurai.

boom! At this time, the black Chakra Giant was also a armor, and the head covered a purple gold helmet.

Its handsome level is a must-have a few streets of the warrior of the body, it seems to be quite domineering, just like a real God of War.

More horrible is that at this time, the chakra Samurai, which is at this time, slowly reveals a large golden giant sword.

Name Xuanyuan!

932 chapter, love you

boom! At this time, the Sui Zhibo spots must be able to complete the four samurai knives in the waist, instantly cut the black Chakra Samurai on the top of the night long!

"Death!" Yu Zhihu spheres are cold, and the eyes are full of murderous.

"Dead people are you are right!" At this time, the Night Gate is in the state of the seven gates, and Chakrada, the full body of the night, has never been unprecedented.

Moreover, Chakra in the body of the night, has been converted from purple to black, and the density becomes bigger.

Originally, the night-length wind wanted to mobilize Xuanyuan swords was very difficult, but under the state of the seven gates, the night lengthy wind actually had a feeling of being able to master Xuanyuanjian.

bass! The night cost is one-handed, and the black Chakra Samurai in his head is blaming, the golden big sword is accepted in the chest.

! Unexpectedly, the four samurai knife, the four samurai knife, the four samurai knife, the top of the golden giant sword.

~ ▉ ... . ....... ,

!! ~ ▉ is a continuous explosion, I loved and two-day scale wild wood, each with sand and soil.

"No knife, how do you play?" The night's mouth is soaked, and then the right hand is played!

call! The black Chakra Samurai, the top of the long wind, continuously dancing -483-golden Xuanyuan giant sword.

The golden swords of the two characters have been drawn in the world, and hit the completion of the Yishebo splines with the momentum of destroying the earth.

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