The Prince of Tennis Super God System

Chapter 1025 of the Chapter 1025 of Wangzhao of Tennis Prince

"Without Yuxi Bo and thousands of hands, you can't open the turn, let alone the magic of the magic, your right half is connected to the cells of the thousand hands, even if there is no æ ▉ , to control the devil What is not a problem like! "The spotted head looked at the earth.

"With the soil ... I will teach you the ban on Yischi and Yin Yangxi!" Spot and the soil returned to the real world, and the spotted his will inject his will, turned into a white body. Black. "Sell

"This is equivalent to half of me, you can use the yin and Yang army to block the chess pieces!" Sprote slowly, "as for these blacks, I use six ways. You can use it ... "

After all of this, I started to continue, it is obviously the life. "You go to the Ninja of the rain, long door, my eyes are still in him, let him use the reincarnation to repurse" ... then set up the tail beasts from all over the world ... "

"Be sure to remember! This is my plan!" Said ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ ▉ "

After that, the soil was contacted by the body and the three people and the NAOK, and the requirements of cooperation were put forward, and then they were treated by Nikhi.

Then the soil will summon the nine tails in the wood, which has made a series of incidents, in fact, in order to create the ideal world you want in his heart.

To a certain extent, under the hit of reality, the soil is washed out of the spotted. Brain.

When I returned to the battlefield, Yishihu spots did not follow the plan to be reincarnated to be resurrected, but it was still a reincarnation of the vibrant.

At this time, the spot came to the nam and eight tail eyes.

······ Flowers ·······

"You are Yu Zhibo spots? I will not be confused by your flowers, I am the son of the fourth generation of fire!" Naruto cried.

"Hey ... is it?" The spotted right hand, and the Chakra, which was bubbled again.

boom! At this time, a huge wooden dragon slammed out from the ground, surrounded by spots.

"This is the wooden dragon who once touched the nine tail!" The huge wooden dragon before the eyes looks domineering, and the creature of the live and the best and the wood used is not a grade.

"It's a lot of spots, I can play the strength of the first generation, this Mulong looks very strong!" The night-long sweeped a wooden dragon behind him.

"The spot is really a strong outrageous ..." eight tail depths.

................ ▉.

"Your dead has already entered the soil!" The Naruto looks solemnly, and the weighing is also the nine tail of the golden nine-tailed Chakra aggregation.

For a moment, the Naruto directly rushed to the spot, and the wood dragon before the blunt was also in front of the nine tail, and the nine tail of the golden Chakra is all wrapped in [wind], and it is a burst of bursts. Dragon's voice.

"Why, why do you want to flow with the spot!" Carti is still repeating the same problem in non-stop.

"I have nothing to say about you, there is only this final battle between us!" The earth slowly slowed the god from the memories, and then looked at Kakasi cold channel.

"Before again, you have to pass me!" Night lived Kahasi behind him.

"Changfeng ... you!" Kakasi.

"Carti teacher, continuous use of the Shenwei Your Chakra, there is not much left!" Night wind slowly, "still let me solve this happiness!"

"The stinky ghost, I have already been to you for a long time!" You started to show the vortex before the ground.

bass! bass! ~ ▉ ▉ ▉

"I didn't say it, this kind of thing is useless!" The night's hands quickly printed, and then he was shot on the ground.

Bang! A dark wall of the dark rose from the ground, and the darts played on the bone wall and was directly broken or bounced, and did not leave a trace of a bit.

945 chapter, super giant tail beast jade

bass! At this time, the body of the belt is directly drilled in the bone wall, and the hand is holding bitterness, and the head of the night is not stabbed.

"Roll!" The night's wind and right hand show, the invisible repulsion field instantly, and the hard work in the hand is not pressed in the moment.

The body of the belt is directly drilled directly from the power field, and it is also the method of using the .

"Why?" Kakasi is still talking repeatedly.

With the soil, it passed through the night-long wind, and directly grabbed the hands behind him, and the whirlpool brought by the right eye directly pulled Kaki in the midst of the Shenwei.

On the other hand, the golden nine-tail of the Naruto is bound by a huge wooden dragon, and its light is getting more and more bleak.

"Well? The Mulong is absorbing the nine tail of the Naruto!" The night is a little regret "six zero" will make the body and the body's body integration together, because after the convergence, it is a short time There is no way to separate again.

Now the spots and soil are in a battlefield, and the night-catching firefighters don't know which side.

bass! At this time, Kakasi, who was inhaled to the Qiqi, and did not stop gasping, "With the soil ... you have been a hero in my eyes!"

"Shen Wei!" Kakasi once again opened his eyes and escaped from the Shenwei space.

"Out! Carti teacher, you have no problem!" The night is rushing to ask.

"The same eyes, it's still being fled out!" With the soil.

"With the soil ... Why is it like this, is it related to Lin?" Kasi asked.

At this time, the right eye was in the right eye, rushed to Kasi, "Waste not do, give me death!"

! When the soil fell, kicked the forehead in Kaki, at this time, the night long wind was coming to the belonging to the land, and it was also kicked out.

! Kakasi and the belt were also hit at the same time, both of them flew out.

Dang! Finally, fall on the ground!

"Yes, I am a waste! I have not abide by the agreement, but you are the hero of the wooden leaves, why do you want to stand up!" Kakasi slowly stood, his eyes turned to the soil.

"Oh ... this is the reality!" The healing of the right half of the right half of the night, "" In this world, the Ninja, Tonghua will become a waste! We two are absolutely Good example, Kasi! "

"Carti teacher!" At this time, the Naruto and Eight Tail were tied by the wood dragon.

"Carti teacher, no. Was washed. The people who have been greeted from the heart will not look back, say so much, fight!" The golden light in the eyes of the night.

The night-long wind is already full of these people's mouth guns. It is a matter of satisfying individuals. This is nothing. It is a feeling of each other.

The reason why these crown of crowning is to create a new world will disgust.

"Hey ... I have to usher in the new world, let me clean up the battlefield!" Yuxi Board once again showed a blue Chakra giant that must be Sasone, or a blue Chakra knife.

"MD, you are more troublesome, and Laozi is now very hot!" The night's wind is shining, and the night long does not want to talk to Yizhibo spheres and belt nonsense.

! When the night is long, the right foot is in the back, the huge explosion sounds, the night-catching body is a golden long dragon, and the faucets of the Naruto and Eight Tailings.

"Death!" The night is drinking, but not only the golden long dragon is not only roaring.

"A boxing soul!" Night long wind is a punch for the huge faucet of Mulong.

For a time, the dragon is shocked, and the night grows, it is Jinlong and Mulong, and the dragon collided in the air.

It is also a huge explosion. Between the sky, the golden dragon swallows the faucet of Mulong, the dragon's dragon is also inch cracks, and then chemically embossed between woods between the heavens and the earth.

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