The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1016 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

! The wind is in the right hand, and the arms of the outer road can be left directly.

"Start!" Under the eyes of everyone, the night-long winds directly greeted the outer road.

"Also give you!" The night's wind will be a circle in the air, then throw it back to the mask.

Bang! The outer road is imagined on the ground, between the time, and the gravel is flying, and it has been smashed a big pit.

The body of the mask male in the air also turned over to fall, and it can be obvious that the mask is not as calm.

"There is no way!" Mask men hands together, "only in advance!"

boom! boom! The four groups of flames suddenly appeared in the top of the mask male, one gray!

"Is this? Jiuji Chakra, the other is the feeling of Chakra, the eight tail?" The night's eyebrows wrinkled.

"That is?" Carti and Naruto are also a glimpse.

"I originally planned to let it appear in the form of completion!" Mask men's eyes murderously, "but forget it, even in part, its strength is still unable to resist!"

The mask is playing fast print. He fell behind the ground behind the ground.

~ ▉ At this time, the outer road suddenly opened the nine eyes of the head, followed by the long-distance happiness.

"It's been too late, the agreed time is here!" Mask man coldly.

"Is it finally here?" The night's body is in the body, and he has never been solemn.

The lens turns to the cave of the body.

Yisi Pubo has disappeared in front of Sasuke, and the eyes showed confused colors.

"What is the so-called family? What is the so-called village? What is the so-called ninja?" The eyes of Sasuke once again showed the beautiful light. "I should ..."

! At this time, the cave suddenly shakes, and the crushed stone flew, and a great hole was now saving.

"Found!" The people have been looking for the ghost lights of Sasuke fallen, and the sky is heavy!

"It's you!" Sasu help a glimpse, his eyes recovered in Qingming.

"What are you doing here, Sasuke?" Asked the ghost light.

"Blocking the dirt from reincarnation!" Sasuke replied.

"Ha? You have always been like this, I never explain one thing to others!" The ghost lights complained, "We haven't seen it for a long time, you have to explain it clearly!"

Sasuke refers to the two people, and the two turned around, "What?"

"It's a pocket! You use the rubbish to reincarnate ..." Sasuke told the things you know to the ghost light and the sky.

"Is this a pocket? I always feel sick!" The ghost light is still a face, and the fun is to take a clutter. "From his belly [out], this snake is just like ..."

"Don't care about the kind of guy!" Sakuo helped the channel ...

"She is still alive?" Tianchao rushed to fade the eyes closed red beans on the ground.

"Do you still come to me?" Asked Qi, "I don't hesitate to find me!"

"Oh! Yes, because of this!" The excitement of the ghost lights, came out of a reel from the arms, "We have discovered something!"

"Just now, is you and your dirt? Can you have a bib? But the breeze of the guy is not stopped!" Tianzhu suddenly tried, he passed and the bony exchanged can understand the battlefield in real time. trend.

"Yes? I haven't stopped!" Sasuke a light reply.

"Hey ~ ▉, I am talking to Sasu, can you not don't insert your mouth!" The ghost light is not full, "" Don't say this first, see this! "

Sasuke opened the reel of the ghost lights and sweeped an eye.

"Hey, is it very powerful!" The ghost light is like a priest. "As long as there is this, you can take this world with our eagle team."

"It's this, knowing everything!" Sasuke eyes flashed in the eyes.


"All in all, I have someone must see it now!" Sasuke replied.



"Ha? What do you say, Sasuke! Dabin Pill doesn't have you killed 3.4?" Ghost lights shocked.

"The man's life is very hard, how can I kill it so much!" Sasuke turned his head and looked at the curse of Red Bean, who was ignorant of Tianzhu, "I have to see that people Big snake pills! Let him do something! "

"What does it mean to see the big snake pill? Who knows everything? You make me more and more confused, Sasuke. I just want to use this spindle ..."

"Okay! This is nothing to do with you!" Sasuke interrupts the ghost lights.

"What is!" Ghost Lights felt some disappointment, "Do not say this first, absolutely can't resurrect the big snake pill, I think you are using the roller field in the reel, I want to ask the big snake pill, but the above thing, As long as you spend some time, we can also do it! "

935 chapter, big snake pill resurrection

"No! Some things, only the big snake pill can do it!" Sasuke turned back.

"Sasuke, are you not the most proud of the big snake pill? This kind, you should ..." The water is chattering.

"Water Moon! You are too small to see the big snake pills!" Sasuke slowly went to the front of the sky.

"I have ah! It should be said that it is just the opposite. Sasuke you can kill the big snake pills before, but just because his arms have been moved because the corpse is blocked?" Ghost lights, " Even if you resurrect him, his arms cannot be used! "

"And he is still very dangerous. He will still be your body. If he knew that this war is, he will not have it, and his character should be involved in this war. ! "The ghost light is open, and it can't stop.

Sasuke did not pay attention to the discouragement of the ghost light, but let the Scorpio let go of red beans, and put the red beans, he is a hands.

"Hey ... Sasuke, what are you doing again, you haven't heard me talking!" The ghost light is in a long time.

"Can you calm down, the water! Don't say this first, you can dig my body!" Sasuke ordered. 31

"Ha? I don't listen to others, but I still want someone to listen to your order?" The ghost light is not full.

"So, I am coming!" Tianzhu was slowly walked to the front of his pocket.

"Ah, how can you become like this? Heavy me, do you think so? Big snake pill will really resurrect!" Ghost Lights Way.

"It doesn't matter, Sasuke is our head collar, he ordered me to listen!" Tianshi took part in the bodies of the pocket, then put it in the curse of the red bean neck.

At this point, Sasuke recalls that Kakasi's sealing method used in Carti is.

The hands started to quickly printed, Sasuke's face, "Since this, I will turn it over 'Solve the evil method'!"

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