The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1022 of the Super Short System of Tennis Prince

"Are you not blame me?" Carti is a glimpse.

"So bored reality, what can I do now?" Yuxi Bo took the face of a sorrowful and sorrowful man, and it was very much looking to give him a punch.

"I am not interested in this upcoming world!" Yuxi wave looked up at the sky road.

"Carti teacher, what happened between you has passed! It is the first thing to stop this guy now!" Night long reminded.

"Yes! The long wind said it is right!" Akai hurriedly turned to Kasi said, "Now this world has been threatened, must stop with soil!"

"Hey! I don't have anything to you! No one can stop me!" You also showed a whirlpool before the eyepiece of Yuxi Bo, "Dinn!"

"Fire, explosive dance!" Yu Zhibo spit out the long dragon of the flame in the mad mouth, under the mobility of the vortex distorted space, to the night-hearted, etc., the momentum is very big!

At this time, the Naruto jumped to the front of everyone.

Bang! The fire of Yuxi Board, suddenly stretched out after the people, the nine roots of the nine Chaka, and the Mars were scattered in the air.

The four-week Jiujikra is fluctuated in the air, and the waves that bring the surrounding gravel are overturned, and constantly scroll on the ground.

"Is the force of the nine tail?" Yuxi Board took the potential mouth.

boom! boom! At this time, there were sudden two bright light in front of everyone, and a big hole was brought into a large hole in the place where Uzhi Board and the Naruto.

941 chapter, original plan

After the smoke is exhausted, there is a slow standby of Unexpello, which is the Yuxi Bouvet from the First Brigade of the Ninja Joint Army.

It is a night-length wind that appears around the Naruto. No, it is ready to say that the bone of the night is.

Previously, Yu Zhibo spheres were unsenent, and there was no choice to wrapped again with the night-catching, but directly rushed to the battlefield of Unexhoe's belt, which is the nine-tailed and Chilabi of Naruto. The battlefield of the eight tail.

He is already waiting unhappy, and he felt a dangerous breath from the night-hearted body, he didn't want to do a multi-wind multi to correct [wrap].

And the night's live wind is not fully blocked. Because the night is seven, the body's load is also quite large, and because the relationship between Xuanyuanjian, Chakra in the night-long body has left many.

So the night-hearted wind is not known to the ghost, replaced his own body with the bone, so that the body returns to the small world, and the bone is coming to this place with Yuxi Bao, standing to the side of the Naruto.

That is to say, there is a bone of the night long wind.

The body of the night is in the space of the small world. By letting the Shenshu absorbed the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead of the undead, then one breath is even five.

Then the end of the night, the body of the night will return to the state of the [] peak, and after passing the evil battle of Yu Zhibo spheres, the strength of the night long wind is once again improved.

The fire of the blood depth definition has been converted to black, and the night long wind is now able to summon high-level undead creatures, such as Tianhuo Dragon.

In addition, the writing of the night long wind is also in the stimulation of Yuxi Boss, and the number of times the whole must be opened, and the number of times can be launched more than before.

As for the body of the body, there is also a change, and the night-long wind has developed a lot of sterilization about the bones of the body. It is homemade. At this point, Chakra, the full body of the night, has been transformed into a more advanced black Chakra than Purple Chakra. At the same time, his body's bones are also transformed into black.

The three blood seasses on the night's wind have improved, and the flesh of the night, the body of the night is also improved to the force of the three dragon icons.

Once again, I didn't know that the body and my bone were lifted, and there were two nights in front of the nun.

One is the body and the other is outside the avatar.

"Ah, the long wind, you!" Naruto pointed to the new night, the mouth is growing up, "How come you come again!"

The night flies shook their heads. "I am not talking to you, this is my branch!"

Night wind makes it together to integrate the body into the body and your own body, so there is a night's cold.

Outside the avatar is from separated from the night-catching body, it can also be integrated together.

After the convergence, the flesh of the night, the body is two, and the Buddha is in the body!

"Oh!" Naruto nodded, "I remembered, long wind, your body is not fighting with Yuxibo? Do you say win?"

"Oh, in that!" The night length referred to the opposite side of Yuxi Bo spots standing next to Uzhi Bo.

"Hey ... stinky is actually followed!" Yu ▉ ▉

"You still have fun here ... bring soil!" Yu Zhibo spherically turned his face with an expressionless Yisi wave belt.

"Is it? Is it a spot?" Kakasi and Akai also looked at the look of Yuxi Bouza with soil.

"This guy is zeals ..." Naruto is put on the body of Yuxi Bo.

"It can actually reflect on the reincarnation of the reincarnation, it is really your style!" Yuxi Bo looked at the spot.

"Don't say this first, how do you grind now!" Yuxi Bao said cold.

"Slightly dotted, this is a small ghost called the night, it is already three times to hind me!" Yishibo took the soil and looked at the night.

"Hey ... I have been shackled with this wolf, how can you become so weak, bring soil!" Yu Zhibo spoke.

"Start!" At this time, the moment of the night's hands and the hands of his shoulder [out] there are no numbers of black bones, will

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942 chapter, the past

Bang! The power of the bombing of the tail beast on the Yuxi wave fan is all blocked by the night length.

Under the break of the energy of the explosion, the night cost is not only no injury, but the Buddha is even more shining, and the foot of his flying is to kick the Unechello fan in Yuxi Board.

boom! boom! Boom ~ ▉ ▉, the night grows up for arsenal, and it is the full bombardment of the three-box dragon icon.

!! ~ ▉ ▉

For a moment, Yuxi Bao sphere was bombed after the night, and the body was constantly exploded. Every explosion was a big hole.

The debris flew in Yuxi Bao Zhou, and the embankment was turned around, and his body was quickly returned to Yisi Bo.

"The strength of this little ghost is getting worse, I didn't expect, I still said to me, you are not hit!" Yu Zhibo belt soon.

"Hey ... There are many secrets on this little ghost. After the end of this war, I will seize him to study!" Yu Zhibo spoke, "but now ... I went to pack up eight tails and nine tails ! With the territory, the two guys also have night long-lasting little ghosts to give you! "

bass! In the first moment, Yu Zhibao disappeared, and he became the end of the eight.

"Hey ... I will throw it to me, I am just like before!" Yu Zhisho took the earth and did not show the night of the night.

"With the soil, what do you have before? Why do you want to face with that person?" Carti is shocked at this time.

Yisi Bo took the soil and looked at Kakasi, flashing a beautiful light, his thoughts came back to the war that changed his life.

"I ... is it dead?" Yu Zhiwei, which was buried by the boulder and local soil, and the land of Underground was slowly opened, and the only eyes were opened.

It is actually an old man who is indiscriminated in the eye, and this old man is the written eye of the three hooks.

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