The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1021 of the Super Short System of the Prince of Tennis

boom! boom! Boom ~ Some steel nails are shot to the Naruto and Eight.

The Naruto flashed the attack, and the eight tail was because the body was too big, and many [part] bit were hit instantly.

At this time, the thirtomorned permanence showed the purple chain, and it was the lock of the magic.

"This is!" The turn of the Eight-Tail shouted, "Naruto ... this iron chain has a curse of the seal of the beast! Listen, don't touch it!"

"Changfeng, you come to cover me!" Naruto gathered to Chakra's ball.

"No problem!" The night long wind flashed to the Naruto, put all the steel nails of the Naruto to the nuts directly using his body, which is the Buddha's golden body.

! At this time, the Naruto raised the spiral pill to jump to the air and rushed to the mask.

The night-catching wind is also jumping, flies to the direction of the air mask, while the right follows up, the two is the attack toward the mask male!

"Shen Wei!" And Kakasi under the two once again made the Shenwei.

"Hey! Is this the same trick?" Mask male cold (?) Snoring, in the swirls in front of the sky, an instant shot more than the previous quantity of steel, it is simply a heating People are forcing.

Dang! Excessive use of Shenwei's force Kakasi, the physical strength is not directly fell to the ground.

"Kakasi!" Akai hurried down and explored the situation in Cardi.

At this time, the blood of Kakasi is oozing in the eyes of the silk, and it is obvious that it is not too good.

"Oh, Kakasi! It seems that you have not transferred the spiral pill this time!" Mask men brugged, "Wasted the power of Shen Wei!"

"Not yet finished!" After the Naruto was forced to fall, the nine tail of the head directly gathered into the head of the nine.

At this point, the nine tail mouth is directly condensed out a tail beast.

boom! The tail beast is spit out in an instant, and it is directly exploded by the mask male.

Will be shocking with the night wind and mask men after the mask bits!

940 chapter, Yuxi wave belt soil

At this time, the mask men have come to the space of the Shenwei, escaping the attack of the Naruto Tail Beast in an instant.

"Well?" The mask male suddenly glanced, he felt the dangerous breath and immediately looked up.

Let the mask men have never been thought of that the night of the night is in the space of the Shenwei.

"You are!" The mask has a shocking color that is difficult to cover in the eyes.

"I am your grandfather!" Night, the right arm is exhibited, the right fist is clarified, a boxing mask man!

"It turns out! Just now Kakasi's Shenwei in order to transfer the spiral pill, but the little wind is a small child! Kasi this guy!" Mask men are already in a hurry, "Worse!"

! Night wind a punk mask man's head mask.

! The mask is self-proclaimed by the mask. The mask made by the special material is bombarded by the night long!

"Guy who is tibied, who is it?" The night grew and drunk, and the dragon icon behind him roared.

bass! After that, the power of the Shenwei disappeared, the mask male returned to the real world, and the night cost is also returned to the fire world through Xiaohe.

When the night grows, I am only coming to the space of the Shenwei, that is, because of his body's avatars can always enter the small world, then return from the space of the small world to the world.

When the mask men and night winds return to this battlefield, Akai-483- and Kakasi see the real face of the mask men are in an instant, a unbelievable expression.

"You are ... with soil?" Akai Shen said, "Do you really bring terrestrial?"

"He should be dead!" Akai took a unstable Cardi.

"Well? It seems that you really know him!" When the night grew, he asked.

At this time, Carti, the expression on his face was shocked than Akai. He looked at the eyes of the mask, "Will n't be wrong, he is Yuxi Bo ... with soil!"

"Sure enough, Yuxi Bo family! Can use the eyelid to this point, in addition to my body, only the people of the Yishabo family!" Night lives low.

"Hey! If you are willing to call me, then you will just!" Yuxi Bo took the lifetime of Kakasi, "This is no meaning for me!"

"You ... At that time ..." Kakasi thoughtfully, suddenly returned to the battle of God.

At that time, Yuxi Board and Kakasi and Kakasi were a team. After they were chased by the enemy, Yisi Board was opened for the first time, and saved the younger wooden talents at that time (DBAI) ).

However, in the escape, the three places where the three people standed over and a huge stone fell!

Yuxi Bo has pushed Kakasi, and he was pressed [in] under the boulder.

"Nothing, Lin ... Kasi!" Was pressed [in] Yuxi wave under the boulder, only half of the body.

"Bring the soil!" At that time, the young Kakasi was shocked, and then hurriedly stood up. He ran to the boulder. He pushed the boulder with his hands. He wanted to rescue it.

However, the weight of the boulder is too big, and the strength of Kakasi at that time cannot drive the boulder.

"Stop! Forget it, Cardi! I have ... can't!" Yu Zhiso has more and more blood, "My right half is almost smashed, even feel ... Gone!"

"Be evil!" Caassi's volleyball team is on the ground, "What captains do I endure!"

"Say ... I forgot! Only I haven't give you a gift yet, congratulations, Congki!" Yuxi Bo with soil, "I put this only wrote the favorite to you!"

"What!" Kakasi was shocked, "I don't want your writing wheel! You have to live, bring soil!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I am dead! Lin, you helped me transfer my eyes to Kakasi!" Yisi Board is getting thinner.

After some struggle, Kaki has accepted the writing of Unechyo, at this time, Cardi's eyes are full of tears.

"Kakasi! Lin, please!" Yu Zhishi with soil.

"Ah!" Kakasi nodded.

At this time, the enemy's ninja arrived, Kakasi's forcibly pulled Lin, and Yishibo belt soil was buried under the bottom of the enemy.

Back to the real world, Kasi is shocked, "It turns out ... You are still alive!"

"Who is he?" Naruto asked loudly, Kasi and Akai's expression made the Naruto ambiguous.

"He is the same period of the wooden, the foliage of the Yishabo family, and in the last war, we have thought that he died ..." Akai explained.

"Since you are still alive, why is it now ..." Kakasi's burning looked at Unechebra, and asked.

"I or if it is, this is not critical!" Yu Zhibo belt soil is cold, "However, since you said this, it is because you are gone, see you!"

Kakasi heard the name of Lynch, the sweat of the forehead is like the rain, and his eyes are also awkward.

"You don't have to apologize!" Yu Zhibyo took the cold channel, "In addition, don't show the pair of expressions, Kasi!"

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