The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Tennis Prince Chao Shi Chapter 1020

"Well? What? Carti teacher, you said a little bit!" Naruto touched the negative of the brain.

"Just now, the injury should be caused by the spiral pill, and the body of the Naruto has passed through his right shoulder, the most critical is that this is in my use of Shenwei, Chakra of the spiral pill. The ball happened to the ball time! "Caassi slowly relieves the release.

"Caassi teacher means that this mask is men and space forces and your time and space. Is China Unicom?" Night winds.

"Ah! Yes!" Kardi nodded.

"Wait ... Wait! Carti teacher, why this guy is connected to your mouth space!" Naruto was shocked.

"That is to say, the space of time and space, no matter who is connected?" Akai also flashed to everyone.

"No! No! I am afraid I just connected to him!" Carti replied.

"Don't say this first, why the long-winding boxing is unable to attack him, and the spiral pills just transferred by Kasse West, can you play him? And the long-blown fist is also rubbing When I arrived in his mask! "Naruto hurriedly asked.

"Yeah, even if it is connected to the time, it is not necessarily hitting the guy!" Akai attached to the road.

"That is what we have made up!" Carti said.

"Ah! What does this mean?" Naruto and Aku were surprised.

"That is to say, the mask man is not blush or penetrating, but the part of his body is hit to the different space, while Kakari teachers smashed the spiral pill of the Naruto. The ball moved to the same space, causing hurting the mask male! "Night winds.

"Yes! And the long-winded boxing can attack him, maybe because the speed of the long winds is too fast, causing the distortion of the space, let him move a small part of the energy to time and space!" Kakasi supplements.

"So, there is only one problem, why Carti teacher's pupil is connected to this mask man!" Night grew 070 wind silent.

"Kakasi, is he ..." Akaiji in the side wrinkled.

"Where did you get it!" Kakasi glanced at the mask male asked.

"Hey! Where do you ask?" Mask men snort, "If you want to say, it should be the last battle, God has no fleet! That is, you get a famous war of writing wheel eye hero. ! "

"You are!" Kakasi showed a shock.

"I said, don't just open!" Mask men pointed to Kasi, "I have already fallen into a person who will only play the mouth, no matter what, there is no meaning and value!"

The mood of the mask is more exciting than before, "Even if you regret it now, the reality will only advance the forward, you should understand that there are countless battles, there is no hope in this world! So I have to put This world leads to the dream of unlimited months! "

At this time, Kasi's closed written eyes, the body is also very tired, and it is still sturdy.

"Cardi, you are fine!" Akai took the shoulder of Kakasi.

"Carti teacher was disturbed by this guy!" The night's eyebrows wrinkled, thinking in non-stopping, "the scene can hurt the mask male this guy, only by Kakasi teacher's might. ! "

939 chapter, the cooperation of the seventh class

"But Kakar's state is now ..." The night's wind sweeps a low-end silence. "" Well, you can't manage so much. If my fist is faster, I should still Torked the space, causing a bigger damage to the mask man! "

"Naruto!" Night, the right foot is behind, "cover me, I will solve this guy!"

"Oh!" The Narler once again opened the status of the nine tail chakra coat.

boom! boom! When the Naruto and night costumes jumped at the same time, flying towards the mask. At this time, the two people shine with golden light, and the night's Buddha statue is more embarrassing!

"This time is a hundred consecutive fluctuations!" The night's hands were in the back of the back, and then the continuous waves were more than doubled than before.

~ The space in front of the man is bombarded by the night, and the air lined by the night's body is embarrassing!

The space of the mask is also distorted, and he has moved his body from his body.

"Naruto!" The night grew up.

"Come!" Naruto forwarded, and the claws of Jiujikra at the hands of the two hands were at the same time.

The mask man is hit by the front and forth, the belly is affected!

boom! boom! The explosion continues to rang, and the surrounding gravel is smashed by the union attack of the night length and the Naruto.

However, the mask men came out from the claws of the nine tail of the Naruto, and they were not damaged, and they were not damaged, but the mask of the head was contaminated with some dust.

"Kakasi, we are also!" Akai turned his head to Kasi Shen Sheng.

"That guy, is it ..." Kakasi lowered his head, it was rare to stop in the battlefield.

"Kakasi! Cardi!" Akai continued yell, Kakasi came back to God.

At this time, Kaki's forehead is already a fine sweat. Although it covers the face, Carti can't hide the color.

"I can imagine what you are thinking now ... I am also the same` ▉! "Akai urged," But first put those things aside, there is no time to be sad. You see your two apprentices, Rushing in the forefront! "

"Hey! Even if you know how the principle is? Your attack is still invalid to me!" The mask men's eye caves showed a vortex.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉, the mask male's eyes suddenly shoots more than ten huge darts, while ejecting to Naruto and Night.

! The Naruto is exhibited, and the top of the head appeared in Chakra instantaneous fictitudes, and took a big mouth and biting the darts.

boom! On the other side, the night length of the other is not flashing, letting a few darts hit on their Buddha gold.

"This kind of customs also want to hurt me?" The night grew smiled and darts directly fractured in the moment of touched the night-catching body.

It is necessary to know that after the night cost is opened, the hardness of its flesh is already the existence of hard to resist the beast jade explosion. The darts made by this steel will not be able to leave anything on the night length. Mark of.

"Carti teacher, how long have you still have to worry!" The night's long wind turned straight. "You are the teacher of the Woody Jun, just so stupid, it is really over!"

"Well?" Kakasi heard the challenge of the night, "" Changfeng, this stinky boy! "

"Haha, Cardi! You are a single wind between my wooden leafy Blue Beast! Not because of this little thing, I am alzen to my age!" Akai suddenly laughed.

"Ah!" Carti's eyes finally returned to the war. "If you lose to the long wind, it will be calculated. If you lose it to Naruto, you can't do it! Let's go ... Akai!"

bass! Kakasi's closed written eye opened again, the demon ray flashed.

"Yes, this is my competitor!" Carti and Akai started at the same time, and the two rushed to the mask.

"I just resumed a little Chakra, but this can only support several small gods!" Kakasi looked at the mask male.

"Your Shenwei can't continue to use, and it is still a borrowing is afraid!" The kaleidoscope written in the men's eye hole is open, "this time, let you see the real power of Shenwei, Kakasi!"

"This time, the might ... I can't ... miss the time!" Cardi and mask men simultaneously musently in the body of Chakra, making the gods.

"The power of Shen Wei!"

The midwest of the two people hit in the air, which was unsearched.

At this time, the mask male leaps to the high altitude by flying on the air.

"Shen Wei!" He suddenly had a vortex appearance before his eyes, which shot a black steel nail.

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