The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1017 of the Chapter 1017 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

Sasuke's right hand pressed on the neck of red beans!

! At this time, the curse of the red bean neck was bright, and a huge snake head was drilled, a snake mouth, the figure of the big snake pill appeared again.

The standard big snake pill is nausea, let the ghost lights are shocked, and they are hiding behind their pockets.

Snapped! The big snake pill drilled from the snake body and swept the situation of the scene.

"I really didn't think of it, actually, you will resurrect me!" The big snake pill slowly, then the burning looked at the eyes without God.

"Ha ... Hello ... I haven't seen you for a long time!" This is obvious that the ghost light is coming to greet the big snake pill.

"Big Snake Pill, I want you to do something!" Sasuke silent.

"That kind of thing, don't have to explain one by one!" The big snake pill turned to the help. "I saw it in the body of the red bean, the curse is the product I inject the Xianke Chakra, it is equivalent to separation from the body Will! "

"That is, do you know the war?"

"Of course! But about this, there is a saying in front, the water moon!" The big snake pill suddenly turned to look at the ghost lights.

"What?" Ghost the lights.

"I am not interested in this war. This is the war that is provoked by others!" The big snake pill is sneered. "If there is anything I am interested, it is to help the young body!"

"Look, I said that this is this!" Ghost Lights Water Moon A pair 'I have already expected the expression.

"But the words come back, now I am also unimattered!" The big snake pill repayment.

At this time, Sasuke will put the reel in front of the big snake pill.

"What do you want to do?" Dasun Pill asked.

"I know too little, I need them to tell me all the truths!" Sayuo.

"All the truth? You don't know more, you are still a child!" The big snake pill repayment.

"No! I am no longer a child! I want to know what this is what is the cause, what kind of attitude should I have, what kind of decision made!"

"Do you hesitate to revenge?" The big snake pill was laughed.

"No! I don't have any hesitation of revenge itself, goodbye, let me hate the leaves of the leaves than ever! But I want to know why the horses will protect the village, I want to know his true idea, the village What is it! "Sasuke slowly.

"I want to know everything, then determine my behavior through my own thinking!" Sasuke slowly.

Until this moment, Sasuke was only separated from the situation that was passed away, and he began to learn his thoughts.

"Yes? It seems that you are really mature!" The big snake pill turned, slowly went to the front of the pocket, then put the left hand in the shoulders of the pocket, and start absorbing the pocket. Chakra.

"Sasuke, he wants to absorb all the power to kill him again, be careful, don't be attacked by him!" The ghost light is running to Sasuke Remind.

The fairy model of the pocket gradually disappeared, and the big snake pill was constantly absorbing the power of the pocket.

"You see, the power of the pocket is really sucked away!" The ghost light is in a long time.

"No! Not this! He just unlocked the immortal model, and took back to Chakra belonging to him!" Tianchao rushed to the phone.

"Well, I will help you!" The big snake pill turned around. "You come with me!"


"A place you are also familiar!" The big snake pill back 300, "Okay, let's go!"

The lens will go to the battlefield of Naruto and mask.

The outer road magic is like a mad, and the gravel on the ground is also rolled into the air.

"I just swallowed in the mouth, it seems to be a bit wrong!" Akai Dado said.

"Just now ..." Naruto felt a very familiar atmosphere from Jacrat just now.

"Look carefully, then feel it!" The mask is murderous, "the resurrection of the ten tail! And the beginning of the world mode!"

"It turns out that the outer road is the ten tail!" Kakasi's appetite.

"Ah? What is the tail?" Naruto hurriedly asked.

"But what is going on, according to the previous five shaded conference, the mask man's declaration war said that this war is not to capture the nine-tailed Chakra?" Kasi is a little confused, "now octave and nine I haven't been captured? Is it a bluff? "

"Just that is the eight-tailed Chakra and a part of Chakra! Although I don't know where he is gone!" Night long wind.

"That is to say, can you only need a part of the strength?" Kakasi is sinking.

"Yeah! This is playing!" The night length of the body is on the feet, and the Buddha is pushing to the limit.

936 chapter, blocking the ten tail resurrection

For night-long winds, ten tails are undoubtedly very important, because the end of the ten tail is the largest power in the world, it is very important to the night-length wind that wants to turn it into a real world. Energy of a cornerstone.

Although the space in Xiaocheng is already a round hundred miles, it is still not enough for a world, and there is no way to bother life.

That is to say, there is no minimum place in the small world in the night.

"Naruto, change me!" The nineth said in the Naruto consciousness.


"What is the tail of the ten, you listen to it here!" Nine tail acquired the body control of Naruto, the eyes of the Naruto became bright red, and the face was also a trace of nine tail.

"You don't want to be anxious!" Jiuyou shouted at night.

"Well? This voice is?" Night wind and Kakasi and Akai.

"Hey ... the exchange of Naruto and the nine tail ... The nineth and Naruto have honestly be honest!" Chiraby didn't forget to sing.

"I am still unclear how much I can make ten tails to resurrect with octave and my Chakra debris!" Jiuyou Road.

"Cut ... I thought you had any way!" Night long wind turns to Tucao.

"We have to catch up with the tens of resurrection, think about it!" Kakasi hare.

"Carti, you are really relaxed!" Mask men suddenly rushed to Kakasi cold channel, "" The life full of remorse is very suitable for you! "

"Well?" Kakasi.

"Who is you?" Akai, on the side, looked at the mask male asked.

"People who can't remember their faces, tell you what is useful!" Mask men weave.

"You don't want to say it straight. Anyway, we will know later sooner or later!" The night is not full.

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