The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1018 of the Chapter 1018 of the Prince of Tennis

"Kakasi, you are right, you can only take the time now, before the ten tail resurrection ~ !" The nine tail slowly said, "The six immortal old man said, the day is completely resurrected, the world is the world Time! "

"What is the end of the tenth? Is it really so powerful?" Naruto asked in the consciousness.

"It is from one end to my nine tail, and it is the origin of Chakra, the god of creation! People have a variety of styles, such as Tianmu 1st ..." Jiujiu slowly explained that "it can enjoy the sea, crack, and move the mountains to create this land!"

"This is a bit too much ... I thought I was a plate!" The night is of course not believed to be the land opened by the Ten, if the ten tail is really creation, he should be and night The long wind has a small world, which can control all the rules of this space.

However, Chakra's source of energy should be the earliest source of ten tails. This should be no problem.

"Even if it is just a simple addition, ten tails also have the power of nine tail beasts, to tell the truth, just use me alone, I can't confront it!" The nine tail is rare.

"However, I and the eight-tailed Chakra were more powerful, and ten tails should not be completed, and there is also this kid as if there is no damage to the body, we may try it!" Nine tail silent.

"I kao ..., is you doing me as a meat shield warrior?" The night is weak.

"Oh, you are all wrong!" The mask male suddenly opened. "For me, the ten tide does not have to resurrect with complete body!"

"My purpose is just the big illusion 'unlimited month read', let all the human beings on this planet have fallen into the same illusion, create a unified world that is not separated, without war without war!" Mask men Start to discuss the transfer. Brain.

"Only abandoned individual consciousness, the truth will appear! This world does not need hope, future and famous hero! Even if the ten end is resurrected in an incomplete state, I can also show unlimited month read, then reality will End! "

"The remaining only endless dreams!" Mask men's hands.

"White is not satisfying your personal wishes, what dog truth! Unreal, true! Talk to fists and strength!" The night grew up, and the body is in the body.

At this time, the night's wind shines in the golden light, behind the dragon icon wrapped around the Buddha.

"I will eat me!" The night long-lived arm is in the back, this time is two times more.

boom! The night's fist is showled, with a boundless boxing, the gravel flying in the air runs through a moment, lightning is shot to the outer road.

! At this time, the mask man threw the Unecheya fan behind him in the air, and turned out most of the boxing of the night's hard work.

The huge explosion sounded, and the waves will keep the roaring outer road, and it is a huge pit!

However, the incarnation of the night-length body is not harmful to the external magic of the outside. At this time, the outer road is already starting to deform.

The ten disgusting eyes of the head is more blood exudation.

"I want to touch the outer road magic!" The mask man flashed to the night of the night, and the eyes were cold and cold.

"I will help you, the long wind!" The Naruto once again exchanged his body again and became the state of the nine-tailed Chakra coat and came to the night.

"Naruto, long wind! You know the ability of that guy, the moment he absorbed is the opportunity, then the guy will physicalize, ordinary attacks will only pass his body!" Carti reminded.

"Good! Naruto, I haven't been with a good time for a long time, you don't want to drag my hind leg!" The night's body is intentionally.

"Who wants to drag your hind legs!" Naruto shouted shouted, ~ ▉ ▉ , there is a black small tail beast jade in the right.

"Take it!" The body of the night-catching avatar and Naruto rushed to the mask.

"Eight tails, trouble you send me up!" Carti said to the Eight Tail.

"Ah! No problem!" Eight tails used the right hand to raise Kakasi.

At this time, the Naruto has been rushing to the face of the mask, and the night-long wind is shining behind the mask bits.

"Super mini beast jade!" Naruto sent the tail beast jade with the claws of Jiujikra, and hit the mask male, but it was still from the mask man's body.

"This is me!" The night grew fantastic font abroad, starting continuous swing, and there is dozens of punches between blinking.

!! ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

Bang! The huge explosion sounds again, and the energy of the explosion will swallow the three people at the same time!

937 chapter, Yuxi Wo

! In the flame of the explosion, the Naruto first was blown out and turned over to the ground.

The mask man is opened again, and the wind is escaping this attack. The night long wind is not moving at all, and she is impacted by huge explosion energy.

No damage!

"Very good! Naruto, long wind!" Kakasi has been held by the Eight, "the kaleidoscope writes the eyes!"

At this time, Kakasi opened the kaleidoscope to write the eyes!

"I have gathered enough Chakra!" Kakasi gods, the eyes put it on the body of the outer road, "I am sorry, my goal is the outer road magic!"

"Shenwei!" Kakasi drunk, made the space, the space of the outer magic, started to distort.

"As long as it is to tighten your head, even if the magic is strong, it will definitely be able to live!" Kakasi picked the "six-two" full of Chakra to support such a wide range of Shenwei.

The mask men and night lengthy winds and Naruto are attracted by this mighty.

"It is a teacher, great!" Naruto voice did not fall.

The spatial distortion of the outer road is suddenly stopped, and everyone is a glimpse.

"Too true!" Mask male cold channel.

"What's going on?" Chakra, Kakasi, can't help but squat on the palm of the eight tail, there is no gas in the mouth, "Do you say ..."

"Carti teacher's technique and this mask male is exactly the same, but there is no nice man who is used!" The night is thinking.

At this time, the Naruto rushed to the mask male [out] the claws of Jiuji Chakra.

Bang! The stone under the mask is grabbed, broken into four-point five cracked, scattered in the air, and the mask man disappeared in the air.

"Disappeared?" Kasi and Aku are a glimpse.

"Below!" The night grew in the wind and shorened to the people, and the mask male just drilled out from the feet of the Naruto.

"Ni!" Naruto was shocked and turned over in the air.

Bang! A sudden punch, the night long-term wind will stand a round big pit in the ground that the Narlet is standing.

The mask man has used the virtualization to escape the fist of the night.

"Kao! It's too much trouble, you can't get it!" Night live wind is somewhat uncomfortable, this kind of bloating is the most annoying night, and the boxing of the night-catching fans is simply a back.

Now he is only the strength of the body, in order to use the body or near the fight, there is no way to limit the mask.

boom! boom! Boom ~ The long wind is also anger, and the body is put into the power of the dragon icon of the whole body, and the Buddha statue is unexpected.

"I don't believe it, you can always use the blur!" The night's wind is instantly plated, and the speed is more than doubled than before.

"Let you taste my fifty consecutive wave!" Night lived winds, the two arms have risen double, and the blue blood in which it is reversed is the golden blood of the madness.

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