The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1015 of the Chapter 1015 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"? He also reincarnated with it?"

"Ah! And he still uses other people to unlock the anti-rogue!" Night long winds.

"Oh ... Princess, this time this time, the ninja of Yushui Village is also big out of the limelight! I didn't expect a rebellion to become the hero of the Ninja coalition!" Two-day scale wild wooden opening.

"The Ninja of the Yuxio?" Yu Zhibo spokes to listen to the night's wind, and then in the eyes of the cold, "said that the world is still controlling this world or the people of our family!"

"Get a hurry, you have a non-fart! I will be annoyed when I see this face!" Night long weather.

"Little ghost, you are looking for death!" Yu Zhibo spots suddenly rushing over the night before disappearing, and the hands were printed.

"Stinky boy, be careful! He has to make the final struggle!" Two-day scale wild wood reminded.

"The fire of the fire!" Yu Zhibo spheres fly in the air, the mouth BA opened, and the instant spit out several fire dragons rushed to the night and five shadows.

"Roll!" Night, the right hand, "Shen Luo Tian!"

Bang! The invisible repulsion field covered everyone, and the night-length wind At this time Chakra is already black than the previous purple Chakra. It is more powerful than before it is much better than before.

boom! The number of fire dragons hit in an invisible repulsion site, and the night growth and five shadows were no loss.

"How? Now you can get out!" The night is cold and coldly looked at Yishibo spots.

At this time, the head of Yuxi spots appeared on the bright white soul, and the soul floated in the empty sacrifice body.

"It's we win!" The five shadings were simultaneously showed, even my love is not easy to smile.

However, the people who have never thought that the soul of Yu Zhiwa flying out actually returned to the body of the sacrifice, but did not rise!

"MD, I know that it is not so simple!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

"What is going on? It was originally left to leave the soul of the body and flew back!" When the smile of beauty is solid, "recovered?"

"Why? Why don't you disappear? The translocking of rubbes has been released!" Lei Ying's panic.

Two-day scale wild wood and my love is also eyebrows, and the heart is full of doubts.

"The so-called criminal translision is the operation of summoning the deceased, but it has a risk!" Yu Zhibo spots slowly.


"As long as you know the way of printing, the deceased of the transfusion, can take the initiative to demonstrate the call of summoning contract!" Yuxioba explained.

"Ni! It can be like this!" The planner is also upside down, and it is very quiet.

"Hey! This way, you have a big happening! Don't die, unlimited Chakra, unscrupulous control, free action!" Yu Zhibo sphere continued.

······ Flowers ·······

"MD, the earth is still able to be released automatically, this is too bug!" The night did not help but complain.

"You go to tell the monots, the ban is best not to be abused!" Yu Zhibo spheres quickly printed, and then took a palm of the ground! "

" · !"

In the first moment, the bright light of Yuxi Bao's spots disappeared, and returned to the state of embarrassment, his hands shoulders, a pair of the expression of Laozi's most '.

"This ... this kind of thing, how could it be ..." You can't believe everything in front of you.

"There is a bonding of me!" When I said it back ... "Yu Zhiwa's spheres," I really didn't think that your little ghost can also open the status of the body that must be affordable. what!"


"Don't talk nonsense, continue to play!" The night was on the feet, and there was only hard scalp.

"Hey! I don't want to play with you, it is time to catch the nine tail!" Yuxi spots suddenly.

"Want to go?" The night's wind is coming to Yuxi wave spots, and the situation is a punch!

The lens is transferred to the battlefield of Naruto and mask.

"They all rose!" Naruto shouted.

"Yeah, it seems that someone unspeakdated the anti-rogue!" Carti attached.

"I don't know how the situation there is the situation there. Yuxibo spots should be heaven!" The Naruto thought.

At this time, the body of the Buddha statue flashed back from the small world from the small world.

boom! The incarnation of the night-catching body is falling from the high-altitude, turning over and stabilized in front of the Naruto and eight tail.

"Ni! Changfeng? Are you coming?" Naruto and Kakasi and Akada were a glimpse.

"Well ... still furnish!" There is a reputation of the night.

"What? Under the super-large beast jade explosion, it turned out to be no damaged? This is better than the body!" Everyone was shocked.

The mask of the mask is also a surprised expression, "this little ghost!"

934 chapter, mask male action

"The six points are gone, do you have any moves?" The night's body is less than one eye mask, suddenly started.

When the right foot instantly, the ground was suddenly exploded after the night before the wind, the golden Buddha statue, the night long wind is full of golden light.

boom! The night long wind right is exhibited, the whole rose is more than double, the right fist!

At this time, there is not only a dragon icon, but there is still a vain of the Buddha, although it is very light but clear.

"What is it?" Naruto pointed to the Buddha statue behind the night, and the Buddha didn't know this kind of people in the world.

!!! Night Changcheng waves a punch to the mask man, the whole air is in the case of the fist in the wind, and the sound explosion is connected.

Boxing to the mask men's festival "Second 57"!

! The mask is again blocked the body and avoids the attack of the boxing.

Bang! The land of the mask male's feet is unable to flash the night, the attack is instant, between the time, the gravel, the whole land is trembling!

"Go!" Mask man jumped in the air, his hands, the outer road behind him, toward the night long rush.

!! The outer road magic is waving the arm to the night.

Night wind does not avoid it, let the arms of the outer road beat it on himself.

!! The arcade of the outer road is playing on the golden body of the night-catching Buddha. It turned out to have a simple sound of the bell in the temple, and the night length is in the original texture, and there is no injury.

"It's too light, are you ticking me?" The corner of the night's body is slightly forth, "the district magic image also dares to have the Buddha just?"

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