The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1024 of the Chapter 1024 of the Super Short of Tennis Prince

"Where can I go out?" Asked with the land. City

"No, after you come in, the spot is blocked with a rock!" White is separated.

"It's evil! This dead old man, don't think that you can stop me!" With the loud voice.

After that, Unexhoe has a long rehabilitation process in the cave of this closed door.

I don't know how long it took, the body of the column between his right side is gradually growing, and the body is also integrated and better under the hard practice.

Until one day, the white suddenly slammed out from the ground.

"I just went out, you are talking about the hazard every day, it seems dangerous!"

"What happened?" I hurriedly asked.

"They are isolated without helplessness, surrounded by the ninja in the fog hidden village!"

! After listening to the floor, jumping down from the bed and runs toward the door of the cave, then a boxing on the rock at the door.

! The huge rock is just a little crack, and the right hand that is just rehabilitation is directly broken by him, dropped (DBCE) on the ground.

"Ox!" With the soil, cover his right shoulder.

"With your current body, you can't fight the rock!" The other twinkle jumped to the back of the land.

"I have to save cartsi and Lin!" With soil.

"Okay, put on my body!" White opened his body, slowly attached to the belonging to the earth, the right arm with soil and the right hand fused together.

"Are you not a spotted man? Is this good?" With the terrible.

"You saved Cardi and Lin, I will help you!" Two white eyes said.

! After the convergence, a boxing is on huge rocks.

Bang! Huge rocks crushed into a stone, four scattered on the ground.

"Very good!" I nodded with the dirt.

"Do you want to leave?" At this time, he opened his eyes.

"You saved me, I am very grateful, but I have to go now!"

"You are too anxious, I am still too early!"

"I have to go now, and probably not coming back!" Said the soil.

"You will be back ..." There is no expressive cold channel.

"White guy, tell me where Lin and Kakasi are you!" With the territory, he didn't pay back, but in the white way, it came to the place where the Ninja, who was surrounded by the village of Ninja. .

However, the belonging, but at this time, he saw a scene that had never been thought of, and Kakasi actually inserted the Raytrane's power to the chest.

"Kakasi ..." Len is full of tears, Kasi is also tears.

bass! Kakasi passed the right hand, and Lin is also in the moment, and death on the spot.

Seeing all the way to write the eyelids in the eyes of the earth, from the two hooks to the three hooks, and finally open the kaleidoscope to write the eyes!

Seeing your beloved people die in my most trusted partner, let the soil directly open the kaleidoscope to write the wheel!

At the same time, the eyes of Kakasi belt also opened the kaleidoscope writing in an instant.

! After Kakasi opened his eyes, Chakra in the body consumed a empty and fell straight on the ground.

With the land, it is a big name, and instantly attracts the attention of the ninja of Blood and Mist Village, Kakasi and Lin.

"Who?" The ninja in the blood and homun village shot from the soil, but he passed the body of the belt.

"How can there be this kind of thing ..." With the madness to rush to dozens of blood mist villages alone.

There are several breaths, with the ground, write-eyed eyes, with wooden restriction, and kill all the blood mist villages in the scene.

For a time, blood flows into the river!

With the territory never thought that it should be a happy reunion for him, it turned out to see the scene like hell.

"I am really in hell now!" With the land, holding the body of Lin, Yang Tianzhu ...

944 chapter, create a new world?

"I want to create a world that only has peace, cutting all the causality!" With the soil recalling, this scene is nothing to wash. Brain.

"I am back!" With the land again returned to the spotted cave.

"Hey ... didn't you have discovered?" It seems that I have already added this ending.

"Don't worry, bring the soil has killed all the enemies, so no one will see him!" White opened everything through the mouth of the belt, "he only put Kaki However, Kakasi is already dizzy, so I don't know anything about these things. "

"So when the reinforcement of wood leaves, Kakasi is also called who kills the enemy ..."

"There is still a heart to the past companion, with soil!" Looking at the soil cold.

"No! I just feel that it is nothing to do. In this world, the guy is dead. It doesn't matter. There will be a new Kaki in the world that will renovate ... Lin!" Belt the expression and past It is completely different.

"Spot ... I will tell me how to create a dream of dreams!" With soil.

"Look at my eyes!" The hook in the spots turned, "from today, you are the savior!"

With the soil, it is then the illusion of the spot.

"You are in my illusion, although it is still a blank, but I can create everything and give everything through your own will!" Sputum slowly.


"After connecting to the magic, you can use the enemy's power to enlarge the illusion, then create the world you want, and then let everyone fall into this illusion, and in this world!" The spots becomes young in the illusion.

"How to do it?"

"With the moon instead of this eye to enlarge this scope, I can complete the world of dreams!" Spot smile, at this time, it is a huge magic image in front of the territory, and the magic is a huge eye. It is a rotation!

"All this is also said from the sixth cactus and ten ..." , "" With the battle between the column, I got the cells of the column, I transferred his cell to my wound, I didn't have any reaction! "

"Until I am going to die, I opened my eyes, and some seals were also unspeakable. Thanks to this, I can get out of the empty shell from Sealing Stone!" Relieve the release.

"Ten tail empty shell?"

"I called it as the outer road, and that the stone is actually our commonly known as the moon! After I immediately use the magic as the medium to train the cells. That is, these people are actually a column. Cloning body! "It refers to the white way in front of you," It's very bad! "

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