The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1014 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"What!" Yu Zhibo's eyes are also revealing the color, the powerful farmers are far more than his imagination, especially the golden huge sword, let Yuxi Bouvelle feel a unprecedented Dangerous breath.

Yuxi Bouchers have a feeling of threats.

! It is a huge explosion. The body of Yuxi spots will sink into the ground. The attack of Xuanyuan Jian is eliminated, and the completion of Yuxioba spots must be divided by the sword. Four pieces, finally constrained a blue star, dissipated between å.

"Win?" The five shadows have exposed a unbelievable expression.

At this time, the night cost is frown, "he fled!"

"I am Yu Zhibo sphere, I am unbearable! I am going to die!" Yu Zhibo spots suddenly appeared behind the night.

The top of his head is also an instant to the completion of the need. Under the support (DBCC) of Unlimited Chakra, Yisi Bao can not be consumed, and as long as it is not being positive from Xuanyuanjian. Hit, can be said to be unbeaten.

"Oxual!" Night Changzhi is only black, Chakra turned it directly to the head of the completion body of Yuxi Botzger.

Night long wind turns on the black Chakra samurai in the hands of the golden light suddenly bleak.

"KAO! Just waving two times, I consumed the seven-door Kikra. This Xuanyuan sword and idiots are like the prison, too no bottom!" The night is not good.

"Death!" Su Zhibo splashes must be able to complete the extension of the martyrk knife, walking, the knife shot, almost instantly arrived at the top of the night long black Chakra Samurai.

The lens turns back to the cavity of the body.

"Zi ... ugly ... Application ... ... ..." The way to read the Si Zhi Pubo Monthly Reading The printer is known to understand the printer of the revivement of the revival.

"Is this all printed? Very good!" Yu Zhiwei's eyes flashed, "å!"

The bow is slowed down in the command of the UXI.


"Shen ..."

"It seems that I said nothing!" Sasuke stuped after Unechebu, "When I started to see you, I chased it here just to confirm that the mask is not true, but it is true. I am confirmed that it is more than those ... "

"The battle with you reminds me of the past, there is still a child who is full of enthusiasm for my brother!" Sasuke, his eyes are already clear.

"But because of this, I am getting deeper with the disgust of wood leaves. This hate is more intense than ever! No matter what brother, I will destroy the leaves, this will not change!" Sasuke vented Hate.


"Chen ..."

"Rehabilitation of · !"

bass! At this time, the whole body of Yuxi Poso started to make a white shine.

Above the battlefields, the whole body of the blind man who is not solved by the seal is also brightly lit.

Including six people in the Naruto and the mask male battlefield are also bright white.

The lens turns back to the wasteland, not, it should be among the canyon.

When the blue huge knife is to cut the black Chakra Samurai in the top of the night, it is turned out, and it is disappeared.

"What happened?" Five shadows five people are also a glimpse.

"Well ..." The night long turns turned to look at the head of the Yisi Bo tits, and the completion of the body is actually instant into Chakra, the armor and the body are dissipated.

At this time, the Yuxi spots also lit up white light. Yuxi Boupeng looked at his right hand, "What is going on?"

boom! Finally, the completion of Yuxi Bao pointed to the completion of the body, he fell steadily on the ground.

boom! At the same time, the night-catching wind is also withdrawn, it is necessary to complete the body, because it consumes too much Chakra.

Night wind does not want to take a one-time Chakra with Chikra, and he must also prevent the large base card that Yuxi might may have hidden.

"It seems that the monographer has a problem!" Yu Zhibo spheres.

A cave of the body.

"Well, my brother!" Sasuke silent.

"There is still time!" Yishi Hostel stepped step by step, his body is dissipating.

"I feel that my ideology is disappearing, before, I will tell you the answer you want to know. There is no need to lie, and that night I have done, I did the same!" Yuxi Posk opened his blood in the eyes with the final power.

"Ah!" Sasuke saw all the truths in the evening, between the time, thoroughly stunned.

"Sasuke ... I have never been involved in this dispute, I always hope that you forgive me ... But now ..." The taps have come to Sasuke, and the forehead is relatively, "all this is not important!"

"I just want to tell you ... No matter how your future is walking ... I have always love your brother!" The voice of the , the body will change into a bit of light dissipation in the cave.

933 chapter, ·

bass! At this time, the shadow that has been stealth is also restored to its own consciousness, and his whisper is also bright white.

"Hey ... Just recovering awareness, is it going back?" The noodles did not catch a cold, and the body was positively finished.

Ninja coalition headquarters.

"What is going on? Cheat Turki is disappeared in Chakra!" "The captain of the team leader is surprised.

"Ah! The news from all battlefields is also more and more, saying that it is a rebirth of the past, whether it is seal, or is active!" The contact tallers on the side.

"Judging from the situation, because it is reluctant to be released!" Lu Jiuzhi said.

"Will n't be wrong! The translocking of rubbers has been released!" The Qing Dynasty.

"Very good, convey this news to the whole army!" Luoji ordered.

"Yes!" Contact Ninja should.

"I don't know which small team is completed!" Luo Long is also a little doubt.

Among the canyons, the bright light on Yuxi Boss rushed to the sky.

Five shadows five people came to the night of the night, "Is this your surgery?"

"No!" Night wind shake, "It must be sudden disappeared, and the debris of the embarrassment is flying in four, it seems that the guy is handled!"

"Nani?" The five shadows were surprised.

"It seems that the embarrassment is released!" Yu Zhibo spots.

"The drop of the plum is unknown, this is too fast, who is it?" The master was shocked.

"Probably the guy!" The night's mouth is slightly tight, "" can only control the people who have a revivement of the revival, this person can't be Sasuke, so only meal! "

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